2025-02-04 20:09:10 +08:00

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Intel.RealSense;
using Emgu.CV.Structure;
using Emgu.CV;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Stream = Intel.RealSense.Stream;
using System.Threading;
using WindowsFormsApp1; // 根据你的项目命名空间进行修改
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers.IOSystemDomain;
using yolov5_onnx.Mod;
using static WindowsFormsApp1.ExtrinsicsExtensions;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using NetTopologySuite.GeometriesGraph;
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
namespace RealSence_PathMove
public class IntelRealSense
private readonly Form1 form;
public IntelRealSense(Form1 form)
this.form = form;
/// <summary>
/// 相機連結狀態
/// </summary>
enum CameraState
Disconnected = 0,
Connected = 1,
Opened = 2
Colorizer colorizer = new Colorizer();
Align align = new Align(Intel.RealSense.Stream.Color); // 深度影像MAP彩色影像
CameraState CamState = CameraState.Disconnected; // 初始狀態設為斷線
public AdvancedDevice DeviceName;
private Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline();
internal PictureBox pictureBox2;
internal PictureBox pictureBox3;
internal PictureBox pictureBox4;
internal PictureBox pictureBox5;
private CustomProcessingBlock block;
internal CancellationTokenSource cts;
private System.Threading.Tasks.Task dataProcessingTask = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.CompletedTask; // 初始化为已完成的任务。
VideoStreamProfile depthStream;
VideoStreamProfile colorStream;
public Intrinsics depthIntrinsics; // 定義成員變數,以便在不同方法中訪問
public Extrinsics depthExtrinsics;
public Intrinsics colorIntrinsics;
public Extrinsics colorExtrinsics;
public Bitmap bmpColor; // 請確保這裡有定義 bmpColor 成員
public Bitmap bmpDepth;
public List<System.Drawing.PointF> yoloFeaturePoints = new List<System.Drawing.PointF>();
// 假设您已经获得了特徵點在相機座標系中的坐标列表 cameraPointsList
List<MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Vector<double>> cameraPointsList = new List<MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Vector<double>>();
public int objectCounter = 1; // 初始化物體編號為1
StringBuilder coordTextBuilder = new StringBuilder();
private readonly object frameLock = new object();
public int deepestX, deepestY, shallowestX, shallowestY, Goldsamplepointcloudnumber;
public double X, Y, u, v, percentageInsideCrop;
public float Z, x, y, z, Rx, Ry, Rz, threshold, deepestZ, shallowestZ, GolddeepestZ, GoldshallowestZ;
public string folderPath, fileName, folderPath1, fileName1;
public ListViewItem Item { get; set; }
public bool camclose;
public Extrinsics SharedExtrinsics { get; private set; }
public ushort[] DepthData { get; private set; }
public Bitmap yoloimage { get; private set; }
public float MaxDepthValue { get; private set; }
public System.Numerics.Vector3 cameraPoint { get; private set; }
public float scale { get; private set; }
public Image<Rgb, byte> ColorImg { get; private set; }
public Image<Rgb, byte> DepthImg { get; private set; }
public Image<Rgb, byte> ROIImg;
public Bitmap bitmap { get; private set; }
public ushort[] croppedDepthData;
// 在類別中添加一個 List<Vector3> 來儲存三維座標
public List<System.Numerics.Vector3> storedCoordinates = new List<System.Numerics.Vector3>();
public Bitmap DepthBitmap { get; private set; }
public Rectangle CroppingRect { get; private set; }
public byte[] ColorData { get; private set; }
public Bitmap DepthImg1Bitmap { get; private set; }
public bool frameReceived = false;
public bool captureThread1bool = true;
public bool TakeImage;
public int i = 0;
public Thread uiThread; // UI 线程
public CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
public delegate void NewFrameEventHandler(VideoFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame);
public event NewFrameEventHandler NewFrameArrived;
public event NewFrameEventHandler NewFrameArrived11;
/// <summary>
/// 初始化設定並連接RealSenseL515相機
/// </summary>
internal void Connect()
var ctx = new Context();
// 查找L515设备
var devices = ctx.QueryDevices();
var adev = devices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Info[CameraInfo.Name] == "Intel RealSense L515");
if (adev == null)
throw new Exception("No RealSense L515 detected");
// 连接成功
Console.WriteLine("Connected to: " + adev.Info[CameraInfo.Name]);
/// <summary>
/// 開RealSenseL515相機
/// </summary>
internal void OpenCamera() //開啟相機
var cfg = new Config(); // 通過序列號啟用設備
cfg.EnableStream(Stream.Depth, 640, 480, Format.Z16, 30);
cfg.EnableStream(Stream.Color, 640, 480, Format.Rgb8, 30);
pipeline = new Pipeline(); // 建立管線
var pp = pipeline.Start(cfg);// 啟動管線
// 獲取深度流和彩色流的配置
depthStream = pp.GetStream<VideoStreamProfile>(Stream.Depth);
colorStream = pp.GetStream<VideoStreamProfile>(Stream.Color);
SharedExtrinsics = depthStream.GetExtrinsicsTo(colorStream);// 獲取深度流到彩色流的外部參數 // extrinsics.rotation 是列主要的旋轉矩陣 // extrinsics.translation 是以米為單位的 xyz 位移
var p1 = SharedExtrinsics.Transform(new Intel.RealSense.Math.Vector());
Console.WriteLine($"將外部參數應用到原點:({p1.x}, {p1.y}, {p1.z})");
var sensor = pp.Device.QuerySensors().First(s => s.Is(Extension.DepthSensor)); // 取得深度感測器
var blocks = sensor.ProcessingBlocks.ToList(); // 取得處理區塊
Sensor sensor1 = pp.Device.Sensors[0];
scale = sensor1.DepthScale;
Console.WriteLine("取得深度單位" + scale + "m");
// 建立自定義處理區塊
block = new CustomProcessingBlock((f, src) =>
using (var releaser = new FramesReleaser())
// 對每個框架執行處理區塊
foreach (ProcessingBlock p in blocks)
f = p.Process(f).DisposeWith(releaser);
// 對齊
f = f.ApplyFilter(align).DisposeWith(releaser);
// 使用 colorizer 處理區塊上色
f = f.ApplyFilter(colorizer).DisposeWith(releaser);
// 取得影格
var frames = f.As<FrameSet>();
var colorFrame = frames[Stream.Color, Format.Rgb8].DisposeWith(releaser);
var depthFrame = frames[Stream.Depth, Format.Z16].DisposeWith(releaser);
var colorizedDepth = frames[Stream.Depth, Format.Rgb8].DisposeWith(releaser);
// 合成影格
var res = src.AllocateCompositeFrame(colorizedDepth, colorFrame, depthFrame);
// 啟動自定義區塊
block.Start(f =>
// 取得影格
using (var frames = f.As<FrameSet>())
// 取得彩色與深度影格
var _colorFrame = frames.ColorFrame.DisposeWith(frames);
var _depthFrame = frames.DepthFrame.DisposeWith(frames); // 原始的 depthFrame
var colorizedDepth = frames.First<VideoFrame>(Stream.Depth, Format.Rgb8).DisposeWith(frames); // 取得彩色化的深度影格
Image<Rgb, byte> emguImage = ColorFrameToImage(_colorFrame); // 轉換成影像格式
bitmap = emguImage.ToBitmap();
var imageDepth = DepthFrameToImage(colorizedDepth); // 轉換成影像格式
DepthBitmap = imageDepth.ToBitmap();// 將 Emgu CV 影像轉換成 Bitmap
// 在 UI 線程上更新 PictureBox
// 觸發 NewFrameArrived 事件
OnNewFrameArrived(_colorFrame, _depthFrame);
OnNewFrameArrived1(_colorFrame, _depthFrame);
cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
// 创建并启动数据处理任务,覆盖现有的任务。
dataProcessingTask = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
while (!cts.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
using (var frames = pipeline.WaitForFrames())
if (frames != null)
frameReceived = true;
frameReceived = false;
if (!frameReceived) // 如果没有接收到相机的帧数
if (form.cameraOpened) // 如果相机已经打开,则关闭它
{ = false;
form.cameraOpened = false;
await CloseCamera(); // 關閉相機
if (!form.cameraOpened) // 如果相机未打开,则打开它
{ = true;
OpenCamera(); // 打開像機
frameReceived = true;
}, cts.Token);
catch (Exception ex)
private void OnNewFrameArrived(VideoFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame)
NewFrameEventHandler handler = NewFrameArrived;
handler?.Invoke(colorFrame, depthFrame);
private void OnNewFrameArrived1(VideoFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame)
NewFrameEventHandler handler11 = NewFrameArrived11;
handler11?.Invoke(colorFrame, depthFrame);
// 將深度影格轉換為影像
Image<Rgb, byte> DepthFrameToImage(VideoFrame frame)
// 轉換並複製影格資料
var image = new Image<Rgb, byte>(frame.Width, frame.Height);
var bytes = new byte[frame.Stride * frame.Height];
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(frame.Data, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
// 指定影像的位元組資料
image.Bytes = bytes;
return image;
// 將彩色影格轉換為影像
Image<Rgb, byte> ColorFrameToImage(VideoFrame frame)
// 轉換並複製影格資料
var image = new Image<Rgb, byte>(frame.Width, frame.Height);
var bytes = new byte[frame.Stride * frame.Height];
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(frame.Data, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
// 指定影像的位元組資料
image.Bytes = bytes;
return image;
/// <summary>
/// 關RealSenseL515相機
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task CloseCamera()
if (pipeline != null)
CancellationTokenSource localCts = cts; // 避免并发访问
System.Threading.Tasks.Task localDataProcessingTask = dataProcessingTask;
if (localCts != null && !localCts.IsCancellationRequested)
localCts.Cancel(); // 取消任务
if (localDataProcessingTask != null)
// 等待数据处理任务结束
await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.WhenAll(
System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(Timeout.Infinite, localCts.Token)
catch (OperationCanceledException)
// 忽略任务取消异常
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error during camera close: " + ex.Message);
if (pipeline != null)
pipeline.Stop(); // 停止管线
pipeline.Dispose(); // 释放资源
pipeline = null; // 确保不再引用已关闭的管线
/// <summary>
/// 提取金樣本
/// </summary>
public void CaptureImagesAndSave() //提取金樣本
DigitalSignal digitalSignalDo0 = (DigitalSignal)Form1.controller.IOSystem.GetSignal("Do0");
DigitalSignal digitalSignalDo1 = (DigitalSignal)Form1.controller.IOSystem.GetSignal("Do1");
digitalSignalDo0.Value = 1;
// 使用一個新的執行緒來運行 while 迴圈
Thread captureThread = new Thread(() =>
while (form.ImageProcessing)
if (digitalSignalDo1.Value == 1)
// 清除舊的資料
objectCounter = 1; // 重置物體編號1
digitalSignalDo1.Value = 0;
form.ImageProcessing = false;
// 啟動執行緒
/// <summary>
/// 提取比對樣本
/// </summary>
public void CompareSamples() //提取比對樣本
DigitalSignal digitalSignalDo0 = (DigitalSignal)Form1.controller.IOSystem.GetSignal("Do0");
DigitalSignal digitalSignalDo1 = (DigitalSignal)Form1.controller.IOSystem.GetSignal("Do1");
DigitalSignal digitalSignalDo3 = (DigitalSignal)Form1.controller.IOSystem.GetSignal("Do3");
digitalSignalDo1.Value = 0;
digitalSignalDo0.Value = 1;
ManualResetEvent pauseEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true);
// 使用一個新的執行緒來運行 while 迴圈
Thread captureThread1 = new Thread(() =>
while (form.ImageProcessing1)
Thread.Sleep(2); // 每 10 毫秒檢查一次
if (digitalSignalDo1.Value == 1)
digitalSignalDo1.Value = 0;
digitalSignalDo3.Value = 0;
digitalSignalDo0.Value = 0;
form.ImageProcessing1 = false;
// 暫停執行緒
// 啟動執行緒
// 恢復執行緒
public void Extract()
// 訂閱 NewFrameArrived 事件
NewFrameArrived11 += Comparesamples_NewFrameArrived;
public async void Comparesamples_NewFrameArrived(VideoFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame)
form.pictureBox6.Image = null;
byte[] colorData1 = new byte[colorFrame.Width * colorFrame.Height * colorFrame.BitsPerPixel];
ushort[] depthData1 = new ushort[depthFrame.Width * depthFrame.Height];
using (VideoFrame depth1 = colorizer.Colorize(depthFrame))
Image<Rgb, byte> ColorImg1 = new Image<Rgb, byte>(colorFrame.Width, colorFrame.Height, colorFrame.Stride, colorFrame.Data);
Image<Rgb, byte> DepthImg1 = new Image<Rgb, byte>(depth1.Width, depth1.Height, depth1.Stride, depth1.Data);
//Image<Rgb, byte> DepthImg2 = DepthImg1;
//DepthImg1Bitmap = DepthImg2.ToBitmap();
string colorFileName = $"Compare samples_Color.bmp";
string depthFileName = $"Compare samples_Depth.bmp";
//string YOLO = $"YOLO.bmp";
string colorPath = Path.Combine(folderPath1, colorFileName);
string depthPath = Path.Combine(folderPath1, depthFileName);
form.pictureBox6.Image = ColorImg1.Bitmap;
// 取得當前日期和時間
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
if (deepestZ != float.MinValue && deepestZ - shallowestZ > (GolddeepestZ - GoldshallowestZ) / 2.5 && i > percentageInsideCrop && deepestZ - shallowestZ < GolddeepestZ - GoldshallowestZ + 2)
NewFrameArrived11 -= Comparesamples_NewFrameArrived;
// 以日期時間為名稱建立資料夾
folderPath1 = $"C:\\c#\\cam\\比對樣本{now:yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss}";
await CalculateDisplacement();
// 以日期時間為名稱建立資料夾
folderPath1 = $"C:\\c#\\cam\\比對樣本超過範圍{now:yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss}";
if (form.checkBox1.Checked)
MessageBox.Show("超過離鏡頭允許範圍,請確認物件擺放位置\n 距離誤超過樣本位置3公分\n 確保物件在ROI範圍內");
NewFrameArrived11 -= Comparesamples_NewFrameArrived;
form.button30.Enabled = true;
form.ok1 = true;
// 检查文件夹是否存在,如果不存在则创建
if (!Directory.Exists(folderPath1))
/// <summary>
/// YOLO辨識
/// </summary>
public System.Drawing.Image ProcessImage(System.Drawing.Image colorBitmap) //YOLOV5-ONNX
yoloFeaturePoints.Clear(); // 清空上次的特征点
// 先複製原始圖片
var image = new Bitmap(colorBitmap);
var scorer = new YoloScorer<YoloCocoP5Model>("C:/c#/20231102/exp/weights/best.onnx");
List<YoloPrediction> predictions = scorer.Predict(image);
var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(image);
// 按照 centerX + centerY 的大小排序 predictions
predictions = predictions.OrderBy(prediction => prediction.Rectangle.Left + prediction.Rectangle.Width / 2 + prediction.Rectangle.Top + prediction.Rectangle.Height / 2).ToList();
foreach (var prediction in predictions)
double score = Math.Round(prediction.Score, 2);
graphics.DrawRectangles(new System.Drawing.Pen(prediction.Label.Color, prediction.Label.PenWidth), new[] { prediction.Rectangle });
var (x, y) = (prediction.Rectangle.X - 3, prediction.Rectangle.Y - 37);
// 計算方寬中心點和方寬寬高
float centerX = prediction.Rectangle.Left + prediction.Rectangle.Width / 2;
float centerY = prediction.Rectangle.Top + prediction.Rectangle.Height / 2;
float width = prediction.Rectangle.Width;
float height = prediction.Rectangle.Height;
// 將物體編號、物體名稱和信心值一起顯示在標籤中
var labelWithScore = $"{objectCounter}"; //{prediction.Label.Name}
new Font("Times New Roman", 20, GraphicsUnit.Pixel), new SolidBrush(prediction.Label.Color),
new PointF(x, y));
Item = new ListViewItem(new[]
objectCounter.ToString(), // 編號
prediction.Label.Name.ToString(),// 物體名稱
score.ToString(), // 信心值
(centerX,centerY).ToString(),// 方寬中心點
(height,width).ToString() // 方寬寬高
objectCounter++; // 增加物體编號
if (prediction.Label.Name == "solder joint") //篩選特徵點
yoloFeaturePoints.Add(new System.Drawing.PointF(centerX, centerY));// 將YOLO預測的特徵點座標添加到列表
form.pictureBox1.Image = image;
return new Bitmap(image); // 返回新的 Bitmap
/// <summary>
/// 儲存彩色和深度影像和YOLO影像
/// </summary>
/// <param name="colorImage"></param>
/// <param name="depthImage"></param>
/// <param name="yoloImage"></param>
private void SaveImages()// 儲存金樣本彩色和深度影像和YOLO影像
folderPath = "C:\\c#\\cam\\金樣本";
// 检查文件夹是否存在,如果不存在则创建
if (!Directory.Exists(folderPath))
// 在這裡加入儲存影像的程式碼,可以使用 Bitmap.Save 方法或其他方式進行儲存
string yoloName = $"Gold Standard_YoLo.bmp";
string yoloPath = Path.Combine(folderPath, yoloName);
// 釋放 yoloImage
string colorFileName = $"Gold Standard_Color.bmp";
string depthFileName = $"Gold Standard_Depth.bmp";
string colorPath = Path.Combine(folderPath, colorFileName);
string depthPath = Path.Combine(folderPath, depthFileName);
/// <summary>
/// $"YOLO特徵點({u}, {v})的三維座標: X={X}, Y={Y}, Z={Z}"
/// </summary>
public void Yolo3D()
ColorData = null;
DepthData = null;
// 初始化彩色圖像和深度圖像
ColorImg = null;
DepthImg = null;
// 訂閱 NewFrameArrived 事件
NewFrameArrived += Yolo3D_NewFrameArrived;
private void Yolo3D_NewFrameArrived(VideoFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame)
// 有興趣範圍
CroppingRect = new Rectangle(form.left,, form.right - form.left, form.bottom -;
ColorData = new byte[colorFrame.Width * colorFrame.Height * colorFrame.BitsPerPixel];
DepthData = new ushort[depthFrame.Width * depthFrame.Height];
using (VideoFrame depth = colorizer.Colorize(depthFrame))
ColorImg = new Image<Rgb, byte>(colorFrame.Width, colorFrame.Height, colorFrame.Stride, colorFrame.Data);
DepthImg = new Image<Rgb, byte>(depth.Width, depth.Height, depth.Stride, depth.Data);
Image<Rgb, byte> DepthImg1 = DepthImg;
DepthImg1Bitmap = DepthImg1.ToBitmap();
// 確保彩色圖丟進 YOLO 出來的特徵點是跟深度影像點位一樣的
yoloimage = (Bitmap)ProcessImage(ColorImg.Bitmap); // 丟入 YOLO
Bitmap yolo = (Bitmap)yoloimage.Clone(); // 使用 Clone 方法進行複製
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(DepthImg1Bitmap))
// 假設 deph 是包含深度值的集合
List<float> deph2 = new List<float>();
// 使用 yoloFeaturePoints 進行處理
foreach (System.Drawing.PointF featurePoint in yoloFeaturePoints)
// 假设 maxDepth 是您深度图的最大深度值
//float maxDepth = 100.0f;
//featurePoint 為彩色YOLO過的特徵點座標
int u = (int)featurePoint.X;
int v = (int)featurePoint.Y;
// 在深度图上对应像素的坐标
int depthPixelX = (int)u;
int depthPixelY = (int)v;
Z = depthFrame.GetDistance(depthPixelX, depthPixelY);
// 將深度值加入到 Z 集合中
cameraPoint = Compute3DCoordinate(depthPixelX, depthPixelY, Z);
MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Vector<double> cameraPointVector = MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Vector<double>.Build.Dense(new double[] { cameraPoint.X, cameraPoint.Y, cameraPoint.Z });
// 输出深度值
Console.WriteLine($"YOLO特徵點 ({depthPixelX}, {depthPixelY}): {Z * 100} cm");
coordTextBuilder.AppendLine($"YOLO特徵點({u}, {v}): 深度值: {Z * 100} cm");
form.label16.Text = coordTextBuilder.ToString();
Console.WriteLine($"相機座標系: ({cameraPoint.X * 1000}, {cameraPoint.Y * 1000}, {cameraPoint.Z * 1000}) mm");
System.Numerics.Vector3 currentCoordinate = new System.Numerics.Vector3(cameraPoint.X * 1000, cameraPoint.Y * 1000, cameraPoint.Z * 1000);
// 找出 Z 集合中的最大值
MaxDepthValue = deph2.Max();
Console.WriteLine($"maxDepthValue {MaxDepthValue} cm");
form.label21.Text = "待焊物離鏡頭距離不超過" + (MaxDepthValue * 100 + 3) + "cm";
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(DepthImg1Bitmap))
// 使用 yoloFeaturePoints 進行處理
foreach (System.Drawing.PointF featurePoint in yoloFeaturePoints)
// 假设 maxDepth 是您深度图的最大深度值
float maxDepth = 100.0f;
//featurePoint 為彩色YOLO過的特徵點座標
float u = featurePoint.X;
float v = featurePoint.Y;
// 在深度图上对应像素的坐标
int depthPixelX = (int)u;
int depthPixelY = (int)v;
// 在畫布上繪製特徵中心點
float depthPointRadius = 10.0f;
g.FillEllipse(System.Drawing.Brushes.Red, Convert.ToSingle(u - depthPointRadius), Convert.ToSingle(v - depthPointRadius), Convert.ToSingle(depthPointRadius * 2), Convert.ToSingle(depthPointRadius * 2));
float rectSize = 5.0f;
// 将深度值映射到颜色值(这里是简单的映射示例,具体映射关系可能需要根据实际情况调整)
byte mappedDepthColor = (byte)(Z / maxDepth * 255);
g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(mappedDepthColor, mappedDepthColor, mappedDepthColor)), depthPixelX - rectSize, depthPixelY - rectSize, 2 * rectSize, 2 * rectSize);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(yolo))
// 使用 yoloFeaturePoints 進行處理
foreach (System.Drawing.PointF featurePoint in yoloFeaturePoints)
// 假设 maxDepth 是您深度图的最大深度值
float maxDepth = 100.0f;
//featurePoint 為彩色YOLO過的特徵點座標
float u = featurePoint.X;
float v = featurePoint.Y;
// 在深度图上对应像素的坐标
int depthPixelX = (int)u;
int depthPixelY = (int)v;
// 在畫布上繪製特徵中心點
float depthPointRadius = 10.0f;
g.FillEllipse(System.Drawing.Brushes.Red, Convert.ToSingle(u - depthPointRadius), Convert.ToSingle(v - depthPointRadius), Convert.ToSingle(depthPointRadius * 2), Convert.ToSingle(depthPointRadius * 2));
// 在pictureBox1上绘制矩形表示深度图上的颜色值
float rectSize = 5.0f;
// 将深度值映射到颜色值(这里是简单的映射示例,具体映射关系可能需要根据实际情况调整)
byte mappedDepthColor = (byte)(Z / maxDepth * 255);
// 在pictureBox1上绘制矩形表示深度图上的颜色值
g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(mappedDepthColor, mappedDepthColor, mappedDepthColor)), depthPixelX - rectSize, depthPixelY - rectSize, 2 * rectSize, 2 * rectSize);
form.groupBox2.Enabled = true;
form.pictureBox1.Image = yolo;
form.pictureBox2.Image = ColorImg.Bitmap;
form.pictureBox3.Image = DepthImg1Bitmap;
// 檢查是否滿足條件,如果沒有,就等待直到滿足
while (!form.ROI)
Thread.Sleep(10); // 每 10 毫秒檢查一次
if (form.ImageProcessing == true)
form.goldsample = true;
form.goldsample = false;
TakeImage = true;
NewFrameArrived -= Yolo3D_NewFrameArrived;
public void ConvertDepthToPointCloud(DepthFrame depthFrame)
i = 0;
threshold = MaxDepthValue * 1000 + 40;
// 初始化追蹤最深點的座標和深度值
deepestZ = float.MinValue;
deepestX = 0;
deepestY = 0;
// 初始化追蹤最淺點的座標和深度值
shallowestZ = float.MaxValue;
shallowestX = 0;
shallowestY = 0;
// 初始化追蹤 y 軸最小值和最大值
float yMin = float.MaxValue;
float yMax = float.MinValue;
// 建立一個StringBuilder來儲存.pcd檔的內容
StringBuilder pcdData = new StringBuilder();
// 初始化一個列表來儲存點雲數據
List<string> pointCloudData = new List<string>();
// 取得影像中間的y座標值
// 遍歷深度數據的每一個元素
for (int y = 0; y < depthFrame.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < depthFrame.Width; x++)
// 檢查點是否在裁剪範圍內
if (x >= form.left && x <= form.right && y >= && y <= form.bottom)
// 將深度數據轉換為點雲數據
float Z2 = (float)depthFrame.GetDistance(x, y);
Z2 *= 1000;
if (Z2 < threshold && Z2 != 0)
float xx = (float)((x - colorIntrinsics.ppx) * Z2 / colorIntrinsics.fx);
float yy = (depthFrame.Height - y - colorIntrinsics.ppy) * Z2 / colorIntrinsics.fy; // 翻轉y軸的座標
float z = Z2;
// 更新 y 軸的最小值和最大值
if (yy < yMin) yMin = yy;
if (yy > yMax) yMax = yy;
// 將點雲數據儲存到列表中
pointCloudData.Add($"{xx} {yy} {z}");
// 根據 y 軸的範圍來定義矩形框的大小
float boxSize = (yMax - yMin) / 5; // 以五行為主
float boxMin = yMin;
float boxMax = boxMin + boxSize;
// 在定義的矩形框中找到最淺的點和最深的點
if (yy >= boxMin && yy <= boxMax)
// 更新最深點的座標和深度值
if (Z2 > deepestZ)
deepestZ = Z2;
deepestX = (int)xx;
deepestY = (int)yy;
// 更新最淺點的座標和深度值
if (Z2 < shallowestZ)
shallowestZ = Z2;
shallowestX = (int)xx;
shallowestY = (int)yy;
// 最深點的座標和深度值
Console.WriteLine($"深度限制: {threshold}");
Console.WriteLine($"最深點: X={deepestX}, Y={deepestY}, Z={deepestZ}");
Console.WriteLine($"最淺點: X={shallowestX}, Y={shallowestY}, Z={shallowestZ}");
// 寫入.pcd檔的頭部資訊
pcdData.AppendLine("VERSION .7");
pcdData.AppendLine("FIELDS x y z");
pcdData.AppendLine("SIZE 4 4 4");
pcdData.AppendLine("TYPE F F F");
pcdData.AppendLine("COUNT 1 1 1");
pcdData.AppendLine("WIDTH " + i);
pcdData.AppendLine("HEIGHT " + 1);
pcdData.AppendLine("VIEWPOINT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0");
pcdData.AppendLine("POINTS " + i);
pcdData.AppendLine("DATA ascii");
// 寫入.pcd檔時從列表中取出點雲數據並寫入.pcd檔
foreach (string point in pointCloudData)
if (form.goldsample == true)
Goldsamplepointcloudnumber = i;
// 計算在裁剪範圍內的點的百分比
percentageInsideCrop = Goldsamplepointcloudnumber * 0.7;
GolddeepestZ = deepestZ;
GoldshallowestZ = shallowestZ;
Console.WriteLine($"金樣本點雲數量 {Goldsamplepointcloudnumber}");
// 指定儲存.pcd檔的資料夾
folderPath = "C:\\c#\\cam\\金樣本";
// 指定.pcd檔的檔名
fileName = "Gold Standard.pcd";
// 檢查資料夾是否存在,如果不存在,則建立該資料夾
if (!Directory.Exists(folderPath))
// 檔案將被儲存到指定的資料夾
File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(folderPath, fileName), pcdData.ToString());
Console.WriteLine($"比對樣本點雲數量 {i}");
// 取得當前日期和時間
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
if (deepestZ != float.MinValue && deepestZ - shallowestZ > (GolddeepestZ - GoldshallowestZ) / 2.5 && i > percentageInsideCrop && deepestZ - shallowestZ < GolddeepestZ - GoldshallowestZ + 2)
// 以日期時間為名稱建立資料夾
folderPath1 = $"C:\\c#\\cam\\比對樣本{now:yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss}";
// 以日期時間為名稱建立資料夾
folderPath1 = $"C:\\c#\\cam\\比對樣本超過範圍{now:yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss}";
// 指定.pcd檔的檔名
fileName1 = "Compare samples.pcd";
// 檢查資料夾是否存在,如果不存在,則建立該資料夾
if (!Directory.Exists(folderPath1))
File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(folderPath1, fileName1), pcdData.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// 相機座標系中的像素座標轉換成相機座標系中的三維空間座標
/// </summary>
/// <param name="u"></param>
/// <param name="v"></param>
/// <param name="Z"></param>
/// <param name="dist">DepthFrame在座標(x,y)的深度值(單位m)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public System.Numerics.Vector3 Compute3DCoordinate(double x, double y, double Z)
X = (float)((x - colorIntrinsics.ppx) * Z / colorIntrinsics.fx);
Y = (float)((y - colorIntrinsics.ppy) * Z / colorIntrinsics.fy);
// 畸變模型
if (colorIntrinsics.model == Distortion.ModifiedBrownConrady)
float r2 = (float)(X * X + Y * Y);
float f = 1 + colorIntrinsics.coeffs[0] * r2 + colorIntrinsics.coeffs[1] * r2 * r2 + colorIntrinsics.coeffs[4] * r2 * r2 * r2;
float ux = (float)(X * f + 2 * colorIntrinsics.coeffs[2] * X * Y + colorIntrinsics.coeffs[3] * (r2 + 2 * X * X));
float uy = (float)(Y * f + 2 * colorIntrinsics.coeffs[3] * X * Y + colorIntrinsics.coeffs[2] * (r2 + 2 * Y * Y));
X = ux;
Y = uy;
Console.WriteLine($"Compute3DCoordinate: {X} m ,{Y} m ,{Z} m");
return new System.Numerics.Vector3((float)X, (float)Y, (float)Z);
/// <summary>
/// 相機內外參參數
/// </summary>
internal void InternalAndExternalGinseng()//內參出輸
// 打印深度流和彩色流的内参信息
depthIntrinsics = depthStream.GetIntrinsics();
depthExtrinsics = depthStream.GetExtrinsicsTo(colorStream);
colorIntrinsics = colorStream.GetIntrinsics();
colorExtrinsics = colorStream.GetExtrinsicsTo(depthStream);
Console.WriteLine("寬度: " + depthIntrinsics.width);// 深度相機寬度
Console.WriteLine("高度: " + depthIntrinsics.height);// 深度相機高度
Console.WriteLine("Fx: " + depthIntrinsics.fx);// 深度相機的水平焦距
Console.WriteLine("Fy: " + depthIntrinsics.fy);// 深度相機的垂直焦距
Console.WriteLine("Cx: " + depthIntrinsics.ppx);// 深度相機的主點在水平方向上的坐標
Console.WriteLine("Cy: " + depthIntrinsics.ppy);// 深度相機的主點在垂直方向上的坐標
Console.WriteLine("模型: " + depthIntrinsics.model);// 深度相機的内參模型
Console.WriteLine("寬度: " + colorIntrinsics.width);
Console.WriteLine("高度: " + colorIntrinsics.height);
Console.WriteLine("Fx: " + colorIntrinsics.fx);
Console.WriteLine("Fy: " + colorIntrinsics.fy);
Console.WriteLine("Cx: " + colorIntrinsics.ppx);
Console.WriteLine("Cy: " + colorIntrinsics.ppy);
Console.WriteLine("模型: " + colorIntrinsics.model);
/// <summary>
/// 計算位移量
/// </summary>
public async Task CalculateDisplacement()
await Task.Run(async () =>
using (Process process = new Process())
{ = false;
form.cameraOpened = false;
form.label17.Text = "相機狀態:關";
form.button27.Text = "開相機";
form.label17.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
await CloseCamera(); // 關閉相機
process.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\\Users\\asasa\\Desktop\\PCLdemo\\build\\Debug\\PCLdemo.exe"; // C++程式的路徑
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
// 讀取C++程式的輸出
string output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
// 顯示C++程式的完整輸出
// 指定輸出文件的路徑
string outputFilePath = "C:\\c#\\cam\\output.txt";
// 讀取輸出文件的整個內容
string fileContent = File.ReadAllText(outputFilePath);
// 將文件內容按逗號分割成字符串數組
string[] values = fileContent.Split(',');
// 檢查值的數量是否正確
if (values.Length == 6)
// 提取並使用每個值
if (float.TryParse(values[0], out x) &&
float.TryParse(values[1], out y) &&
float.TryParse(values[2], out z) &&
float.TryParse(values[3], out Rx) &&
float.TryParse(values[4], out Ry) &&
float.TryParse(values[5], out Rz))
// 显示提取到的值
Console.WriteLine($"x: {x}, y: {y}, z: {z}, Rx: {Rx}, Ry: {Ry}, Rz: {Rz}");
if (x != 0)
// 嘗試關閉 C++ 進程
if (!process.HasExited)
process.Kill(); // 強制關閉