Holds name and value for an attribute.
Initializes a new attribute instance.
The name.
The value.
Gets/Sets the name.
Gets/Sets the value.
Checks two attrbute nodes for eqaulity.
The to compare with.
True if the nodes are equal.
Returns the string representation of this object.
The text/name and value of the object.
Writes the cfg v1 format to a stream.
Initializes the writer object with a stream.
The stream.
Initializes the writer object with a stream and the max number of
characters for each row.
The stream.
Number of characters per row
Flushes the writer object.
Writes an attribute.
The name.
The value.
Writes a cfg header.
Controller version high.
Controller version low.
Writes Properties.
The properties/header comments of the file.
Writes the start of an instance.
Writes the end of an instance.
Writes the start of a type.
The name.
The alias, optional.
Writes the end of a the type.
Disposes the current writer object.
Base class of all collection nodes.
Clears all items.
Inserts an item at the index.
The index.
The item.
Removes an item.
The index.
Sets an item.
The index.
The item.
Gets an item from its name.
The name.
The item.
Encapsulates a complete configuration document.
Gets/Sets the controller version.
May be an empty string if no version is specified.
Gets/Sets the controller version.
May be an empty string if no version is specified.
Gets/Sets the domain for this object.
Gets/Sets the version string.
Gets/Sets the unit property string.
Checks is two documents are equal.
The document to compare to.
True if the documents are equal.
Returns the string representation of this object.
The domain of the object.
Use this class to serialize a document object into a file
format using a supplied writer object.
Initializes the DocumentSerializer object.
The Document to serialize.
Serializes the document to disk.
The writer to serialize to.
Holds data for a cfg instance.
Initializes a unnamed instance node.
Initializes a named instance node.
The name of the instance.
Gets the name of the instance.
Checks if two instances are equal.
The instance to compare with.
True if the nodes are equal.
Returns the string representation of this object.
The name of the object.
Defines the interface of a node object.
Gets/Sets the text of the node.
Parses a configuration file into configuration document.
Initializes a parser object.
The file to open.
Initializes a parser object.
The stream to parse.
Disposes the current object.
Parses the data into a Document.
The document.
Use this class to scan a stream for configuration tokens.
Initializes the scanner with a stream object.
The stream to scan.
Disposes the current object.
Gets the next char from the stream.
The next char from the stream.
Gets the next token from the stream.
The token.
Peeks the next char from the stream.
Peeks for the next token.
The token.
Abstraction of a configuration token.
Initializes a new token object.
The token type.
The token text.
Initializes a new token object.
The token type.
The charachter.
Gets the char if not a string.
Gets/sets the column.
Indicates that the current token is a continue line char.
Inidicates that the current token is a end of stream token.
Indicates that the current token is a LineFeed.
Indicates that the current token is a text token.
Indicates that the current token is a separator.
Gets/Sets the row of the token.
Gets the token text.
Gets the token type.
Checks if two tokens are equal.
The object.
True if the objects are equal, otherwise false.
Checks if two tokens are equal.
The token.
True if the tokens are equal, otherwise false.
Gets the hash code for this object.
This is based on the text property.
The hash code.
Gets a string representation of the current token.
The text.
All available tokens in a configuration file.
Unknown token.
Token is a separator.
Token is a comment.
Token is a text.
End of stream token.
Token is a line continue char. '\'
Token is a line feed.
Special node for a configuration type.
Initializes a new TypeNode instance.
Gets/Sets the type alias.
Gets/Sets the text, this is the type name.
Checks if this node is equal to the provided node.
The node to compare with.
True if the node are equal.
Returns the string representation of this object.
The text/name and alias of the object.
This defines the main interface for a configuration
writer object.
Initializes a new writer object.
Disposes the current writer object.
Flushes the content into the underlaying stream.
Writes an attribute.
The name.
Writes an attribute.
The name.
The value.
Writes a simple header.
The domain.
The configuration format version.
Writes a versioned header.
The domain.
The configuration format version.
The high controller version.
The low controller version.
Writes properties.
The properties/header comments of the file.
Starts a new instance.
Ends the current instance.
Writes a configuration type.
The name of the type.
Writes a configuration type.
The name of the type.
The type alias.
Ends the current type.
Dispose extension point.
True if called by dispose, otherwise false.
Describes the current availability of a Controller.
Controller is available.
Controller was removed from network.
Controller has become unavailable through an external event.
Current run level of controller.
Unknown level.
System running.
This class contains the "simple" information
that is available about a controller without
connecting to it
Not for public use.
Gets the Availability of the controller.
Gets the controller name of the controller.
Get the Id of the controller.
Get the RunLevel of the controller.
Gets the system id of the controller.
Gets the system name of the controller.
Gets the mac address of the controller.
Gets the netscan id of the object. Not for public use.
Gets the host name of the controller.
Gets the base directory of a virtual controller.
Gets the version of the system on the controller.
Gets the RobotWare version as a string
Supported from RW 6.03
Gets the IP address of the controller.
Gets a flag to indicate if the controller is virtual or real.
Returns the TCP port number for a virtual controller when using Robot Web Services.
Supported from RobotWare 6.03.01.
ABB internal use only
Checks if this object system id is equal to the provided Guid.
Guid to compare two.
True if this objects SystemId is equal as systemId.
Checks if this object has same systemId as the provided info object.
ControllerInfo object to compare two.
True if the systemId is same on both objects.
Combines the two other equals operations.
Object to compare with.
True if the system ids are equal.
Compares two ControllerInfo objects for equility.
Object 1.
Object 2.
True if both objects have the same system id.
Compares two ControllerInfo objects for in equility.
Object 1.
Object 2.
True if both doesn't have the same system id.
Gets the hash code for this object. Based on the system id.
A collection of ControllerInfo object.
Gets/Sets the ControllerInfo object at the specified
Adds a ControllerInfo object to the collection.
Object to add.
The index of the object.
Adds a range of ControllerInfo objectst o the collection.
The objects to add.
Adds a range of controller info objects to the collection.
The objects to add.
Gets the index of the object.
Object to look for in the collection.
Index if found, -1 if not available in the collection.
Insert a object at the specified index.
Index to insert object at.
Object to insert.
Removes a object from the collection.
Object to remove.
Checks if a object is available in the collection.
Object to look for.
True if the object is found.
Copies the content of this collection into the array.
Target array.
Start index in array.
Creates an array object that contains all objects from this array.
A matching array with the same objects.
Compares two instances of ControllerInfo through
the IComparer interface. Used for sorting and searching.
Built for extensibility since the default only compares
the System Names.
Used to compare two instances of ControllerInfo, this method
only compares the SystemNames, override and extend if needed.
Instance X.
Instance Y.
Zero if equal, less then 0 if x is less then y, otherwise more then one.
This enum controls how a stream to the controller is opened.
No access.
Read access to stream.
Read and write access to stream, same as Read | Write.
Write access to stream.
Specifies the operating modes of the controller.
Automatic mode (production)
A change to automatic mode has been requested.
Initialize mode.
Manual full speed mode.
A change to manual full speed has been requested.
Manual reduced speed mode
Controller operating mode is not applicable in current controller state.
Specifies the states of the controller.
Emergency stop state.
Emergency stop reset state.
Guard stop state.
Initialize state.
Motors off state.
Motors on state.
System failure state.
Unknown state.
Specifies the enable state of the controller.
Specifies how mastership should be handled by a GUI client
The user must explicitly take mastership before executing an action.
This is the default for real controllers.
The client should automatically request mastership before executing
an action, and release it afterwards.
This is the default for Station controllers.
This enumeration specifies predefined event categories available in the event log in an IRC5 Controller.
RobotWare Add-Ins may define their own categories outside the range of positive integers specified by this enumeration.
All elog events, but Internal.
Operational events.
System events.
Hardware events.
Program events.
Motion events.
Operator events.
IO events.
User defined events.
Optional productos events. These events are obsolete
Process events.
Configuration events.
SpotWeld events.
Paint events.
Picker events.
This class represents a EventLog domain in the controller.
When the last instance of this class, created for a certain controller, is disposed any will update
its messages.
Gets the available categories of the .
An array of the available categories inside the EventLog domain in the controller.
Type of the ///
A object to represents the Event Log's category. If the category does not exist, the return value is null.
This overload takes an as parameter. This enumeration can represent the categories predefined by ABB but not categories defined by RobotWare Add-Ins. You can use the overload to pass an integer that can represent predefined categories as well as categories defined by RobotWare Add-Ins./>
Gets the specified event log category.
A object to represents the Event Log's category. If the category does not exist, the return value is null.
Clears any in any .
This method clears the eventlogs in the controller.
Raised when a new event is written to the log.
Raised when a new event is written to the log.
This class represents a catefory of messages of the EventLog.
Gets the id of the category. The val
Gets the type of the category.
One of the values.
Gets the localized name of the category.
The text associated to the name of the category.
Gets the available messages inside the Event Log Category of the controller.
An array of the available messages inside the Event Log Category of the controller.
Retruns the number of messages in the controller event log
Clears all the messages related to this category of the event log.
Predefined event types available in a ABB Controller.
An error event.
A warning event.
An information event.
This class represents a message of the .
Gets the title of the message.
The text associated to the title of the message.
Gets the body of the message.
The text associated to the message..
Gets the number of the message.
The integer associated to the number of the message.
Gets the sequence number for the message
Gets the time information specific when the event happened.
A DateTime that represents the time when the event happened.
Gets the type of the event message.
A EventType enum value that represents the type of the event message.
Gets the category to which the event message belongs.
Gets the category to which the event message belongs.
A EventCategoryTypeType enum value that represents the category of the event message.
Defines size and enumerators for a collection of instances.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Retrieves the item at the specified indexed location in the collection.
The item at the specified location.
Clears the internal list.
Gets the internal list, used for updates.
The internal list.
Gets the number of items in the collection
Copy a portion of the to an array.
The array to copy items to
The location within the destination array
to copy the items from the collection to.
Copy a portion of the to an array.
The array to copy items to
The location within the destination array
to copy the items from the collection to.
Gets an object that can be used to syncronize access to
Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection.
An IEnumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
Provides data for the event.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the event log message that was written to the log.
An that represents the mesasage that was written to the event log.
Event handler for a new eventlog message.
Specifies how a Rapid program should be loaded.
Do not allow replacement of a allready loaded module
Allow replacement of a allready loaded module
Defines the search method for a symbol search.
Search current block.
Search current scope.
Defines the task types.
Normal task type.
Possible to enable/disable in task selection panel.
Static task type.
Semi-static task type.
Symbol types possible to search for.
No type.
All atomic types.
Record components.
Persistent data.
Routines, Function | Procedures | Trap.
Data, Constant | Variable | Persistent
Type of symbol.
Url to type declaration
Data type
Url to type declaration
Data type
Url to type declaration
Data type
Properties for persistent data
Whether locally declared or not, false if global module persistent, else true
Whether declared as task pers or not
Url to type declaration
Data type
Url to type declaration
Data type
Defines task execution level.
An execution level basically consists of
the RAPID program stack, callchain and PCP.
A task has exactly one (or no) current execution level.
The three execution levels form a hierarchy, where User is the highest,
and Normal is the lowest. That is, if User exists,
it is the current level etc.
The normal execution level must exist for the trap or user level to be able to exist.
The user execution level can exist without the trap execution level to exist.
When a higher execution level is cleared, the next execution level in the hierarchy is
made current, i.e., the PCP is restored etc.
No execution level active.
Normal execution level. For normal program execution.
Trap execution level. Created by RAPID for execution of
trap-routines when RAPID interrupts occur.
User execution level. Created by RAB clients, e.g.,
for execution of service-routines.
Defines the search properties for a symbol search.
Creates a symbol search property object.
Search method.
Types to search for.
Recursive search.
Include local parameters.
Include global parameters.
Include only symbols that are in use.
Creates a symbol search property object.
Search method.
Types to search for.
Creates a symbol search property object.
Search method.
Creates a symbol search property object.
Include global symbols.
Include symbols in use.
Include local symbols.
Search recursive.
Search method.
Types to search for.
Creates the default search properties
Default search properties for NO kind of symbol. MUST set Type!!!
Creates default properties for a data search.
Default search properties for a data search.
Creates default properties for a data search.
Recursive search.
Default search properties for a data search.
Creates default properties for a data search.
Default search properties for a data search.
Creates default properties for a data search.
Recursive search.
Default search properties for a data search.
Creates IRapidData objects from strings and
RapidSymbol objects.
Private ctor to prevent external object creation.
Creates an RapidData instance from the specifed symbol and
value string.
The Symbol to create a value from.
The value to create object for.
The value.
Createsa RapidData instance from the specified value and value string.
Symbol of type.
Preparsed value.
The matching IRapidData object.
Creates an array of IRapidData objects for a symbol
from the specified values.
Symbol to create data for.
Values to create data for.
Array of IRapidData objects.
Defines the visitor interface. Implement this
to walk the entire tree.
Visit method for DataNode objects.
Visited data node.
A data node from a RAPID data string in a separated fasion.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The text to parse.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The initial list of children.
The list of children found in the parsed data at this level.
This is mutually exclusive with Text.
The text of the current node.
This is mutually exclusive with Children.
Starts a visitor structure walk operation.
Visitor object.
Formats ParserTrees to RAPID strings.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The node to format.
Returns the formatted rapid string.
Rapid string.
Parses Rapid data strings into well ordered trees.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The text to parse.
Parse method for repeated calls.
Data to parse.
The tree for the data.
Parses a data into a tree of Nodes.
The tree for the data.
Gets the next charachter or \0 if we are at the end
of the string.
The next char or \0.
Gets the next token.
The token.
Loops until the end of the rapid string is encountered
or throws a format exception if such is missing.
Abstracts a complete rapid data array object into
a single interface for utilization of bridge pattern
to implement customizable data access behaviors.
Gets/sets data in a one dimension array.
Gets/Sets data in a two dimension array.
Gets/Sets data in a three dimension array.
Gets the length of the array in the first dimension.
Gets the number of dimensions of the array.
Gets the length of the array in the specified dimension.
Dimension to get length for.
The length of the specified dimension.
Parses the string into the current array object.
Value to parse.
Gets the string representation of the object.
Get the string for this object.
This enum controls how an array is connected to the
array in rapid.
Default flag mode for initialization.
Snapshot, all data from the array is transfered from rapid
to controller prior to access.
No data is stored locally.
Represents a RAPID array.
Gets/Sets the current mode of the array.
Gets or sets the base index of array.
Gets/sets data in a one dimension array.
Gets/Sets data in a two dimension array.
Gets/Sets data in a three dimension array.
Gets the number of dimensions of the array.
Gets the array length in the first dimension.
Gets a IEnumerator object for the array,
The enumerator object.
Gets the length of the specified dimension.
Zero based index.
Dimension to get length for.
The length of the dimension.
Returns the string representation of the rapid data array.
The string representation with the value of the rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the ArrayData data type.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
This method is not supported.
Represents a rapid data of type bool.
Initializes a new instance of the class with a specific value.
Gets an empty Bool object.
Get/Sets the value of the variable.
Converts a Bool struct to a bool.
A Bool struct reference.
The bool value that is stored in the Bool struct
Thin wrapper around IConvertible.ToBoolean( IFormatProvider ).
The Bool value for this object.
Fills the struct with a bool value.
The new value stored by the struct.
Gets the datatype object for this type from the supplied controller.
Controller containing the datatype.
A valid datatype object if it exist on the controller.
Parses the string into a Bool object.
Value to parse into object.
The Bool object.
Attempts to parse the string into object.
Value to parse.
The result of the parse operation.
True if parse succeeded.
Returns the string representation of the bool rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the bool rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation. This is Obsolete, use instead.
The new value stored by the struct.
Fills the object from the specified parser root. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Value to fill structure with.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the Bool data type.
Fills the object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
root does not represent the Bool data type.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
value does not represent the Bool data type.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
Represents a rapid data of type Byte.
Initializes a new instance of the structure with a specific value.
Gets/Sets the value of the object.
Gets an empty Byte object.
Converts a Byte struct to a System.Byte
A Byte struct reference.
The byte value that is stored in the Byte struct
Gets the datatype object for this type from the supplied controller.
Controller containing the datatype.
A valid datatype object if it exist on the controller.
Parses the string into a Byte object.
Value to parse into object.
The Byte object.
Attempts to parse the string into object.
Value to parse.
The result of the parse operation.
True if parse succeeded.
Returns the string representation of the num rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the num rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation. This is Obsolete, use instead.
The new value stored by the struct.
Fills the object from the specified parser root. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Value to fill structure with.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the Byte data type.
Fills the object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
root does not represent the Byte data type.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
value does not represent the Byte data type.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
Represents a rapid data of type ConfData.
Gets an empty confdata object.
Gets or sets the value of Cf1.
A int that represents the Cf1 value.
Gets or sets the value of Cf4.
A int that represents the Cf4 value.
Gets or sets the value of Cf6.
A int that represents the Cf6 value.
Gets or sets the value of Cfx.
A int that represents the Cfx value.
Gets the datatype object for this type from the supplied controller.
Controller containing the datatype.
A valid datatype object if it exist on the controller.
Parses the string into a ConfData object.
Value to parse into object.
The ConfData object.
Attempts to parse the string into object.
Value to parse.
The result of the parse operation.
True if parse succeeded.
Returns the string representation of the confdata rapid data.
The string representation with the value of rapid data type ConfData.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation. This is Obsolete, use instead.
The new value stored by the struct.
Fills the object from the specified parser root. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Value to fill structure with.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the ConfData data type.
Fills the object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
root does not represent the ConfData data type.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
value does not represent the ConfData data type.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
Represents a rapid data of type ExtJoint.
Gets or sets the value of Eax_a.
A float that represents the Eax_a value.
Gets or sets the value of Eax_b.
A float that represents the Eax_b value.
Gets or sets the value of Eax_c.
A float that represents the Eax_c value.
Gets or sets the value of Eax_d.
A float that represents the Eax_d value.
Gets or sets the value of Eax_e.
A float that represents the Eax_e value.
Gets or sets the value of Eax_f.
A float that represents the Eax_f value.
Gets an empty ExtJoint object.
Gets the datatype object for this type from the supplied controller.
Controller containing the datatype.
A valid datatype object if it exist on the controller.
Parses the string into a ExtJoint object.
Value to parse into object.
The ExtJoint object.
Attempts to parse the string into object.
Value to parse.
The result of the parse operation.
True if parse succeeded.
Returns the string representation of the extjoint rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the ExtJoint rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation. This is Obsolete, use instead.
The new value stored by the struct.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Value to fill structure with.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the ExtJoint data type.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
root does not represent the ExtJoint data type.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
value does not represent the ExtJoint data type.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
Represents a rapid data of type JointTarget.
Gets or sets the value of RobAx.
A RobJoint that represents the RobAx value.
Gets or sets the value of ExtAx.
A ExtJoint that represents the RobAx ExtAx.
Gets an empty JointTarget object.
Gets the datatype object for this type from the supplied controller.
Controller containing the datatype.
A valid datatype object if it exist on the controller.
Parses the string into a JointTarget object.
Value to parse into object.
The JointTarget object.
Attempts to parse the string into object.
Value to parse.
The result of the parse operation.
True if parse succeeded.
Returns the string representation of the jointtarget rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the jointtarget rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation. This is Obsolete, use instead.
The new value stored by the struct.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Value to fill structure with.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the JointTarget data type.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
root does not represent the JointTarget data type.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
value does not represent the JointTarget data type.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
Represents a rapid data of type loaddata.
Gets an empty LoadData object.
Gets or sets the value of Mass.
A float that represents the Mass value.
Gets or sets the value of Cog.
A Pos that represents the Cog value.
Gets or sets the value of Aom.
A Orient that represents the Aom value.
Gets or sets the value of Ix.
A float that represents the Ix value.
Gets or sets the value of Iy.
A float that represents the Iy value.
Gets or sets the value of Iz.
A float that represents the Iz value.
Gets the datatype object for this type from the supplied controller.
Controller containing the datatype.
A valid datatype object if it exist on the controller.
Parses the string into a LoadData object.
Value to parse into object.
The LoadData object.
Attempts to parse the string into object.
Value to parse.
The result of the parse operation.
True if parse succeeded.
Returns the string representation of the loaddata rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the loaddata rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation. This is Obsolete, use instead.
The new value stored by the struct.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Value to fill structure with.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the LoadData data type.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
root does not represent the LoadData data type.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
value does not represent the LoadData data type.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
Represents a rapid data of type num.
Initializes a new instance of the class with a specific value.
Gets an empty instance.
The empty instance.
Gets/Sets the value of the object.
Converts a Num struct to a double.
A Num struct reference.
The double value that is stored in the Num struct
Fills the struct with a double value.
The new value stored by the struct.
Gets the datatype object for this type from the supplied controller.
Controller containing the datatype.
A valid datatype object if it exist on the controller.
Parses the string into a Num object.
Value to parse into object.
The Num object.
Attempts to parse the string into object.
Value to parse.
The result of the parse operation.
True if parse succeeded.
Returns the string representation of the num rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the num rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation. This is Obsolete, use instead.
The new value stored by the struct.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Value to fill structure with.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the Num data type.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
root does not represent the Num data type.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
value does not represent the Num data type.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
Represents a rapid data of type Dnum.
Initializes a new instance of the class with a specific value.
Gets an empty instance.
The empty instance.
Gets/Sets the value of the object.
Converts a Dnum struct to a double.
A Dnum struct reference.
The double value that is stored in the Dnum struct
Fills the struct with a double value.
The new value stored by the struct.
Gets the datatype object for this type from the supplied controller.
Controller containing the datatype.
A valid datatype object if it exist on the controller.
Parses the string into a Dnum object.
Value to parse into object.
The Dnum object.
Attempts to parse the string into object.
Value to parse.
The result of the parse operation.
True if parse succeeded.
Returns the string representation of the Dnum rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the Dnum rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the Dnum data type.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
Represents a rapid data of type orient.
Gets an empty orient object.
Gets or sets the value of Q1.
A double that represents the Q1 value.
Gets or sets the value of Q2.
A double that represents the Q2 value.
Gets or sets the value of Q3.
A double that represents the Q3 value.
Gets or sets the value of Q4.
A double that represents the Q4 value.
Fills the struct with the quaternian values calculated from Euler angles.
X angle.
Y angle.
Z angle.
A rotation defined with z,y,x Euler angles is expressed as quaternion.
Returns the eular angles of the quaternion stored in the struct.
The string representation with the value of the loaddata rapid data.
Gets the datatype object for this type from the supplied controller.
Controller containing the datatype.
A valid datatype object if it exist on the controller.
Parses the string into a Orient object.
Value to parse into object.
The Orient object.
Attempts to parse the string into object.
Value to parse.
The result of the parse operation.
True if parse succeeded.
Quaternion struct
Rot_Matrix class, used to calculate Euler angles from quaternion values
Matrix definitions.
This constructor is done to avoid warning compile messages
Converts quaternions to a rotational matrix.
Quaternion reference.
The matrix.
Converts a rotational matrix to a quaternion.
The matrix.
Quternion reference.
Returns the string representation of the orient rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the orient rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation. This is Obsolete, use instead.
The new value stored by the struct.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Value to fill structure with.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the Orient data type.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
root does not represent the Orient data type.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
value does not represent the Orient data type.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
Represents a rapid data of type pos.
Creates an empty Pos object.
Gets or sets the value of X.
A float that represents the X value.
Gets or sets the value of Y.
A float that represents the Y value.
Gets or sets the value of Z.
A float that represents the Z value.
Gets the datatype object for this type from the supplied controller.
Controller containing the datatype.
A valid datatype object if it exist on the controller.
Parses the string into a Pos object.
Value to parse into object.
The Pos object.
Attempts to parse the string into object.
Value to parse.
The result of the parse operation.
True if parse succeeded.
Returns the string representation of the pos rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the pos rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation. This is Obsolete, use instead.
The new value stored by the struct.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Value to fill structure with.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the Pos data type.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
root does not represent the Pos data type.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
value does not represent the Pos data type.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
Represents a rapid data of type pose.
Gets or sets the value of Trans.
A Pos that represents the Trans value.
Gets or sets the value of Rot.
A Orient that represents the Rot value.
Gets a new Empty object.
Gets the datatype object for this type from the supplied controller.
Controller containing the datatype.
A valid datatype object if it exist on the controller.
Parses the string into a Pose object.
Value to parse into object.
The Pose object.
Attempts to parse the string into object.
Value to parse.
The result of the parse operation.
True if parse succeeded.
Returns the string representation of the pose rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the pose rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation. This is Obsolete, use instead.
The new value stored by the struct.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Value to fill structure with.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the Pose data type.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
root does not represent the Pose data type.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
value does not represent the Pose data type.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
Represents a rapid data of type robjoint.
Gets or sets the value of Rax_1.
A float that represents the Rax_1 value.
Gets or sets the value of Rax_2.
A float that represents the Rax_2 value.
Gets or sets the value of Rax_3.
A float that represents the Rax_3 value.
Gets or sets the value of Rax_4.
A float that represents the Rax_4 value.
Gets or sets the value of Rax_5.
A float that represents the Rax_5 value.
Gets or sets the value of Rax_6.
A float that represents the Rax_6 value.
Gets an empty RobJoint object.
Gets the datatype object for this type from the supplied controller.
Controller containing the datatype.
A valid datatype object if it exist on the controller.
Parses the string into a RobJoint object.
Value to parse into object.
The RobJoint object.
Attempts to parse the string into object.
Value to parse.
The result of the parse operation.
True if parse succeeded.
Returns the string representation of the robjoint rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the robjoint rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation. This is Obsolete, use instead.
The new value stored by the struct.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Value to fill structure with.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the RobJoint data type.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
root does not represent the RobJoint data type.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
value does not represent the RobJoint data type.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
Represents a rapid data of type robtarget.
Gets an empty RobTarget object.
Gets or sets the value of Trans.
A Pos that represents the Trans value.
Gets or sets the value of Rot.
A Orient that represents the Rot value.
Gets or sets the value of Robconf.
A ConfData that represents the Robconf value.
Gets or sets the value of Extax.
A ExtJoint that represents the Extax value.
Gets the datatype object for this type from the supplied controller.
Controller containing the datatype.
A valid datatype object if it exist on the controller.
Parses the string into a RobTarget object.
Value to parse into object.
The RobTarget object.
Attempts to parse the string into object.
Value to parse.
The result of the parse operation.
True if parse succeeded.
Returns the string representation of the robtarget rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the robtarget rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation. This is Obsolete, use instead.
The new value stored by the struct.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Value to fill structure with.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the RobTarget data type.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
root does not represent the RobTarget data type.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
value does not represent the RobTarget data type.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
Represents a rapid data of type string.
Initializes a new instance of the class with a specific value.
New string value.
Gets a new empyty String object.
Gets/Sets the Value of the String.
Converts a String struct to a string.
A String struct reference.
The string value that is stored in the String struct
NOTE the returned string does not contain quaternion marks. In order to retrieve the string with the quaternion marks, use the method
Gets the datatype object for this type from the supplied controller.
Controller containing the datatype.
A valid datatype object if it exist on the controller.
Parses the string into a String object.
Value to parse into object.
The String object.
Removes any " from beginning and end of string.
" must be both in begining and end to be removed.
String to trim.
The clean string.
Attempts to parse the string into object.
Value to parse.
The result of the parse operation.
True if parse succeeded.
Returns the string representation of the string rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the string rapid data.
NOTE the returned string does contain quaternion marks.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the string data type.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
Represents a rapid data of type tooldata.
Gets an empty ToolData object.
Gets or sets the value of Robhold.
A bool that represents the Robhold value.
Gets or sets the value of Tframe.
A Pose that represents the Tframe value.
Gets or sets the value of Tload.
A LoadData that represents the Tload value.
Gets the datatype object for this type from the supplied controller.
Controller containing the datatype.
A valid datatype object if it exist on the controller.
Parses the string into a ToolData object.
Value to parse into object.
The ToolData object.
Attempts to parse the string into object.
Value to parse.
The result of the parse operation.
True if parse succeeded.
Returns the string representation of the tooldata rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the tooldata rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation. This is Obsolete, use instead.
The new value stored by the struct.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Value to fill structure with.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the ToolData data type.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
root does not represent the ToolData data type.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
value does not represent the ToolData data type.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
Represents an user defined rapid data type.
Initializes a new user defined struct of a specified rapid data type defined in a specified controller.
Controller ID where the rapid data type is defined.
A user defined rapid data type.
dataType or ArgumentNullException are null or empty.
dataType does not represent the user defined data type in the specified controller.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The type.
Gets or sets the value of of an array of IRapidData.
An array of IRapidData that represents the rapid data types of the user data type.
UserDefinedDataType struct does not have a rapid data type definition.".
Returns the string representation of the user defined rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the user defined rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation. This is Obsolete, use instead.
The new value stored by the struct.
UserDefinedDataType struct does not have a rapid data type definition.".
In order to fill the struct, users must use the method on each on the the of this struct.
Fills the object from the specified parser root. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Value to string structure with.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the UserDefined data type.
In order to fill the struct, users must use the method on each on the the of this struct.
Fills the object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
root does not represent the UserDefined data type.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to string structure with.
value does not represent the UserDefined data type.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
Represents a rapid data of type wobjdata.
Gets an empty WobjData object.
Gets or sets the value of Robhold.
A bool that represents the Robhold value.
Gets or sets the value of Ufprog.
A bool that represents the Ufprog value.
Gets or sets the value of Ufmec.
A string that represents the Ufmec value.
Gets or sets the value of Uframe.
A Pose that represents the Uframe value.
Gets or sets the value of Oframe.
A Pose that represents the Oframe value.
Gets the datatype object for this type from the supplied controller.
Controller containing the datatype.
A valid datatype object if it exist on the controller.
Parses the string into a WobjData object.
Value to parse into object.
The WobjData object.
Attempts to parse the string into object.
Value to parse.
The result of the parse operation.
True if parse succeeded.
Returns the string representation of the wobjdata rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the wobjdata rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation. This is Obsolete, use instead.
The new value stored by the struct.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Value to fill structure with.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the WobjData data type.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
root does not represent the WobjData data type.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to fill structure with.
value does not represent the WobjData data type.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
This class implements the dynamic array behavior that
allows access of element directly on the controller
without uploading them to the pc. This has drawbacks
such as inconsitent data and raceconditions between
Rapid and pc application code.
This class is used Internally to enumerate a dynamic array object.
Creates a array enumerator for the specfied DynamicArray object.
Dynamic array to enumerate.
Possible execution cycle settings.
No more execution cycles.
Execute a single cycle.
Execute forever.
Undefined, is returned by the Rapid object when two tasks
have different remaining cycles.
Leave execution cycle counter as is.
The maximum number of cycles, except for Forever.
Specifies how to execute the program.
Continuous execution.
Stepwise execution.
Step over instruction.
Step out of routine.
Backward stepwise execution.
Same as last time.
Execute to next motion instruction.
Represents the type of execution performed by the program server.
No execution context, i.e. no ProgramPointer is set
Normal program exeuction
A programmatic interrupt
An external interrupt, via the system input Interrupt.
Can be executed at any execution level.
A service routine.
An event routine, e.g., RESET, START, STOP, POWER_ON etc.
Can be executed at any execution level.
Defines a location within a text file. Objects of
this types are imutable and can't be changed once
they have been created.
Creates a new location object with row and column.
Sets the row of the location.
Sets the column of the location.
Gets the column.
Empty instance for this type.
Gets the row.
Checks if obj is equal to this object.
Object to compare.
True if equal.
Checks if obj is equal to this object.
Object to compare.
True if equal.
Gets the hashcode for this object.
Hash code for this object.
This class represents a Module Rapid object.
Gets the attributes for this module.
Gets a flag indicating encode state of the module.
Gets a flag indicating if the module is a NoView module.
Gets a flag indicating if the module can be stepped into.
Gets a flag indicating if the module is a view only module.
Gets a flag indicating if the module is a ReadOnly module.
Gets a flag indicating if the module is a system module.
Gets the kind of symbol
Deletes the module from the memory of the controller.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain. Requires the
Gets a object that reference a Rapid data
instance in the robot controller.
RapidData object.
Gets the data for specified symbol.
Symbol to get data for.
RapidData object.
Returns all routines in the current Module.
All routines in the current module.
Gets a object to a specific routine.
Name of the routine.
A object to access the routine. If the routine does not exist, the return value is null.
Save the Rapid module, to which the object
refers, to a specified directory on the controller.
Path to the directory where the Rapid module should be saved.
For real controllers, only paths on the controller are supported.
To also move a module file locally to the PC, can be used.
For virtual controllers, absolute paths on the PC are also supported such as "c:\temp".
Controller paths containing environment variables are supported such as "(HOME$)/myFolder".
The file will be named after the module name with the extension ".mod" or ".sys".
For RobotWare >= 7.1 the extension will be ".modx" or ".sysx" and
the file content will be UTF-8 encoded.
Requires the grant.
Searches the current symbol for other symbols.
Properties to search for.
Type to search after.
Expression used to match search, regular expression.
All matching symbols.
Searches the current symbol for other symbols.
Properties to search for.
Expression used to match search, regular expression.
All matching symbols.
Searches the current symbols of the specified data type.
Search properties.
Type of data to search for.
Expression used to match search, regular expression.
All matching symbols.
Searches the current symbols of the specified data type.
Search properties.
Type of data to search for.
All matching symbols.
Searches the current symbol for symbols.
Properties for search.
All matching symbols.
This enum defines all attributes that may be
applied to a module.
No attributes available.
Module is a system module.
Module is encoded.
Don't show this module.
Don't step into this module.
Only allow showing of this module.
Module is readonly.
Execution status structure; AKA execution pointer or program pointer.
Initializes a new instance of ProgramPointer class.
Current module.
Current routine.
Current range.
Empty pattern impl.
Gets the module for this program pointer.
Gets the current routine.
Gets the range of the program pointer.
This event arguments for a ProgramPosition events.
Initializes a program position Event args object.
Gets the program position.
Execution status of the controller.
Status is unknown.
At least one normal RAPID task is executing or performing regain.
No normal RAPID task is executing or performing regain.
Execution status of the Task.
The task has no PCP or execution context.
Task is not executing or not performing regain.
PCP and execution context is defined in task.
Task is executing or performing regain.
The program server is not initialized. State only assumed during startup.
Status is unknown.
Determines how static and semiStatic RAPID tasks should be affected by start and stop operations.
Use Task Panel state for all normal tasks. When used with Start(), static/semistatic tasks will always be started, regardless of task panel state.
When used with Stop(), static/semistatic tasks will never be stopped. This is the default.
Use Task Panel state for all tasks.
Reason why an execution event has occurred.
No extended information exists for the event.
Execution is started with no previous execution context at current execution level.
Execution is restarted after a stop.
Execution of an event routine was started by the system.
Execution stopped after instruction.
Execution stopped due to the RAPID instruction EXIT.
Execution stopped because no more cycles.
Execution stopped because the end of a user routine was reached (routine called on user demand).
Execution stopped after a step.
Execution stopped due to the RAPID instruction BREAK.
Execution stopped due to ordered stop.
Execution stopped due to error.
Execution stopped because cannot execute backward past beginning.
Execution stopped because cannot execute backward past structure.
Execution stopped as the end of an event routine was reached (routine called by the system).
Execution stopped before or after motion instruction.
Execution stopped because path regain was ready.
Provides the data of the ValueChanged event of the RapidData class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The signature of a DataValueChanged event handler.
All events are based on the EventHandler generic instead.
Provides the data of the ExecutionStatusChanged event.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the execution status of the controller.
Provides the data of the ExecutionChanged event.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets info about the execution event that has occurred.
Unpacks the ExecutionEventInfo, gets the details in ExecutionChangedEventArgs.
Defines the event for execution status changed.
The signature of a RapidData resolve event handler.
This class represents the RAPID domain of a Robot controller.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Get/sets the behavior of the execution cycle. It can
also be used to set the remaining cycle counter, even though
it is recommended to control this by using the RemaningCycles property.
Execution cycle is normally set through the Start( ... ) method. Setting this property is
only applicable to running RAPID programs.
Set Requires Mastership of Rapid domain.
Set Requires UAS_RAPID_EXECUTE grant.
Set Requires Auto mode.
Gets the execution status of the controller.
Gets the maximum length of an identifier.
The maximum length of an identifier.
Gets/Sets the remaining cycle counter.
This is normally set through the Start( ... ) method. Setting this property is
only applicable to running RAPID programs.
Set Requires Mastership of Rapid domain.
Set Requires UAS_RAPID_EXECUTE grant.
Set Requires Auto mode.
Get UIInstruction object.
Supported from RW5.12
Call this method to request the mastership of
the resource.
Call this method to ensure the mastership of
the resource.
call this method to release the mastership of
the resource.
gets the current mastership state.
Gets a Rapid object that reference a Rapid data instance in the robot controller.
The path represented as a sets of strings, which locates the
Rapid data declaration.
The RapidData object. If the Rapid data doesn't exists null is returned.
Gets an instance of the RadidDataType object for the specified data.
The path represented as a sets of strings, which locates the
Rapid type declaration.
The Data type.
Gets the datatype for a specific symbol. The symbol has to have a
data type for this to work.
The rapid symbol.
The data type.
Gets all tasks on the controller.
The array of task objects.
Gets the task with the specified name.
The task name.
The task object
Gets if a string is a valid RAPID identifier.
The string to be checked.
True if the string is a valid RAPID identifier.
Starts RAPID program execution.
Start result.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain. Requires
grant. Requires Auto mode.
Starts RAPID program execution.
True to get exception instead of
just Error for "unmapped"
Start result.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain. Requires
grant. Requires Auto mode.
Starts RAPID program execution.
Regain mode.
Execution mode.
Start result.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain. Requires
grant. Requires Auto mode.
Starts RAPID program execution
Regain mode.
Execution mode.
The number of cycles to execute the
Start result.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain. Requires
grant. Requires Auto mode.
Starts RAPID program execution.
Regain mode.
Execution mode.
The number of cycles to execute the
Check to perform prior to start.
Start result.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain. Requires
grant. Requires Auto mode.
Starts RAPID program execution.
Regain mode.
Execution mode.
The number of cycles to execute
the program.
Check to perform prior to start.
True to get exception instead of
just Error for "unmapped"
Start result.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain. Requires
grant. Requires Auto mode.
Starts RAPID program execution.
Regain mode.
Execution mode.
The number of cycles to execute
the program.
Check to perform prior to start.
True to get exception instead of
just Error for "unmapped"
Determines how static/semiStatic tasks should be affected
Start result.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain. Requires
grant. Requires Auto mode.
Stops RAPID execution when the current cycle has completed.
Stops RAPID execution according to the mode.
The stop mode.
Stops RAPID execution.
The stop mode.
Determines how static/semiStatic tasks should be affected
Raised when the execution cycle is changed.
Supported from RW5.09.
Raised when the program execution status of the controller changes. The execution status
corresponds to the CycleOn system output, i.e. whether any normal task is executing or a regain is under way.
In other words, if the robot(s) may be moving.
The event does NOT react to start or stop of RAPID event routines, such as RESET, START, STOP, POWER_ON etc.
Raised when a program execution event occurs.
Use this event for more detailed information about program execution events than provided by the event
. For example, this event reacts to RAPID event routines that are
started and stopped by the system e.g. RESET, START, STOP, POWER_ON etc.
This example shows how to delete a program and wait until the StopEventRoutineReady execution event is received
before loading a new program from the HOME directory of the controller file system.
Controller _controller = new Controller();
Tasks[] _tasks = _controller.Rapid.GetTasks();
private void btnUnloadLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (Mastership m = Controllers.Mastership.Request(_controller.Rapid))
//start listening to ExecutionChanged events
_controller.Rapid.ExecutionChanged += new EventHandler < ExecutionChangedEventArgs > (Rapid_ExecutionChanged);
private void Rapid_ExecutionChanged(object sender, ExecutionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.ExecutionEvent == ExecutionEventInfo.StopEventRoutineReady)
using (Mastership m = Controllers.Mastership.Request(_controller.Rapid))
string remoteDir = _controller.FileSystem.RemoteDirectory;
string modFile = remoteDir + "MainModule.mod";
bool success = tasks[0].LoadModuleFromFile(modFile, RapidLoadMode.Add);
string pgfFile = remoteDir + "SamplePrg.pgf";
success = tasks[0].LoadProgramFromFile(pgfFile, RapidLoadMode.Replace);
//stop listening to ExecutionChanged events
_controller.Rapid.ExecutionChanged -= new EventHandler < ExecutionChangedEventArgs > (Rapid_ExecutionChanged);
This event is raised then the mastership of the resource is changed.
This event is raised prior when a IRapidData object shall
be created as the value for a RapidData object. Any listener
shall, if possible, return a fresh instance of a corresponding
type that implements IRapidData. This event will be raised
until a instance is created or all listeners have been called.
If resolve wasn't possible a UserDefined instance will be
created for the data.
This event is raised when the task enabled property changes.
Base implementation class for IRapidArray interface.
Gets/sets data in a one dimension array.
Gets/Sets data in a two dimension array.
Gets/Sets data in a 3 dimension array.
Implements default Dispose impl.
Gets the length of the array.
Gets the rank of the array.
Gets the enumerator for the array.
Enumerator object for array.
Gets the length in the specified dimension.
Dimension to query for length.
Parses the string.
Value to parse.
Turns the array into a object.
Gets the rapid data object.
Gets the current symbol object.
Gets a ref to the internal rapid object.
Called when object is disposed.
True if called during dispose false during finalization.
This class represents a RAPID data.
PDD1732 and WI 9170 - RAPID larger array
Initializes a RapidData instance.
Controller object.
Symbol to get data from.
Gets or sets the base index of array.
WI 12077 Resolved Rapid Related Unit Test Cases
Helper function called when to get rapid data of size > 1024 for non array
Ex: Url for "/RAPID/T_ROB1/Sample/RnGroupTestValue" is made to "/RAPID/T_ROB1/Sample/RnGroupTestValue{1}"
_col is used to loop count, then string will be appended to get final result.
WI 12077 Resolved Rapid Related Unit Test Cases
Helper function called when to get rapid data of size > 1024 for non array
Ex: Url for // "/RAPID/T_ROB1/Sample/RnGroupTest{1}" ==> "/RAPID/T_ROB1/Sample/RnGroupTest{1,1}"
_col is used to loop count, then string will be appended to get final result.
Reads/writes the value of the RAPID data in the form of a string. This property
can be used instead of and .
Gets or sets the value of the .
Consider using the property instead. It will often have better performance.
Checks whether the RAPID data is an array (of one or several dimensions).
true if the data is an array; otherwise false.
Checks whether the RAPID data is declared PERS or TASKPERS. Only of interest for persistent data.
true if the RAPID data is declared TASKPERS; otherwise false.
Will return false if used with RapidData that is not declared as persistent (but constant for example).
Checks whether the RAPID data is declared locally.
true if the RAPID data is not declared in a global module.
Will always return false when used with RapidData of Atomic, RecordComponent or Parameter.
Gets the URL to the type, eg. "RAPID/num".
Not valid for RapidData of . (Will return empty string)
Gets the name of the RAPID data type, eg. "num".
Not valid for RapidData of . (Will return empty string)
Define if changes to the data value shall be logged in the controller event log.
Supported from RW 6.06.
Raised when the value of the data has changed.
Reads an element of one dimensional RAPID data array.
Index of the item to read.
Returns an instance that contains the value of the item.
Reads an element of a two dimensional RAPID data array.
Index, in the second dimension, of the item to read.
Index, in the first dimension, of the item to read.
Returns an instance that contains the value of the item.
PDD1732 and WI 9170 - RAPID larger array
PDD1732 and WI 9170 - RAPID larger array
PDD1732 and WI 9170 - RAPID larger array
Reads an element of a three dimensional RAPID data array.
Index, in the third dimension, of the item to read.
Index, in the second dimension, of the item to read.
Index, in the first dimension, of the item to read.
Returns a instance that contains the value of the item.
Reads an element of a RAPID data array (one, two or three dimensions)
Index of the item to read.
Returns an instance that contains the value of the item.
index The index is not valid for the data.
Rapid data is not an array.
Writes to the specified element of a RAPID array.
An instance that contains the value to write.
Index of the element.
Writes to the specified element of a two dimensional RAPID array.
An instance that contains the value to write.
Index, in the second dimension, of the item to write.
Index, in the first dimension, of the item to write.
PDD1732 and WI 9170 - RAPID larger array
Helper function called when to set or writeItem rapid data of size > 1024
data -> To be written, row -> if null for non-array else for array 1d,2d or 3d
Ex: [0,0,0],[0,0,0] -> [0,0,0] and [0,0,0] array of string for each get
Each above data will used to Set in loop instead of sending entire bulk data [0,0,0],[0,0,0]
Writes to the specified element of a three dimensional RAPID array.
An instance that contains the value to write.
Index, in the third dimension, of the item to write.
Index, in the second dimension, of the item to write.
Index, in the first dimension, of the item to write.
Writes to the specified element of a RAPID data array of any number of dimensions.
An instance that contains the value to write.
Index of the item to write.
index The index is not valid for the data.
RAPID data is not an array.
newValue is null or empty string.
Subscribes to changes of persistent RAPID data.
Unsubscribes to changes of persistent RAPID data.
Gets the symbol for this data object.
Gets the data adapter object.
Gets the data adapter object.
RAPID data type descriptor.
Initializes a new instance of RapidDataType.
A rapid symbol.
Whether the data type is a composite data type or not.
Whether the data type is atomic or not.
Gets the sub components of a composite data type.
Sub components of the type. Returns an empty array if the type is atomic.
This example searches all the sub components (down to atomic types) of the robtarget data type
and writes the names and the data type of each component to the console.
using ABB.Robotics;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers.RapidDomain;
private void btnSearchRobtarget_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
Controller c = new Controller();
Task tRob1 = c.Rapid.GetTask("T_ROB1");
RapidDataType theDataType;
RapidSymbol[] rsCol;
// define search properties
RapidSymbolSearchProperties sProp = RapidSymbolSearchProperties.CreateDefaultForData(true);
sProp.SearchMethod = SymbolSearchMethod.Block;
sProp.LocalSymbols = true;
// get all data of robtarget type
rsCol = tRob1.SearchRapidSymbol(sProp, "RAPID/robtarget", "");
// write the name of the first robtarget
Console.WriteLine("Symbol name = " + rsCol[0].Name);
// get data type
theDataType = RapidDataType.GetDataType(rsCol[0]);
Console.WriteLine("DataType = " + theDataType.Name); //robtarget
// get sub components of robtarget
RapidSymbol[] symbols = theDataType.GetComponents();
private void SearchRecordComponents(RapidSymbol[] rsCol)
RapidDataType theDataType;
foreach (RapidSymbol rs in rsCol)
Console.WriteLine("Symbol name = " + rs.Name);
theDataType = RapidDataType.GetDataType(rs);
Console.WriteLine("DataType = " + theDataType.Name);
if (theDataType.IsRecord)
RapidSymbol[] symbols = theDataType.GetComponents();
//recursive until atomic type is found
When the button is clicked the following lines will be written to the console:
Symbol name = p10
DataType = robtarget
Symbol name = trans
DataType = pos
Symbol name = x
DataType = num
Symbol name = y
DataType = num
Symbol name = z
DataType = num
Symbol name = rot
DataType = orient
Symbol name = q1
DataType = num
Symbol name = q2
DataType = num
Symbol name = q3
DataType = num
Symbol name = q4
DataType = num
Symbol name = robconf
DataType = confdata
Symbol name = cf1
DataType = num
Symbol name = cf4
DataType = num
Symbol name = cf6
DataType = num
Symbol name = cfx
DataType = num
Symbol name = extax
DataType = extjoint
Symbol name = eax_a
DataType = num
Symbol name = eax_b
DataType = num
Symbol name = eax_c
DataType = num
Symbol name = eax_d
DataType = num
Symbol name = eax_e
DataType = num
Symbol name = eax_f
DataType = num
Gets the data type of a symbol. Exception if no
data type is available, eg. for symbols such as Routine or Module.
Symbol to get datatype of.
The data type of the symbol.
Defines the methods to convert strings into a rapid data and viceversa.
All the rapid data structs must implement this interface.
Returns the string representation of the rapid data.
The string representation with the value of the rapid data.
Fills the struct with a valid rapid string representation.
The new value stored by the struct.
newValue does not represent the rapid data type.
Fills the RapidData object from the specified parser root.
Root of data.
Fills the structure with the new value.
Value to string structure with.
Converts the datastructure into a DataNode tree.
The root of the corresponding data tree.
The exception that is thrown when the string does not represents a RapidDataDefinition.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Creates a list of values separated by a coma.
Array of strings that will be inserted.
A string with the new list representation.
Gets the subvalues from a rapid data definition.
Source data
An array of string that contains the subvalues.
This method works for data with one level of record components.
Base exception for Rapid operations.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Thrown when a rapid module is missing.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Thrown when a routine is missing.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The name.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the name.
The name.
Gets data for serialization.
Thrown when a rapid symbol is missing.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The name.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the name of the missing symbol.
Thrown when a task is missing.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the name of rapid task.
The name of rapid task .
Exception thrown when read or write to a non active UI Instruction.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Task name.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the name.
The name.
This interface specifies a searchable RapidSymbol. Classes that
are not searchable shall throw NotImplementedException if SearchRapidSymbol
is called.
Gets the name of the symbol (RAPID Identifier)
Gets the underlying type of Symbol
Searches the current symbol for other symbols.
Properties to search for.
Type to search for.
Expression used to match search, regular expression.
Represents the rapid symbol for rapid domain of controller.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The symbol.
Gets the type enum for this symbol.
Gets the scope of the symbol as a string array [TASK, MODULE, ROUTINE, SYMBOL]
Checks if a symbol is a RAPID data.
Symbol to check.
True if the symbol is data.
Searches the symbol for other symbols, currently not implemented.
Not implemented.
Not implemented.
Not implemented.
Not implemented.
Gets/Sets the internal rapid reference.
Gets the Type block url for this symbol (only valid for variables.
Gets the Url of this symbol, eg. {RAPID/T_ROB1/LINKEDM/offset_ratio}.
The path regain mode for RAPID program execution.
Brings the mechnical unit back to path only if the
unit is within the configurable maximum distance from the path.
Moves the mechanical unit back to path.
Clears the current path and continues the movement directly to next target.
This class represents a Routine Rapid object.
Returns routine.
Gets a object that reference a Rapid data
instance in the robot controller.
Searches the current symbol for other symbols.
Properties to search for.
Type to search after.
Expression used to match search, regular expression.
Specifies the conditions that should be fulfilled in
order to start RAPID program execution.
No check is performed.
A check is performed that the task entry point
(main routine) is the call chain root.
Represents the results of a start RAPID program execution operation.
Start ok.
Task not started, regain to path request.
Task not started, unable to clear path.
Task not started, previous path remains.
Task not started, unable to find entry point.
Converts HRESULTS into StartResults.
Specifies how to stop RAPID program execution.
Stops RAPID execution when the current cycle is completed.
Stops RAPID execution when the current instruction is completed.
Stops RAPID execution immediately.
This class represents a RAPID Task.
Get/Sets execution cycle.
Gets or sets the Enabled state of the Task. 'Enabled' is also referred to as activated/deactivated in the user interface.
Returns true if the task is activated in the task selection panel and will react to start requests.
Returns false if the task is deactivated and will not react to start requests.
The Enabled state can only be changed by a local controller client and is not allowed by remote clients.
RobotStudio connects to virtual controllers, that belongs to a station, as a local client.
In all other scenarios, only the FlexPendant is connected as a local client. Other clients are remote.
The Enabled state can only be changed by a local controller client and is not allowed by remote clients.
Set requires controller to be in auto mode. Requires Mastership.
Gets the current execution type.
Returns true if task is a motion task.
Gets the current position of the motion pointer.
Gets the current position of the program pointer.
Gets/Sets the remaining cycle counter.
Gets the task type, i.e. Normal, Static or Semi-static.
Gets the kind of symbol, i.e. Record, Persistent, Constant, Parameter, Trap, Task etc.
Gets the execution status of the task.
This event is raised when the motion pointer changes.
This event is raised when the program pointer changes.
Deletes the RAPID program of the task from the controller program memory.
All program modules of the task will be deleted from program memory. If they have been saved they will however remain in the controller file system.
Requires mastership of RAPID domain.
Requires the grant.
Use if you want to load another program directly after the deletion.
Deletes the RAPID program of the task from the controller program memory.
Returns as soon as the execution of the RESET event routine is ready.
Milliseconds used as timeout.
All program modules of the task will be deleted from program memory. If they have been saved they will however remain in the controller file system.
Requires mastership of RAPID domain.
Requires the grant.
When a RAPID program has been deleted the controller program server executes a RESET event routine a short while.
This method returns as soon as the program server is ready to load another RAPID program.
The method did not finish within the specified time limit.
Returns the requested module.
Name of module.
Returns the modules defined in the task.
A Module array.
Gets a object that references a RAPID data
instance in the robot controller.
An array of strings, which specifies where in
the RAPID domain the RAPID data is declared.
A object. If the RAPID data doesn't
exist null is returned.
If you do not know the name of the module where the data is declared SearchRapidSymbol(...) can be used.
To access RAPID data in a shared module just send the name of the data as parameter, see the second example below.
NOTE! RAPID data declared in a - Hidden or -Shared -Hidden module cannot be accessed.
rapidData is null or length is less then 1
This example utilizes a function that returns the sum of all reg1
variables in the system. Variable reg1 is by default declared
in the RAPID module USER.
private int SumOfAllReg1(Controller c)
int result = 0;
// Get all tasks
Task[] tasks = _controller.Rapid.GetTasks();
foreach (Task t in tasks)
RapidData rdReg1 = t.GetRapidData("user", "reg1");
result += int.Parse(rdReg1.Value.ToString());
catch (ABB.Robotics.Controllers.RapidDomain.RapidModuleNotFoundException ee)
// TODO: Add error handling
catch (ABB.Robotics.Controllers.RapidDomain.RapidSymbolNotFoundException ee)
// TODO: Add error handling
catch (GeneralException ee)
// TODO: Add error handling
catch (System.Exception ee)
// TODO: Add error handling
// Release resources
return result;
This example gets the shared RAPID data nMessageID seen from task T_ROB1.
private RapidData GetMessageID()
RapidData rData = null;
Task tRob1 = null;
// Create temporary controller object to get task
using (Controller c = new Controller())
tRob1 = c.Rapid.GetTask("T_ROB1");
if (tRob1 != null)
rData = tRob1.GetRapidData("nMessageID");
catch (GeneralException ee)
// TODO: Add error handling
catch (System.Exception ee)
// TODO: Add error handling
// Release temporary resources
if (tRob1 != null)
tRob1 = null;
return rData;
Gets a object from a .
Symbol to get data for.
RapidData object.
Loads a RAPID module to the task in the robot controller.
Path to the file containing the RAPID
module. Valid extensions for a RAPID
module file are .mod and .sys.
For RW >= 7.1 .modx and .sysx are also valid.
Specifies the
of the operation.
Requires mastership of RAPID domain. Requires the
True if loading succeeds without any errors, otherwise false.
Delete a RAPID module from the task in the robot controller.
The name of the RAPID module to delete.
Requires mastership of RAPID domain.
Loads a RAPID program to the controller program memory
Path to the file containing the RAPID
program. Valid extension for a RAPID
program file is .pgf.
Specifies the
of the operation.
Requires mastership of RAPID domain.
Requires the grant.
Use if you need to make another call to the RAPID program server, eg. , directly after having loaded the program.
True if loading succeeds without any build errors, otherwise false.
Loads a RAPID program to the controller program memory. Returns as soon as the execution of the RAPID RESET event routine is ready.
Path to the file containing the RAPID
program. Valid extension for a RAPID
program file is .pgf.
Specifies the
of the operation.
Milliseconds used as timeout.
True if loading succeeds without any build errors, otherwise false.
Requires mastership of RAPID domain.
Requires the grant.
The program server will be busy executing a RAPID event routine a short while after the program has been loaded.
This method returns as soon as the controller program server is ready for another call.
The method did not finish within the specified time limit.
Saves the current RAPID program at the specified path.
Controller path to save program at.
Requires the
General search method. Searches the task for symbols that match the specified criteria.
Instance of ,which defines the
search criteria.
Name of the data type to search for. Use string.Empty
if not of interest.
The regular expression to search for. Use string.Empty
if not of interest.
An array of matching . If none is found an array of length zero is returned.
To search data in Shared module, set .SearchMethod to
.Scope. See the second example below.
NOTE! RAPID data declared in a - Hidden or -Shared -Hidden module cannot be found.
This example lists all functions and RAPID data instances of
type num declared in task T_ROB1. The name of and
the module where it is declared are added to a listview.
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
Task task = _controller.Rapid.GetTask("T_ROB1");
RapidSymbolSearchProperties sProp =
sProp.Types = SymbolTypes.Function | SymbolTypes.Data;
sProp.InUse = false;
sProp.Recursive = true;
sProp.SearchMethod = SymbolSearchMethod.Block;
RapidSymbol[] datas = task.SearchRapidSymbol(sProp, "num", string.Empty);
foreach (RapidSymbol rs in datas)
ListViewItem li = new ListViewItem(rs.Name);
// Add item
catch (System.Exception ee)
// Handle any error here
This example shows a simple search method that finds declared data of the type defined
by the parameter sDataType. The parameter bSystem determines the scope to search. The search is made from task T_ROB1.
private RapidSymbol[] GetSymbols(string stDataType, bool bSystem)
RapidSymbol[] result = new RapidSymbol[0];
Task tRob1 = null;
// Create temporary controller object to get task
using (Controller c = new Controller())
tRob1 = c.Rapid.GetTask("T_ROB1");
if (tRob1 != null)
RapidSymbolSearchProperties sProps = RapidSymbolSearchProperties.CreateDefault();
// Setup sProps according to parameter bSystem
if (bSystem == true)
// Search data that the task can see in System scope, e.g. Shared data
sProps.GlobalSymbols = true;
sProps.InUse = false;
sProps.LocalSymbols = false;
sProps.Recursive = false;
sProps.SearchMethod = SymbolSearchMethod.Scope;
sProps.Types = SymbolTypes.Data;
// Search Task scope
sProps.Types = SymbolTypes.Data;
sProps.InUse = false;
sProps.SearchMethod = SymbolSearchMethod.Block;
// Perform the search
result = tRob1.SearchRapidSymbol(sProps, stDataType, string.Empty);
// No task to search from
catch (GeneralException ee)
// TODO: Add error handling
catch (System.Exception ee)
// TODO: Add error handling
// Release temporary resources
if (tRob1 != null)
tRob1 = null;
return result;
General search method. Searches the task for symbols that match the specified criteria.
Search properties.
Expression used to match search, regular expression.
All matching symbols.
General search method. Searches the task for symbols that match the specified criteria.
Search properties.
The data type to search for.
Expression used to match search, regular expression.
All matching symbols.
Searches the task for of the specified data type.
Search properties.
Data type to match.
All matching symbols.
General search method. Searches the task for symbols that match the specified criteria.
Properties for search.
All matching symbols.
Starts RAPID program execution. Use to get an exception if the start fails.
Start result. No exception is thrown if start of execution fails.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain. Requires
grant. Requires Auto mode.
This method is no longer supported from RobotWare 5.60.
Starts RAPID program execution.
True to get exception instead of
just Error for "unmapped" start
Start result.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain. Requires
grant. Requires Auto mode.
This method is no longer supported from RobotWare 5.60.
Starts RAPID program execution.
Regain mode.
Execution mode.
Start result.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain. Requires
grant. Requires Auto mode.
This method is no longer supported from RobotWare 5.60.
Starts RAPID program execution
Regain mode.
Execution mode.
The number of cycles to execute the
Start result.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain. Requires
grant. Requires Auto mode.
This method is no longer supported from RobotWare 5.60.
Starts RAPID program execution.
Regain mode.
Execution mode.
The number of cycles to execute the
Check to perform prior to start.
Start result.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain. Requires
grant. Requires Auto mode.
This method is no longer supported from RobotWare 5.60.
Starts RAPID program execution.
Regain mode.
Execution mode.
The number of cycles to execute
the program.
Check to perform prior to start.
True to get exception instead of
just Error for "unmapped" start
Start result.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain. Requires
grant. Requires Auto mode.
This method is no longer supported from RobotWare 5.60.
Stops execution after next Cycle.
Stops execution.
Stop mode to use.
Resets the program pointer of this task to the main entry point.
Requires mastership of RAPID domain. Requires the
grant. Requires Auto mode.
Deletes the RAPID program of the task from the controller program memory.
All program modules of the task will be deleted from program memory. If they have been saved they will however remain in the controller file system.
Requires auto mode. Requires mastership of RAPID domain.
Requires the grant.
If another program is to be loaded after the deletion you may need to use a short delay, as the controller program server must finish a RAPID event routine before it can do anything else.
Sets program pointer to the first instruction of a routine (global or local).
The name of the module in which the routine is defined.
The name of the routine to which program pointer will be set.
Any previous execution stack will be cleared.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain.
Requires automatic mode.
Program pointer is not set because one or both parameters are wrong.
Mastership is held by another client.
This example sets the program pointer to the routine "MyRoutine" in "MyModule".
using ABB.Robotics;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers.RapidDomain;
Controller controller = new Controller();
Task[] tasks = c.Rapid.GetTasks();
if (controller.OperatingMode == ControllerOperatingMode.Auto)
using (Mastership rapid = Controllers.Mastership.Request(controller.Rapid))
tasks[0].SetProgramPointer("MyModule", "MyRoutine");
MessageBox.Show("Setting the program pointer is not allowed in manual mode from a remote client.");
catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex)
MessageBox.Show("Mastership is held by another client.");
catch (System.Exception ex)
//TODO: Add error handling
Sets program pointer to a position in a RAPID module.
A program position
Any previous execution stack will be cleared.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain.
Requires automatic mode.
Program Pointer is not set because parameter may be invalid.
Mastership is held by another client.
This example sets the program position to 20th row to the routine "MyRoutine" in the module "MyModule".
using ABB.Robotics;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers.RapidDomain;
Controller controller = new Controller();
Task[] tasks = c.Rapid.GetTasks();
if (controller.OperatingMode == ControllerOperatingMode.Auto)
using (Mastership rapid = Controllers.Mastership.Request(controller.Rapid))
ProgramPosition pos = new ProgramPosition("MyModule", "MyRoutine", new TextRange(20));
MessageBox.Show("Setting the program pointer is not allowed in manual mode from a remote client.");
catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex)
MessageBox.Show("Mastership is held by another client.");
catch (System.Exception ex)
//TODO: Add error handling
Sets program pointer to a specific row in a RAPID module.
The name of the module where program pointer should be set.
The row number in this module.
Set program pointer to another row in the current routine and also to set program pointer to a row in a different routine.
Any previous execution stack will be cleared.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain.
Requires automatic mode.
program pointer is not set because one or both parameters are wrong.
Mastership is held by another client.
This example sets the program pointer to 20th row of the module "MyModule"
using ABB.Robotics;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers.RapidDomain;
Controller controller = new Controller();
Task[] tasks = c.Rapid.GetTasks();
if (controller.OperatingMode == ControllerOperatingMode.Auto)
using (Mastership rapid = Controllers.Mastership.Request(controller.Rapid))
MessageBox.Show("Setting the program pointer is not allowed in manual mode from a remote client.");
catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex)
MessageBox.Show("Mastership is held by another client.");
catch (System.Exception ex)
//TODO: Add error handling
Checks the modules in the task for syntactic and semantic errors
Gets RobTarget of the task using the specified tool and work object.
Work object
RobTarget object .
Gets the current position (as a robtarget using current tool and work object).
RobTarget object .
This is how to get the current RobTarget of all tasks.
using ABB.Robotics;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers.RapidDomain;
Controller c = new Controller();
Task[] allTasks = c.Rapid.GetTasks();
foreach (Task t in allTasks)
if (t.Name.Contains("T_ROB"))
RobTarget rt = t.GetRobTarget();
Console.WriteLine("RobTarget: {0}", rt.ToString());
Get JointTarget from task.
JointTarget object .
Contains the results of a call to Task.CheckProgram()
Contains a list of all errors returned by a call to Task.CheckProgram(). If the program is correct, the collection will be empty.
Contains information about a syntactic or semantic error in a RAPID module
Name of task
Name of module
Line number where the error occurred. Numbering starts with 1.
Column where the error occurred. Numbering starts with 1.
TextRange defines a region within a row / column based text file.
All instances of this class are immutable. Indecies are one-based.
Creates a new instance of the TextRange class.
Beginning of range.
End of range.
Creates a new instance of the TextRange class.
Start row.
Start column.
End row.
End column.
Creates a new instance of the TextRange class for
a single row.
Creates a new instance of the TextRange class
for a number of rows.
Start row.
End row.
Gets the Location for the beginning of the range.
Empty pattern TextRange object.
Gets the Location for the end of the range.
Gets the end of line index.
Gets the start index.
Defines the UI- and TP- Instructions available in RAPID. For a short description of each instruction type, see "Members" section.
For complete description concerning the usage of these RAPID instructions refer to RAPID Technical reference manual.
The UIAlphaEntry (User Interaction Alpha Entry) is used to let an operator communicate
with the robot system via RAPID, by enabling him to enter a string from the FlexPendant or from a PC SDK application.
After the operator has entered the text, it is transferred back to the RAPID program by calling .
The UIListView (User Interaction List View) is used to let an operator communicate
with the robot system by letting him select one of the items presented in a list.
Each list item is defined with a descriptive text and optionally an icon.
The selection of the operator is transferred back to the RAPID program by calling .
UIMessageBox (User Interaction Message Box, advanced type) is used to display a message (usually a question)
to the operator. The answer of the operator, i. e. the selected MessageBox button, is
transferred back to the RAPID program by calling .
UIMsgBox (User Interaction Message Box, basic type)is used to display a message (usually a question)
to the operator. The answer of the operator, i. e. the selected MessageBox button, is
transferred back to the RAPID program by calling .
(UIMessageBox and UIMsgBox do not differ much, see details in RAPID Technical reference manual.)
UINumEntry (User Interaction Number Entry) is used to enable the operator to enter a numeric value
from the available user device, such as the FlexPendant or a PC SDK application.
The numeric value specified by the user is transferred back to the RAPID program by calling .
UINumTune (User Interaction Number Tune) is used to allow the operator to tune a numeric value
from the FlexPendant or a PC SDK application. The numeric value specified by the operator is transferred
back to the RAPID program by calling .
TPErase (Teach Pendant Erase) is used to clear the display from written messages.
TPReadFK (Teach Pendant Read Function Key) is used to display a question to the operator,
who responds by selecting one out of 2-5 displayed "function keys".
The response, i. e. which function key was selected is transferred back to the program
by calling .
TPReadNum is used to display a question to the operator via the available user device,
such as the FlexPendant or a PC SDK application. The user responds by entering a number,
which is transferred back to the RAPID program by calling .
TPWrite is used to display written information to the operator.
Undefined type UI-Instruction
UI Instruction Icon
Undefined icon
No icon
Information Icon
Warning icon
Error Icon
UI Instruction button
No button
OK button
Abort, Retry and Ignore buttons
OK and Cancel buttons
Retry and Cancel buttons
Yes and No buttons
Yes, No and Cancel buttons
TPReadFK, if the function key 1 is pressed then 1 is returned, and so on.
Function key 1
Function key 2
Function key 3
Function key 4
Function key 5
UI Instruction button result
OK button
Abort button
Retry button
Ignore button
Cancel button
Yes button
No button
Defines the different UIInstruction event types
Post event type, eg. TPWrite, TPErase
Send event type, UI-Instructions of this type can be aborted/closed/confirmed, eg. TPReadNum, UIListView
UI-Instruction aborted/closed/confirmed by the operator.
If you receive a new Send event type from the same task,
the previous dialog should be removed and the new dialog displayed, as a RAPID task can only handle
one dialog. This may happen if RAPID execution is stopped while a UI-Instruction dialog is being displayed,
then restarted and executing a new UIInstruction.
Defines a list item with a text and optionally a
small icons.
The path including file name for the icon image to display.
The text to display for the list item.
Delegate for UIInstruction event notifications.
internal helper class, has all possible UI parameters
Base class of all UI-instruction event arguments.
The defined properties are the ones sent with a UI Instruction event.
Name of the instruction e.g. TPWrite, UIMessageBox
URL to task or task stack
RAPID task name
Task execution level
Any additional text specified by instruction
UI-Instructions are either sent with POST or SEND.
An ABORT event is sent when a SEND instruction is aborted.
UI instruction type.
Send answer to Instruction
Get all arguments of Instruction
Parse a list item array into a list
Pars message array string into a list
Pars button array string into a list
Convert rapid string to string.
\"string\" to string and [\"string\"] to string
Pars all possible UI_instruction parameters
UIAlphaEntry event argument.
Header text to be written at the top of the message box.
Several text lines from an array to be written on the display.
Only one of parameter Message or MsgArray can be used at the same time.
One text line to be written on the display.
Concatenates MsgArray to one string.
If selected, all the specified strings in the argument MsgArray will be
concatenated to one string with a single space between each individual string
and using as few lines as possible.
Defines the icon to be displayed.
An initial, default string to be displayed in the alpha textbox.
Send string to alpha textbox.
Input string to alpha text box
UIListView (User Interaction List View) event argument.
Header text to be written at the top of the message box.
An array with one or several list items to be displayed.
Defines the buttons to be displayed.
User defined buttons stored in an array.
Only one of parameter \Buttons or \BtnArray can be used at the same time.
Defines the icon to be displayed.
The default selection in the list, corresponds to
the index of the item in the array specified in the parameter ListItems.
Send selection to ListView.
user selection in the list menu corresponding to the index in the array specified in the parameter ListItems
Button result
UIMessageBox event arguments
Header text to be written at the top of the message box.
Several text lines to be written on the display.
Only one of parameter Message or MsgArray can be used at the same time.
One text line to be written on the display.
Concatenates MsgArray to one string.
If selected, all the specified strings in the argument MsgArray will be
concatenated to one string with a single space between each individual string
and using as few lines as possible.
Defined buttons.
User defined buttons stored in an array.
Only one of parameter \Buttons or \BtnArray can be used at the same time.
Default button value to return
Defines the icon to be displayed.
The name of the image to be used.
Send response to the UI-Instruction
Get all arguments from the UI-Instruction
UIMsgBox (User Interaction Message Box).
Header text to be written at the top of the message box.
Text line 1 to be written on the display.
Text line 2 to be written on the display.
Text line 3 to be written on the display.
Text line 4 to be written on the display.
Text line 5 to be written on the display.
Concatenates MsgArray to one string.
If selected, all the specified strings in the argument MsgArray will be
concatenated to one string with a single space between each individual string
and using as few lines as possible.
Defined buttons in the MessageBox dialog
Defines the icon to be displayed.
The name of the image that should be used.
Send response to the UI-Instruction
Get all arguments from the UI-Instruction
UINumEntry (User Interaction Number Entry).
Header text to be written at the top of the message box.
One text line to be written on the display.
Several text lines from an array to be written on the display.
Only one of parameter Message or MsgArray can be used at the same time.
Concatenates MsgArray to one string.
If selected, all the specified strings in the argument MsgArray will be
concatenated to one string with a single space between each individual string
and using as few lines as possible.
Defines the icon to be displayed.
Initial numeric value that is displayed in the entry box.
Initial string value that is displayed in the entry box.
The maximum value for the return value.
The minimum value for the return value.
Eliminates the decimal point from the number pad to ensure
that the return value is an integer.
Send response to the UI-Instruction
Input numeric value
Get all arguments from the UI-Instruction
UINumTune (User Interaction Number Tune).
Header text to be written at the top of the message box.
One text line to be written on the display.
Several text lines from an array to be written on the display.
Only one of parameter Message or MsgArray can be used at the same time.
Concatenates MsgArray to one string.
If selected, all the specified strings in the argument MsgArray will be
concatenated to one string with a single space between each individual string
and using as few lines as possible.
Defines the icon to be displayed.
Initial value that is displayed in the entry box.
The maximum value for the return value.
The minimum value for the return value.
Specifies how much the value should change
when the plus or minus button is pressed.
Sends response to the UI-Instruction
Input numeric value
Gets all arguments from the UI-Instruction
TPErase (FlexPendant Erase) is used to clear the display of the FlexPendant.
TPReadFK (FlexPendant Read Function Key).
The information text to be written on the display.
The text to be written on function key 1
The text to be written on function key 2
The text to be written function key 3
The text to be written on function key 4
The text to be written on function key 5
Sends response to the UI-Instruction
Function key selection
Gets all arguments from the UI-Instruction
The information text to be written on the display.
Sends response to the UI-Instruction
Number input
Get all arguments from the UI-Instruction
TPWrite (FlexPendant Write)
Message to display is property EventMessage.
Provides the public UIInstruction interface, available in RW 5.12 and later.
There is only one UIInstruction object per
object, which is accessible through the property.
Unspecified UI-Instruction event (in RW 5.12 or later).
Cannot be used with RW releases earlier than RW 5.12!
To transfer the response of the operator back to the RAPID program you cast the event argument object
received with the event to an object of the correct type and call its SendAnswer method.
This example explains how a PC SDK application can use the UIInstructionEvent in order to
let the operator handle RAPID UI- and TP-instructions from a PC application instead of the FlexPendant.
First, a subscription to be notified whenever a UIInstruction event occur in the controller is set up.
The event handler then gives some clues how to handle incoming events, indicating different actions
depending on the kind of UIInstruction event.
using ABB.Robotics;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers;
Controller c = new Controller();
c.Rapid.UIInstruction.UIInstructionEvent += OnUIInstructionEvent;
private void OnUIInstructionEvent(object sender, UIInstructionEventArgs e)
// Show the dialog if SEND event, discard any existing dialog if ABORT event,
// just write or erase the text message in a "status" bar if POST event.
if (e.InstructionEventType == UIInstructionEventType.Send)
// Force execution from background thread to UI thread by invoking
// a second event handler.
this.Invoke(this.CreateUIInstructionDialog, e);
// In the CreateUIInstructionDialog handler (not shown), check
// InstructionType and cast the event argument to the correct type,
// eg UITPReadFKEventArgs. Then create the dialog by using the information
// provided by the properties of the specialised UIInstructionEventArgs
// object. The same object is used to transfer the response of the end-user
// to the RAPID program (SendAnswer method).
else if (e.InstructionEventType == UIInstructionEventType.Abort)
// Invoke and remove the existing dialog
else if (e.InstructionEventType == UIInstructionEventType.Post)
// Check whether we should ADD new message to the info bar or DELETE an
// existing message
if (e.InstructionType == UIInstructionType.TPWrite)
// Before writing the message, force execution to the GUI thread
this.Invoke(this.WriteTPWriteMessage, e);
// In the second event handler (not shown) retrieve the string to write
// by making a cast to UITPWriteEventArgs and calling its
// EventMessage property.
else if (e.InstructionType == UIInstructionType.TPErase)
this.Invoke(this.ClearInfoBar, e);
// In the ClearInfoBar event handler (not shown), just remove any
// existing info in the "status bar".
catch (System.Exception ex)
// TODO: Add error handling
Create UIInstruction object.
This event arguments for a TaskEnabledChangedEvent.
Initializes a Enabled Changed Event args object.
Gets the Task Name of the Task which generated the event.
Gets the Enabled property of the Task which generated the event.
Sets the task name and Enabled property of the Task which generated the event.
Rapid resource
Configuration resource
Motion system resource
Information stream resource
The status of one or more mechanical uint
Undefined status
Axis/axes have been initiated.
Axis/axes are not commutated
Axis/axes are not calibrated
Axis/axes are not synchronized
Axis/axes are synchronized
Predefined coordinate systems.
Base coordinate system.
A undefined coordinate system.
Tool coordinate system.
Workobject coordite system.
World coordinate system.
Defines a mechanical unit object.
Checks if the mech is calibrated.
Gets the model of the mechanical unit, or string.Empty
if no model is available.
Gets the number of axes for the mechanical unit.
Gets the current payload object.
Gets the serial number from the mech if it
is a robot, otherwise it will return an empty string.
Gets service info for this unit.
This property is not valid for a Virtual Controller.
Gets the task for this mech unit
Gets the current tool object.
Gets the type of mechanical unit.
Gets the current work object for the mechanical unit.
Gets the current drive module for the mechanical unit.
Gets the jointtarget position of the mechanical unit.
The position of the mechanical unit as a .
Supports all mechanical unit types, including external axis.
Gets the robtarget position of the mechanical unit.
The position of the mechanical unit as a .
Supports mechanical unit type TCP Robot only.
Fine calibrate specified TCP mechanical unit and axis.
The current position of the axis will be the new calibration value.
Axis to calibrate
Set revolution counter on a specified TCP mechanical unit and axis.
Get status of all mechanical unit axis
Get status for mechanical unit axis
A collection of mechanical units
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the at the specified index.
The value.
Adds the specified value.
The value.
Index of value in collection.
Gets the index of the value.
The value.
The index of the value.
Inserts value at the specified index.
The index.
The value.
Removes the specified value.
The value.
Determines whether collection contains the specified value.
The value.
true if collection contains the specified value; otherwise, false.
Encapsulates a RadidData object. Only for internal use.
Use Tool and WorkObject instead.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The unit.
The name.
Gets the data for the tool.
Gets the symbol for the tool object.
ServiceInfo object for a mechanical unit.
Initializes a new MechanicalUnitServiceInfo object.
Gets the elapsed calender time since last service.
Gets the elapsed production time since
last SIS reset.
Gets the elapsed production time since last service.
Gets an empty Mechanical Unit service info object.
Gets the time of the last start.
Gets the service interval.
Gets the warning level.
Holds information about service intervals
for a mechanical unit.
Initializes a new MechanicalUnitServiceInterval object.
Initializes a new MechanicalUnitServiceInterval object.
Calender time.
Production time.
Gets the service interval in calender time as a TimeSpan object.
Controller c = new Controller();
MotionSystem msystem = c.MotionSystem;
MechanicalUnit munit = msystem.ActiveMechanicalUnit;
MechanicalUnitServiceInfo info = munit.ServiceInfo;
// Service interval in years, calender time
int serviceIntervalCalender = Convert.ToInt32(info.ServiceInterval.CalenderTime.TotalDays / 365);
Get the service interval in production time as a TimeSpan object.
Controller c = new Controller();
MotionSystem msystem = c.MotionSystem;
MechanicalUnit munit = msystem.ActiveMechanicalUnit;
MechanicalUnitServiceInfo info = munit.ServiceInfo;
// Service interval in hours, production time
int serviceIntervalProduction = Convert.ToInt32(info.ServiceInterval.ProductionTime.TotalHours);
Summary description for MechanicalUnitType.
Type not defined.
Type is TCP robot.
Type is multiple axes manipulator.
Type is a single axis manipulator.
Contains all warning levels for the mechanical unit.
Gets the warning level for gearbox, resolution is percent.
Gets the warning level for calender, resolution is percent.
Gets the production warning, resolution is percent.
Event data for the MechUnitModeChanged event.
Initializes a new MechUnitModeChangedEventArgs object.
Main entrypoint for the motion domain.
Gets the currently active mechnical unit.
The Mechanical Unit active/deactive state is associated to the 'ActiveMechanicalUnit' property and change in 'ActiveMechanicalUnit' property will trigger 'MechUnitModeChanged' event.
Gets all mechanical units.
Gets / Sets the current speed ratio.
Valid range between 0-100.
This event is raised when the Mechanical Unit is activated or deactivated.
The Mechanical Unit active/deactive state is associated to the 'ActiveMechanicalUnit' property and change in 'ActiveMechanicalUnit' property will trigger 'MechUnitModeChanged' event.
Checks that the public units still are valid.
True if all units still are valid, otherwise false.
Defines a PayLoad object.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The unit.
The name.
Defines a tool object.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The unit.
The name.
Defines a work object.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The unit.
The name.
Defines a named object in the api.
Gets the name of the named object.
This abstract any class that has a readable name.
Creates a named object with the supplied name.
Name of object.
Creates a named object without a name. Name will be string.Empty.
Gets the name of the obejct.
Checks if the name of the object is same as name.
Name to compare against.
True if the objects are equal.
Compares if the name of this object is equal to the name
of the supplied object.
Named object to compare with.
True if the names are equal.
Merges the functionality of Equals( string ) and Equals( NamedObject ).
Object to compare with.
True if the names are equals.
Compares this object with a name for sorting.
Name to compare with.
See IComparer.
Compares this object with a name for sorting.
Name to compare with.
See IComparer.
Compares this object with a name for sorting.
Name to compare with.
See IComparer.
Gets the hash code of the object based on the name.
Hash code for object.
Compares two named object for equality.
Named object 1.
Named object 2.
True if the object are considered equal.
Compares two named object for inequality.
Named object 1.
Named object 2.
True if the object are considered inequal.
Compares two objects.
Named object 1.
Named object 2.
True if no1 less then no2
Compares two objects.
Named object 1.
Named object 2.
True if no1 more then no2.
Returns the string representation of this object.
Shall always return same result as Name property.
The name of the object.
An exception of this class is thrown if no specialized
type is found.
Creates a ServiceNotSupportedException object.
Creates a ServiceNotSupportedException object.
Message for object.
Creates a ServiceNotSupportedException object.
Inner exception of object.
Message for object.
Creates a ServiceNotSupportedException object.
Deserialization constructor.
An exception of this class is thrown if no specialized
type is found.
Creates a ControllerBufferOverflowException object.
Creates a ControllerBufferOverflowException object.
Message for object.
Creates a ControllerBufferOverflowException object.
Inner exception of object.
Message for object.
Creates a ControllerBufferOverflowException object.
Deserialization constructor.
An exception of this class is thrown if no specialized type is found.
Creates a AuthenticationException object.
Creates a AuthenticationException object.
Message for object.
Creates a AuthenticationException object.
Inner exception of object.
Message for object.
Creates a AuthenticationException object.
Deserialization constructor.
This class is thrown a system directory was corrupt.
Creates a SystemDirectoryCorruptException.
Creates a SystemDirectoryCorruptException.
Message of exception.
Creates a SystemDirectoryCorruptException.
Message of exception.
Inner exception of exception.
Creates a SystemDirectoryCorruptException.
checks the provided string argument and throws an exception
if it is null och empty
argument to check
checks the provided string argument and throws an exception
if it is null och empty
argument to check
name of parameter
checks the provided string argument and throws an exception
if it is null och empty
Argument to check.
Name of parameter.
What checks to perform on the string.
Checks the provided string argument and throws an exception
if it is null och empty.
Argument to check.
Name of parameter.
Exception message.
checks the provided string argument and throws an exception
if it is null och empty
argument to check
name of parameter
exception message
Checks to perform on string
Contains information about a backup on the controller.
Initiates a new Backup instance.
Name of backup.
System id of system.
Gets the system id of the backup.
Event data from a restore event.
Creates a backup event args object.
Gets the event log sequence number.
Gets a flag that indicates if the backup succeeded or not.
This exception is thrown whenever a backup fails.
Creates a new Backup exception object.
Creates a new Backup exception object.
Message for object.
Creates a new Backup exception object.
Inner exception.
Message for object.
Deserialization constructor.
This class handles backup / restore operations.
Creates a backup manager object for the supplied
controller instance.
Controller to create a backup manager for.
Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the
is reclaimed by garbage collection.
Gets the path to the backup directory of the controller.
Gets the default extension of a backup file.
Gets/Sets the ignore flag for restores.
Controls what data that shall be included during the restore operation.
Flag that indicates if a backup operation is in progress or not.
Gets/Sets the local directory where the backup will be downloaded
or uploaded from. The default value if the current directory. The directory
must exist.
Gets/Sets the local name.
Gets/Sets a value to indicate if the backup directory shall
be removed from the controller after the operation has completed.
Gets/Sets a flag to indicate if the backup shall be transfered to/from
the controller prior/after the restore/backup operation. The file to transfer
to/from is indicated by the LocalDirectory + LocalName properties.
Starts a backup operation.
Starts an async backup operation.
Callback operation for completion notification
Operation state for user.
Async result.
Completes the backup operation.
Result from begin backup operation.
Deletes all backups stored in the /Backup directory of the controller.
Returns all available backups in the /Backup directory.
Gets the backup directory from a controller object.
Controller to get backup directory path from.
The path to the backup directory for the controller.
Starts a restore operation.
Starts a restore operation from the local name.
LocalName to start restore from.
Starts a restore operation from the dir and name.
Directory containing the file.
Filename to use during restore.
Starts a restore operation from the dir and name.
Directory to start from.
Name of file.
Starts a restore operation with a the specified file.
Disposes the specified disposing.
if set to true [disposing].
Callback used Internally.
Lists the content of the backup directory
of the controller.
All content of the backup directory.
Enum to control what to include from the backup during a restore operation.
Nothing, not a valid value but available as named default value.
Include configuration database.
Include Rapid modules.
Include everything.
ABB internal use only
ABB internal use only
Enum to control what kind of mismatch errors that can be ignored during
a restore operations.
Don't ignore any errors.
Ignore system id.
Ignore template id.
Ignore all errors.
This class abstracts the configuration into an
object from the section stored in the config file.
See ConfigurationHandler for a description of how
to update this file and ConfigurationHandler when
a new section is added to the capi section of the
configuration file.
The single instance accessor, this is a shortcut to
the ConfigrationSettings.GetConfig( ... ) method.
Traces an exception to any attached Trace listener through Trace.Write/Trace.WriteLine.
The maximum depth of InnerExceptions are set to 9.
Exception to trace.
Category of trace.
Contains description of the Attribute for Configuration Domain.
This cannot be used to read/write the value of attribute.
In order to read and write attribute value use the GetAttribute() and SetAttribute() methods of Instance class respectively.
Gets the initial value of the attribute.
Use this flag to determine if the attribute is mandatory or not.
Gets the maximum value of the attribute.
Gets the minimum value of the attribute.
Gets the size of the attribute. 1 is a single value, all others are arrays.
Gets the parent type of this attribute.
Gets the native type of the attribute.
Gets the TypeCode of the attribute.
Gets the unit of the attribute.
Accepts a visitor object.
Visitor object.
Summary description for AttributeCollection.
Gets or sets the at the specified index.
Value to set.
Gets the with the specified name.
The Value.
Adds the specified value.
The value.
The inserted index.
Gets the index of the value.
The value.
The index, otherwise -1.
Returns the index of the name.
The name.
Index of the name, otherwise -1.
Inserts a value at the specified index.
The index.
The value.
Removes the specified value.
The value.
Determines if the collection contains the specified value.
The value.
true if collection contains the specified value; otherwise, false.
Main class for configuration management.
Call this method to request the mastership of
the resource.
Call this method to ensure the mastership of
the resource.
Call this method to release the mastership of the resource.
Get the current mastership state.
This event is raised when mastership is changed.
Gets the external IO configuration domain.
Gets MotionController configuration domain.
Gets Man Machine Communication domain.
Gets the process configuration domain.
Gets the Serial IO configuration domain.
Gets the system configuration domain.
Gets all domains as a collection.
Accepts a visitor object.
Visitor object.
Loads a configuration file into the database.
Uses LoadMode.Add.
The path. (On the controller).
Loads a configuration file into the database.
The path. (On the controller).
The load mode.
Reads the value localized by the path.
The path.
The value as a string.
The first example reads the unitmap value for signal TestDI.
The variables in the path are the same as the ones in the
configuration files (in this case eio.cfg).
The second example reads the value of cal_offset for rob1_1 (moc.cfg).
using ABB.Robotics;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers.ConfigurationDomain;
Controller controller = new Controller();
ConfigurationDatabase cfg = controller.Configuration;
string[] path = { "EIO", "EIO_SIGNAL", "TestDI", "UnitMap" };
string data = cfg.Read(path);
string[] path = { "MOC", "MOTOR_CALIB", "rob1_1", "cal_offset" };
string data = cfg.Read(path);
Writes a value to the path.
The value.
The path.
Log changes to the controller event log. Supported from RW 6.06.
This example sets the unitmap of signal "TestDI" to 17.
using ABB.Robotics;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers.ConfigurationDomain;
Controller controller = new Controller();
Mastership master;
ConfigurationDatabase cfg = controller.Configuration;
using (master = Controllers.Mastership.Request(controller.Configuration))
string[] path = { "EIO", "EIO_SIGNAL", "TestDI", "UnitMap" };
cfg.Write("17", path);
catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex)
MessageBox.Show("Mastership is held by another client.");
catch (System.Exception ex)
// TODO: Add error handling
//must release mastership in case an error occurred when Write was executed
if (master != null)
master = null;
Writes a value to the path.
The value.
The path.
Main interface to the configuration domain. Requires special license.
Gets the type object with the specified name.
Gets all types in the domain.
Accepts a visitor object.
Visitor object.
Resets the domain to its initial state. This removes
any externally created instances.
Saves database configuration domain to a specified file.
Path of the destination file.
The method overwrites the specified file if it exists.
Requires UAS grant UAS_BACKUP.
A collection of CfgDomain objects.
Gets the at the specified index.
The value.
Gets the with the specified name.
The value.
Adds the specified value.
The value.
Get the index of the domain.
The value.
Index of the domain, otherwise -1.
Gets the index of the domain with the specified name.
The name.
The index of the domain; otherwise -1.
Inserts the specified index.
The index.
The value.
Removes the specified value.
The value.
Determines whether the collection contains the specified value.
The value.
true if value is contained; otherwise, false.
Defines the visitor interface for the Cfg database
of a controller.
Called during a Configuration visit.
Configuration object.
Called during a domain visit.
Configuration domain object.
Called during a CfgType visit.
Configuration type object.
Called during a Cfg attribute visit.
Configuration type object.
An instance of a specific Type. This object is a disconnected set of data from the configuration database.
Gets/Sets the value of the attribute.
Gets/Sets the value of the named attribute.
Gets/Sets a flag to control wheter the limits and readonly flag are controlled
locally and prior to the SetCall against the controller. Default Ãt is true.
Flag that signals that the object is readonly or not.
Gets the type of the object.
Deletes the current object from the database.
Returns the value of the attribute.
Name of attribute to get value for.
The value of the attribute.
This example shows how to get the value of the attribute for an instance.
Following are the namespaces and initializations to be added:
using ABB.Robotics;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers.ConfigurationDomain;
// Create an instance to connect to your controller.
Controller _ctrl = new Controller("/");
ConfigurationDatabase _database = _ctrl.Configuration;
Instance objInstance;
private void GetSetInstanceAttribute()
DomainCollection domains = _database.Domains;
Domain domain = Controller.Configuration.Domains[Controller.Configuration.Domains.IndexOf("SYS")];
using (Controllers.Mastership.Request(Controller.Configuration))
ABB.Robotics.Controllers.ConfigurationDomain.Type taskType = domain.Types[domain.Types.IndexOf("CAB_TASKS")];
objInstance = taskType["T_ROB1"];
if (objInstance == null)
objInstance = taskType.Create("Test_Instance");
objInstance.SetAttribute("Entry", "STATIC");
object objEntry = objInstance.GetAttribute("Entry");
// To test the attibute collection and instance item.
object attrEntry = objInstance[taskType.Attributes["Entry"]];
Assert.AreEqual(objEntry, attrEntry);
Returns the value of the attribute.
Name of attribute to fetch.
Index of attribute, 1-based.
The value of the attribute.
Sets the value of the attribute.
Name of attribute to set.
New value of attribute.
This example shows how to set the value of the attribute for an instance.
Following are the namespaces and initializations to be added:
using ABB.Robotics;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers.ConfigurationDomain;
// Create an instance to connect to your controller.
Controller _ctrl = new Controller("/");
ConfigurationDatabase _database = _ctrl.Configuration;
Instance objInstance;
private void GetSetInstanceAttribute()
DomainCollection domains = _database.Domains;
Domain domain = Controller.Configuration.Domains[Controller.Configuration.Domains.IndexOf("SYS")];
using (Controllers.Mastership.Request(Controller.Configuration))
ABB.Robotics.Controllers.ConfigurationDomain.Type taskType = domain.Types[domain.Types.IndexOf("CAB_TASKS")];
objInstance = taskType["T_ROB1"];
if (objInstance == null)
objInstance = taskType.Create("Test_Instance");
objInstance.SetAttribute("Entry", "STATIC");
object objEntry = objInstance.GetAttribute("Entry");
// To test the attibute collection and instance item.
object attrEntry = objInstance[taskType.Attributes["Entry"]];
Assert.AreEqual(objEntry, attrEntry);
Sets the value of the attribute.
Name of attribute to set.
New value of attribute.
Index of attribute, 1-based.
Gets the instance id.
A collection of configuration Instance objects.
Initiates a new collection of instances.
Gets or sets the at the specified index.
The object at the specfied index.
Adds the specified value.
The value.
The index of the Value.
Gets the index of the value.
The value.
The index, otherwise -1;
Inserts the specified index.
The index.
The value.
Removes the specified value.
The value.
Determines whether the collection contains the specified value.
The value.
true if collection contains the specified value; otherwise, false.
Controls how a configuration file is loaded into the system.
Adds all instances to the database. Any name conflicts
will cause the entire load to fail.
Adds all instances to the database, if a name conflict is
encountered the value will be replaced.
Resets the domain then adds the content of the configuration file.
This class contains abstract for a configuration type.
Gets a named instance of this type.
Gets the collection of attributes for this type.
Gets the parent domain.
Accepts a visitor object.
Visitor object.
Creates an object with the specified name.
Name of instance.
The new object.
Returns an array of all available instances. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Gets the named instance. This is Obsolete, use instead.
Name of instance.
A Cfg object.
Returns the read only copy of instances.
Returns the read only copy of named instance.
Name of instance.
A Cfg object.
A collection of configuration Type objects.
Gets or sets the at the specified index.
The value.
Adds the specified value.
The value.
The value to add.
Gets the index of the specifed value.
The value.
The index otherwise -1.
The index of the name.
The name.
The index otherwise -1.
Inserts the value at specified index.
The index.
The value.
Removes the specified value.
The value.
Determines whether the collection contains the specified value.
The value.
true if the collection contains the specified value; otherwise, false.
Used to compare a cfg attribute value to it's configured limits.
Compares two objects. This method is special for the internal workings
of a CfgObject. The x parameter must always be the value and the right
parameter must always be the limit.
Instead of this function using CompareObjects.
See comparer in MSDN.
Compares two objects. Used specifically for attribute object. The x parameter must always be the value and the right
parameter must always be the limit.
Attribute to compare.
Value of attribute to be set.
Min/Max value to compare.
Less than zero - This instance is less than obj. Zero - This instance is equal to obj. Greater than zero - This instance is greater than obj.
this class handles the internal configuration
of the controller api. This class must be public
with a default ctor to enable reflection creation
from the runtime when the configuration is requested.
Todo when adding a new section:
- Create a new parser method with signature void Method();
- Implement the parser with a simple check for the section
and a trace if the section is missing.
- Add trace statements to TraceConfiguration().
- Create default values on the CapiConfig class to keep
the api less sensitive to bad config files.
- Register the parser _sectionParsers array to enable execution.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
creates the configuration object
parent object
context of current configuration
section in config file
the configuration object
This class is the event argument from a controller connection
changed event.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Flag to signal if the controller is connected or not.
Defines the controller connection and authentication management.
The connection and authentication to the controller is managed by RobotStudio.
RobotStudio.exe must be the host of this application and RobotStudio must already be connected to the controller.
Controllers can be added to RobotStudio with the RobotStudio SDK method ABB.Robotics.RobotStudio.Controllers.ControllerManager.ControllerReferences.Add"
The connection and authentication to the controller is independent and managed by this application.
Internal use only.
What type of connection you have is unkown - you're on your own kid.
The main entry point for any operation against the controller.
Creates a controller from the defaultController id in the capi section of the App.config file.
Creates a controller instance from a system id.
System id.
Creates a controller instance from a system id.
System id.
Validate the SSL certificate when connecting to a 7.x controller.
Creates a controller from a controller info object.
Info object from NetworkScanner.
Creates a controller from a controller info object.
Info object from NetworkScanner.
Validate the SSL certificate when connecting to a 7.x controller.
Not for public use.
Not for public use.
Not for public use.
Not for public use.
Validate the SSL certificate when connecting to a 7.x controller.
Creates a Controller object with a connection to a controller.
The system id of the controller
Validate the SSL certificate when connecting to a 7.x controller.
Creates a Controller object with a connection to a controller.
The controller info from NetScan
Validate the SSL certificate when connecting to a 7.x controller.
Only to be accessed by Controller.Connect()
If the controller is already hosted by RobotStudio in it's controller pool, otherwise the controller is hosted in PCSDK's own controller pool
Gets the user authentication subsystem.
Gets a reference to the class of the controller.
A reference that can be used to access the Ipc functionality of the controller.
Gets a flag that indicates if a backup is in progress or not.
Gets the controller configuration.
Indicates whether the controller is connected or not.
Gets the current context.
The current context.
Gets the currently logged on user.
Gets/Sets the time of the controller.
Grant: UAS_CONTROLLER_PROPERTIES_WRITE, not supported by boot server or Virtual Controller.
The System.DateTimeKind used by this property is System.DateTimeKind.Utc (Coordinated Universal Time). To set current datetime use DateTime.UtcNow.
Gets or sets the NTP time server of the controller.
Value may be IP, DNS name or null/empty.
Gets or sets the time zone of the controller.
Value may be a time zone as specified in the time zone database (also known as Olson database) or null/empty. For example: Europe/Stockholm.
Gets the configured default system id.
Gets the event log of the controller.
Gets the controller file system.
Gets the IOSystem of the controller.
Gets the RemoteLogin which allosw a certain type of users to request a
remote login/logout of a TPU user.
Gets the IPAddress of the controller.
For a virtual controller the value is the loopback address i.e.
Gets a flag that indicates if the controller is
virtual or not.
Gets the MAC address of the controller.
Gets service information for the main computer.
This property is not valid for Virtual Controllers.
Gets the motions system domain of the controller.
Gets the name of the controller.
Gets the network settings of the controller.
Not supported by Virtual Controller.
Sets the controller LAN adaptor settings.
True when using DHCP, false for fixed IP. When using DHCP the remaining parameters will have no effect.
IP to use when is configured.
Subnet mask to use when is configured.
Default gateway to use when is configured. May be left empty.
Gets the current operating mode of the controller.
Gets the Rapid Domain of the controller.
Gets information about the current system and options.
Gets the version of the robotware the current system uses.
Gets the current run level of the controller.
Gets/Sets the current state of the controller.
Set requires Auto mode. Can only be used to change between
MotorsOn and MotorsOff respectively. You can not change from
MotorsOn to MotorsOff while a RAPID program is executing.
Gets the id of the current system of the controller.
Gets the name of the current system of the controller.
Gets the UI Culture.
Gets if the controller supports Unicode in RAPID.
Initiates a new backup operation. This operation stores
the backup in the specified directory on the controller file system.
This method is asynchronous, wait for the BackupCompleted event.
Output path for backup operation.
Requires UAS_BACKUP grant. Only one single backup may be in
progress at a time.
Checks for possible mismatches and other problems with a backup.
Path of directory.
True if restore will complete successfully.
Checks for possible mismatches and other problems with a backup.
Path of directory.
What to include from backup.
True if restore will complete successfully.
Checks for possible mismatches and other problems with a backup.
Path of directory.
What to include from backup.
What errors to ignore.
True if restore will complete successfully.
ABB internal use only.
Gets the value of an environment variable.
The name.
The value.
Substitutes environment variables in a string with their values.
The string in which to expand environment variables.
The value.
Logon as the specified user.
The user.
RobotStudio addins may not manually log on or off. RobotStudio will handle the same.
See .
Logs off the current user.
RobotStudio addins may not manually log on or off. RobotStudio will handle the same.
See also .
Releases unmanaged resources, thus preventing memory leaks.
If the PC SDK application is running in a Single Threaded Apartment (STA), the Dispose call will dispose of managed objects,
but native objects created internally by the PC SDK will remain. To release these unmanaged resources, this method should be called periodically.
For an application running in a Multi Threaded Apartment (MTA) the Dispose call will remove both managed and native objects.
Performs a warm restart of the controller.
On a Virtual Controller the content of the temporary folder (TEMP)$ will be deleted.
Restarts the controller.
The startup mode.
On a Virtual Controller the content of the temporary folder (TEMP)$ will be deleted.
Restarts the controller and does not return until it has restarted and reconnected again.
The startup mode.
On a Virtual Controller the content of the temporary folder (TEMP)$ will be deleted.
Performs a Restore operation of a controller system.
Path to the backup.
Requires mastership of Rapid and Configuration domains.
Requires UAS_RESTORE grant.
Requires Auto mode.
Performs a Restore operation of a controller system.
Path to the backup.
Defines what to restore from the backup.
Requires mastership of Rapid and Configuration domains.
Requires UAS_RESTORE grant.
Requires Auto mode.
Performs a Restore operation of a controller system.
Path to the backup.
Defines what to restore from the backup.
Defines what mismatches between current system and backup to ignore.
Requires mastership of Rapid and Configuration domains.
Requires UAS_RESTORE grant.
Requires Auto mode.
Performs a Restore operation of a controller system.
Path to the backup.
Defines what to restore from the backup.
Defines what mismatches between current system and backup to ignore.
Flag to indicate if the backup folder shall be removed.
Requires mastership of Rapid and Configuration domains.
Requires UAS_RESTORE grant.
Requires Auto mode.
On a Virtual Controller the restore operation will delete the content of the temporary folder (TEMP)$.
ABB internal use only
Checks Availability preconditions for performing an action on the controller.
Required UAS grants (can be null)
Required mastership resources (can be null)
Reason why the action is not permitted, or DisableReason.None if all conditions are met.
Mastership is only checked for a connection with MastershipPolicy.Manual.
Creates a file with RobotWare diagnostics information on the controllers file system
This event is raised when a controller is moved from manual
to auto, all the raised conditions needs to be acknowledged.
This event is raised when a backup operation completes,
the event arguments hold information about the success of
the backup operation.
This event is raised when the connection status
to the controller has changed.
This event is raised when the operation mode of the
controller has changed.
This event is raised when the current state
of the controller has changed.
gets a reference to the internal controller instance
Gets the url for the controller.
Disposes the current controller object.
Flag that indicates the orgin of the call,
true indicates a dispose false indicates a finalizer.
Call this method to request the mastership of all(Rapid,Configuration) resources.
Call this method to Ensure the mastership of all(Rapid,Configuration) resources.
Call this method to release the mastership of all(Rapid,Configuration) resources.
Gets the current mastership state.
Specifies how mastership should be handled by a GUI client
Please use or instead.
Gets the current context for this thread.
Base class of all event args from the controller since
they always contain a timestamp of the event.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the time when event occurs
Thrown when factory failed to create instance.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Enumerator to control what property the factory uses to create Controller
The System ID of the system is used to create the controller.
The IP Address of the controller is used to create Controller instance.
utility class that creates controller instances from a
ControllerInfo instance
private ctor to avoid object creation
creates a controller instance
controller info object
the controller instance
creates a controller info from the specified information
information object about the controller
property on the info object to use for creation
a controller instance if possible to create
creates a controller info from the specified information
information object about the controller
property on the info object to use for creation
Validate the SSL certificate when connecting to a 7.x controller.
a controller instance if possible to create
formats a controllerId from the specified guid
id to format
the controller id
formats a controllerId from the IPAddress
address to format
the controller id
Formats a controller id from a controller info string.
ControllerInfo object for controller.
A correctly formatted string.
Defines the log options of a Virtual Controller.
No logging.
Log to a console window.
Log to "console.log" in the system directory.
Do not change log settings.
Defines the start mode of a Controller.
Restart with current system and current settings.
Delete current system and start boot server.
Restart and delete programs and modules.
Restart with current system and default settings..
Restart and select another system.
Shut down
Restart from previously stored system.
Defines all user properties in the internal impl.
Hides the current password for external acess.
Gets the hidden password.
Hidden password.
Defines the interface of a device node.
Gets all nodes from a device.
The device nodes.
Defines the interface of a property node.
A property node doesn't have any children and
therefore always return an empty enumerator.
Gets the unit of the node.
If no unit is defined for the node a space is returned.
Gets the value of the node.
Will throw an exception if the value cannot be retrieved.
Some values cannot be retrieved from a Virtual Controller.
Defines the interface of the device manager.
Manages the devices in the system.
Initializes a new DeviceManager object.
The controller.
Gets the children of the root device node.
The children.
Disposes this object.
This stream encapsulates the interface between a user mode application
and a device driver on the controller.
Opens the stream with Read access.
Name of device.
Controller that hosts the stream.
Opens a stream with the specified name and access.
Name of stream to open.
Access of stream.
Controller that hosts the stream.
Opens a stream with the specified name and access.
Name of stream to open.
Access of stream.
Controller that hosts the stream.
Device specific flags.
Check if the stream can be read.
Checks if the stream can be seeked.
Checks if the stream can be written.
Not possible to read length from a device stream.
It is not possible the seek on a device stream.
Closes the stream object.
Flush data to stream, currently not implemented, all writes are
imediate against the controller.
Reads a sequence of bytes from the stream.
Buffer for read data.
Offset in buffer.
Maximum number of bytes to read.
Acutal number of bytes read.
Not supported.
Not supported.
Not supported.
Not supported.
Not supported.
Not supported.
Writes a sequence of bytes to the stream.
Buffer for write data.
Offset in buffer to write.
Maximum number of bytes to write.
This enum describes the reason for the event.
New controller.
System id.
Lost from netscan.
Collision with other system.
This exception is thrown if NetworkScanner fails
to find a controller.
Creates a ControllerNotFoundException object.
Creates a ControllerNotFoundException object.
Message of object.
Creates a ControllerNotFoundException object.
Message of object.
Inner exception of object.
Creates a ControllerNotFoundException object.
Filters an enumerable to only show local VCs.
Search criterias for scanner.
No search criteria is specified.
Search only for Real controllers.
Search only for virtual controllers.
This class is used to scan the network for
controllers and changes in the infrastructure.
get the collection of found controllers
Creates a new network scanner instance.
Adds a controller to netscan that isn't avaiable on the local subnet.
Adding the same controller multiple times has no effect.
Adds a controller to netscan that isn't avaiable on the local subnet.
Adding the same controller multiple times has no effect.
Finds a specified controller on the network.
The system to locate.
System to locate.
Finds a specified controller on the network.
The system to locate.
Number of times to retry the find operation on failure.
The ammount of time in milliseconds to wait between two tries.
System to locate.
Finds a specified controller on the network.
The system to locate.
Number of times to retry the find operation on failure.
The ammount of time in milliseconds to wait between two tries.
System to locate, or null if the controller is
returns all controllers as an array
the located controllers
returns the
search criterias
the matching controllers
starts a single scan to load all controllers into memory.
Finds a specified controller on the network.
The system to locate.
ControllerInfo if found.
True if the system was found.
Finds a specified controller on the network.
The system to locate.
Number of times to retry the find operation on failure.
The ammount of time in milliseconds to wait between two tries.
ControllerInfo if found.
True if the system was found.
Finds a specified controller on the network.
The system to locate.
Number of times to retry the find operation on failure.
The ammount of time in milliseconds to wait between two tries.
ControllerInfo if found.
True if the system was found.
This delegate defines the eventhandler for Controller Found events.
This class monitors the network for controller activites.
Creates a NetworkWatcher with disabled events.
Creates a NetworkWatcher with disabled events but initiated to controllers.
the already known controllers
Creates a NetworkWatcher initiated to controllers.
the already known controllers
enables/disables events
Creates a NetworkWatcher with disabled events but initiated to controllers.
the already known controllers
Creates a NetworkWatcher initiated to controllers.
the already known controllers
enables/disables events
Creates a NetworkWatcher.
Controller if events are raisable from creation.
Creates a NetworkWatcher initiated to controllers.
the already known controllers
enables/disables events
Enables / Disables events from the Watcher object.
Disposes this object.
This event is raised when a new controller is found.
This event is raised when a controller is lost from the network.
This class carries the event information from a Controller Found event.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the found controller.
Gets the reason.
The reason.
Unpack event args to NetworkWatcherEventArgs.
This waithandle waits for a single system to
become available from the network scanner. It uses
a ManualResetEvent Internally.
Creates a SystemWaitHandle object.
Watcher that provides the events.
System to wait for.
Gets the Native handle of the object.
Waits forever for the specified system.
True if the controller is available otherwise false.
Waits for the specified system to become available.
Timeout for wait operation.
True if the controller is available otherwise false.
Waits for the specified system to become available.
Timeout for wait operation.
True if the controller is available otherwise false.
When overridden in a derived class, releases the unmanaged resources used by the , and
optionally releases the managed resources.
to release both managed and unmanaged resources; to release only unmanaged resources.
Predefined priority levels for events.
The priority is normal.
The priority is high.
This class represents the FileSystem domain of a Robot
Prefix for controller paths.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or set the directory on the Robot Controller.
The text associated to the remote directory.
Gets or set the directory on the local system.
The text associated to the local directory.
Starts an async directory copy operation on the controller.
Source directory.
Destination directory.
Callback method.
User defined state object.
Result object.
Starts an async directory copy operation on the controller.
Source directory.
Destination directory.
True to overwrite any existing directory.
Callback method.
User defined state object.
Result object.
Starts a new async file copy operation.
Source file.
Destination file.
User defined state object.
Result object.
Starts a new async file copy operation.
Source file.
Destination file.
User defined state object.
True to overwrite any existing file.
Result object.
Starts a CreateDirectory operation on the controller.
Name of directory.
Completion callback.
User state object.
\Result object.
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Starts a directory exists operation.
Path of directory.
\Result object.
Requires the
Starts a list directory operation.
Filter expression.
Callback method.
State object.
\ \
Requires the
Starts a begin file operation.
Path to file.
\ \
Requires the
Starts a get operation for a complete directory.
Name of remote directory.
Name of local directory.
true to overwrite local if
\ \
Requires the
Starts a get file operation.
\Result object.
Remote file.
Local file.
Callback method.
Flag indicating if to overwrite
any existing file.
State object.
Requires the
Starts a put directory operation.
Local directory.
Remote directory.
true to overwrite remote
directory if already present.
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Starts a put file operation.
Local file.
Remote file.
True to overwrite if already
Callback method.
\Result object.
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Starts an remove directory operation.
Path of directory.
True, to remove directory
\Result object.
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Starts a remove file operation.
\File to remove.
\Result object.
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Starts a new rename operation.
Path to file or directory to
New name.
State object.
AsyncResult object.
Requires the
and the
Copies a directory locally on the controller.
Source directory.
Destination directory.
Requires the
and the
Copies a directory locally on the controller.
Source directory.
Destination directory.
True replace any exists directory.
Requires the
and the
Copies a file locally on the controller, from the source to
the destination.
Source to copy.
Requires the
and the
Copies a file locally on the controller, from the source to
the destination.
Source to copy.
True to overwrite any existing
Requires the
and the
Creates a directory on the Robot Controller.
Name of the directory to create.
The directory is created under the directorys specified by
the property
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Verifies that a directory exists.
Path to directory.
True if the directory exist.
Requires the
Ends an async directory copy operation.
Result object from BeginCopyFile operation.
Ends an async file copy operation.
Result object from BeginCopyFile operation.
End an async directory creation operation.
AsyncResult from start operation.
Info object for directory.
Ends the directory exists operation.
Result from BeginDirectoryExists.
True if the file exists, otherwise false.
Ends a FileExists operation.
true if file exists.
Ends a get file operation.
Async result.
Path to local file.
Ends a GetDirectory operation.
Async resul.t
Path to local directory.
Ends a list directory operation.
Async result.
The matching file entries.
Ends a put directory operation.
Async result.
Path to remote directory.
Ends an PutFile operation.
Async result.
Destination path.
Ends an RemoveDirectory operation.
Ends an RemoveFile operation.
Ends the rename operation.
New path.
Checks if the file exists.
Name of file.
true if file exists, otherwise false.
Requires the
Gets a complete directory recursively.
Name of remote directory.
Name of local directory.
true to overwrite any existing
local directories.
Requires the
Gets a complete directory recursively.
Name of remote directory.
Name of local directory.
Requires the
Get a remote directory, creates a local directory with the
same name as the remote.
Remote directory.
true to overwrite any existing
local directory.
Requires the
Get a remote directory, creates a local directory with the
same name as the remote.
Remote directory.
Requires the
Gets all available drives.
Array of available drives.
Gets a file from the Robot Controller and stores it on the
local system.
Name of a file to retrieve from the
Robot Controller.
Name of the file to create on the
local system.
true, to overwrite local file.
Requires the
The file to overwrite is Read-only.
Gets a file from the Robot Controller and stores it on the
local system.
Name of a file to retrieve from the Robot Controller.
Name of the file to create in the local file system.
Requires the
Gets a file from the Robot Controller and stores it on the
local system. Stores file locally with same name as on the
Name of a file to retrieve from the
Robot Controller.
true, to overwrite local file.
Requires the
The file to overwrite is Read-only.
Gets a file from the Robot Controller and stores it on the
local system. Stores file locally with same name as on the
Name of a file to retrieve from the
Robot Controller.
Requires the
Gets the file attributes for a remote file.
Name of remote file.
FileAttributes for file.
Requires the
Gets the attributes for a directory.
Name of directory.
Attribute of directory.
Requires the
Get the time of creation for a file.
Name of remote file.
Time of creation.
Requires the
Gets the creation time for a directory.
Name of directory.
Time of creation.
Requires the
Gets the last access time for a file.
Name of remote file.
DateTime for last access.
Requires the
Gets the accesstime for a directory.
Directory to get access time for.
DateTime for last access.
Requires the
Gets the last write time for the remote file.
Name of remote file.
Last write time.
Requires the
Gets the last write time for a directory.
Name of directory.
Last write time.
Requires the
Gets the combined path from name and LocalDirectory.
Complete local path.
Gets the combined path from name and RemoteDirectory.
Name of file or directory.
Combined path.
Gets the size of a file.
Name of file.
The size of the file in bytes.
Requires the
Puts a directory from the local computer to the filesytem of
the controller.
Name of local directory.
Name of remote directory.
true to overwrite remote
directory if already present.
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Puts a directory from the local computer to the filesytem of
the controller.
Name of local directory.
Name of remote directory.
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Puts a directory from the local computer to the filesytem of
the controller.
Name of local directory.
true to overwrite remote
directory if already present.
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Puts a directory from the local computer to the filesytem of
the controller.
Name of local directory.
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Stores a file from the local system to the Robot Controller.
Name of a file to send from the
local system.
Name of the file to create on the
Robot Controller.
true, to overwrite existing file.
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Stores a file from the local system to the Robot Controller.
Name of a file to send from the
local system.
Name of the file to create on the
Robot Controller.
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Stores a file from the local system to the Robot Controller.
Name of a file to send from the
local system.
true, to overwrite existing file.
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Stores a file from the local system to the Robot Controller.
Name of a file to send from the
local system.
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Removes the specified directory from Robot Controller.
Path of the directory to be removed.
True to remove all directories
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Removes the specified directory from Robot Controller.
Path of the directory to be removed.
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Deletes the specified file from the Robot Controller.
Name of the file to remove.
Requires the UAS_WRITE_FTP .
Renames the specified directory on the Robot Controller.
Name of the directory to be
New name of the directory.
Requires the
and the
Renames the specified file on the Robot Controller.
Name of the file to be renamed.
New name of the file.
Requires the
and the
Returns the info objects of files and directories on the
controller file system that matches the specified search pattern.
To get the list of files and directories use the search pattern "*".
The search string to match
against the names of files in
An array of objects
matching the search criteria.
Requires the
See Also information
Objects of this class is thrown whenever an exception occurs
during some FileOperation, it always contains the local and remote
paths involved in the call.
Initializes a new FileSystemException object.
Initializes a new FileSystemException object. Only used for
deserialization, see MSDN.
Utility class for file system path operations.
Prefix for controller paths.
Separator char.
Extension separator.
Separator string.
Prefixed separator.
Combines two paths into a new path.
First part of path.
Second part of path.
New path.
Combines three paths into a new path.
First part of path.
Second part of path.
Third part of path.
New path.
Returns the path to the parent direcotory
Path to get parent directory from.
The path to the directory.
Prepends the ctrl: prefix to the string if needed and replaces back slash with forward slash
Path to correct.
A correct path string.
Gets the extension of a file, returns an empty
string if the file doesn't have an extension
path to get extension from
the extension of the file
Returns the name of a file system entry, ie.
For a path to a file, it returns the filename and
for a path to a directoru it returns the directory name
path to extract name from
the name of the entry
Use this class to create scope for the filesystem.
Sets RemoteDirectory and LocalDirectory properties
and resets the to their original values at the end
of the scope.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
To leave a property as is, set the matching parameter to null.
The file system.
The remote directory.
The local directory.
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing,
releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Main interface of the file system.
Gets/Sets the local directory.
Gets/Sets the remote directory.
Gets a file from the Robot Controller and store it on the
local system. Stores file locally with same name as on the
Name of a file to retrieve from the
Robot Controller.
Requires the
Predefined file types in the Robot Controller.
Creates an info object from the supplied entry.
Filesystem object.
Entry to create info object from.
The info object.
Creates an array of info objects from the supplied entries.
Filesystem object.
Entres to create from.
New info objects.
Represents a file system entry in the Robot Controller
Gets the creation time of the current object.
The creation date and time of the current object.
Gets a value indicating whether the file or directory exists..
true if the file or directory exists; otherwise, false.
Gets the string representing the extension part of the file.
A string containing the extension.
Gets the full path of the directory or file.
A string containing the full path.
Gets the time the current file or directory was last accessed.
The time that the current file or directory was last accessed.
Gets the time when the current file or directory was last written to.
The time the current file was last written.
For files, gets the name of the file. For directories, gets the name of the directory.
A string containing the name of the directory or the file, including the file name extension.
Represents a file in the Robot Controller
Represents a directory in the Robot Controller
Contains information about a storage device.
Initializes a StorageDeviceInfo object.
Gets/Sets the DriveType of the drive.
Gets/Sets the enabled flag of the drive.
Gets/Sets the name of the drive.
Get/Sets the readonly flag for the drive.
Abstracts a controller grant.
Creates a Grant object.
name of grant
value of grant
Creates a Grant object.
name of grant
Gets the name of the Grant.
Gets the value of the Grant.
Equalses the specified g.
The g.
Determines whether the specified is equal to the current .
The to compare with the current .
if the specified is equal to the
current ; otherwise, .
Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable
for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
A hash code for the current .
Operator ==s the specified g1.
The g1.
The g2.
Operator !=s the specified g1.
The g1.
The g2.
Gives access to perform the following: Install new system,
P-start, I-start, X-start, C-start, Select System, Install
system from device. This grant gives full FTP access, that
is, the grant gives the same rights as
access to controller disks and
access to controller disks.
Gives access to read and write the UAS configuration, that is to read, add,
remove and modify UAS users and groups.
Gives access to perform a backup and to save modules, programs and configuration files.
Gives access to perform the following: Fine calibrate mechanical unit,
Calibrate base frame, Update/clear SMB data. Note! Frame calibration (tool, wobj)
requires the grant RAPID code. Manual offset of mechanical unit calibration
data and loading new calibration data from file require grant Modify configuration.
Gives access to delete messages in the controller Event Log.
Gives access to perform the following: Move PP to routine, Move PP to cursor,
HoldToRun, Activate/deactivate RAPID tasks, Request write access from the FlexPendant,
Acknowledge Auto mode without restoring simulated I/O signals or deactivated tasks,
Enable/disable non-motion execution
Gives acces to decrease speed from 100% in Auto mode.
This grant is not required if speed already is below 100%, or controller is in Manual mode.
Gives access to perform the following: Modify code in existing RAPID modules, Frame
calibration (tool, workobj), Commit ModPos/HotEdit positions to current values, Rename program.
Gives access to perform the following: Start/step program (stop is always allowed),
Move PP to Main, Execute service routines.
This grant includes all controller grants, also new grants added in future
RobotWare versions. The grant does not include any application grants, nor
the "Safety Controller configuration" grant.
Hot Edit
Gives access to perform the following: Modify or teach positions in RAPID code (ModPos),
During execution modify positions in RAPID code single points or as a path (HotEdit),
Restore ModPos/HotEdit positions to original, Modify current value of any RAPID variable.
Gives access to modify current value of any RAPID variable. The grant is a subset
of grant "Perform ModPos and HotEdit".
Supported from RW 5.07.03
Modify Rapid program
Gives access to perform the following: Set I/O signal value, Set signal as simulated
and remove simulation, Set I/O unit and bus as enabled/disabled
Gives external read access to controller disks. This grant is
\only valid for explicit disk access, for example with an FTP
client or the File Manager of RoboStudio Online.
It is possible, for example, to load a program from /hd0a
without this grant. To this effect the following grants also
allow file system browsing; ,
and .
Gives access to perform warm start and shutdown (S-start) from a remote location.
No grant is required to perform warm start via a local device, as for example the FlexPendant.
Gives access to restore backup and perform B-start.
Gives access to modify the configuration database, that is load configuration files,
change system parameter values and add/delete instances.
Gives access to set controller name, controller ID and system clock.
Gives external write access to controller disks.
This grant is only valid for explicit disk access, for example with an
FTP client or the File Manager of RoboStudio Online. It is possible,
for example, to save a program to the controller disk or perform a
backup without this grant.
Gives access to load/delete modules and program.
Gives access to perform a configuration of the Safety Controller.
Only valid for the PSC-option. This grant is not included in the "Full access" grant.
Supported from RW 5.07
Gives access to perform a remote login request.
An instance of this class is thrown when a DemandGrant operations fails.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Compares string array against single strings used to sort grant
arrays and also to determine if a user has a grant.
This class is the main entrypoint for a host into
the CAPI internal functions. It can be used to extend
and alter the inner workings of the API.
Private ctor to avoid external creation
Gets the service provider impl.
Register the host.
Host object.
The service provider for the api.
Demands that no host is registered.
Verifies that the host parameter is valid and ok
for further use.
Host to check.
Gets the host object if registered.
Gets the HostingService instance.
The singletonn instance.
Verifies that the controller is present in the
list of external controllers. If it isn't this
method throws an InvalidOperationException.
System id to check for.
The internal controller for the refered controller.
Handles a operation completed-"event".
Success flag.
Controller object.
Handles the started-"event".
True to continue operation.
Handles any logoff operation.
Operation object.
Operation success.
Controller object.
Handles the completion of a logon operation.
LogonOperation object.
Success flag.
Handles the mastership release operation completed.
The mastership release operation.
if set to true [success].
The controller.
Handles the completion of a host mastership operation.
The mastership operation.
if set to true [success].
The controller.
Register a host for the api, must be called prior to
ANY other calls within the api impl.
Host object.
Links the Controller object specified by the id to the host.
Controller to refer to avoid collection.
The internal controller object.
Checks if service is supported by this object. We only search
the implemented interfaces of this object.
Service to return interface for.
True if the service is supported.
Service provider implementation. This only supports
services implemented as interfaces.
Service interface to request.
Service object.
Handles all operation started notifications, default
all operations are allowed to continue.
True to continue, otherwise false.
Handles all operation completed operations.
Operation that has completed.
True if the operation succeeded, otherwise false.
This is the main interface of a host object.
Gets the name of the host.
Gets the version of the host.
Extended host interface with additional methods for ABB internal use.
Calculates the license hash required to use RWS on a controller that lacks the RWS option.
This interface is used to negotiate and notify the change of shared state between the Controller API and its host.
It is implemented both by Controller API and shall be implemented by the host.
This method is called by the party who intends to start a state changing operation and thwhen a operation is started
The implemeneting party may select to refuse it by neglecting the call using false as return value.
The state changeing operation.
True to allow operation, otherwise false.
The operation has completed, note must be the same object
as passed to .
True if successful, otherwise false.
A logoff operation with the host.
Initializes a new LogoffOperation and starts the operation.
User to logon.
System id.
Destination object.
A logon operation with the host.
Initializes a new LogonOperation and starts the operation.
User to logon.
System id.
Destination object.
Gets the userId.
Overrides the default complete, this is not a valid operation
for Logon operations since it requires a user id for completion.
Completes the logon operation with the userid
for the logged on user.
User id.
A mastership release operation.
Initializes a new instance of the class and starts the operation.
The resources.
The id.
The destination.
Gets the the resources.
The resources.
A mastership operation with the host.
Initializes a new instance of the class and starts the operation.
The id.
The destination.
The masterships resources that are requested.
Gets the resources.
The resources.
Flags for all available mastership resources.
Rapid resource.
Configuration resource.
Motion resource.
InfoStream resource.
All available resources.
class for all notification types.
Initializes a NotifyOperation object.
System id.
Notification object.
Gets the OpName for an operation.
Gets the system id.
Sets the complete flag to indicate success.
Completes the operation.
Checks that the id is a valid Guid and that
the notify reference refers to a valid object.
Guid to check.
Base class for Uas operation.
Initializes a new Uas operation.
System Id.
Destination object.
Gets the user.
Main interface of a controller.
Gets the CultureInfo for the TP.
Gets a reference to the filesystem.
Gets the system id.
Gets the value of an environment variable.
The name.
The value.
Gets the RobotWare version.
This class defines the interface of write access to all controller resources that
is controlled through the concept of Mastership.
This class represent a analog signal.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The controller.
The name.
Writes the porcentual value of the analog signal.
A float value from 0 to 1 that represents the new procentual value.
newPorcentualValue The procentual value is not between 0 and 1.
Reads the porcentual value of the analog signal.
A float value from 0 to 1 that represents the actual procentual value.
Represents the current physical state of a .
Gets the physical state of the bus.
Represents the current state of a .
Gets the logical state of the bus.
Unit data.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The controller.
The name.
Gets the type of the bus
Gets the Physical state for this bus.
Gets the Logical state for this bus.
A collection of signal objects.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Adds the specified value.
The value.
Index of value.
Gets the index of the bus.
The value.
Index of bus if exists; otherwise -1.
Inserts the bus at specified index.
The index.
The bus.
Determines whether the collection contains the specified value.
The value.
true if the collection contains value; otherwise, false.
this is a utility class that create instances of Units
depending on the supplied IOBusType enum
Creates a unit object depending on the supplied type.
Internal bus object.
Name of bus.
the bus object
Creates a IOBusCollection from an internal array of buses.
Array of buses to create an array for.
The buses collection.
This class represent a digital signal.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The controller.
The name.
Gets a boolean expression to test if the signal is set
or not. Uses Value > 0 to test.
Gets the Max value for the signal.
Gets the min value for the signal.
The Min value.
Generates a pulse on the digital signal.
Generates a pulse on a digital signal for a specific period of time.
Time of pulse in milliseconds.
Inverts the value of the digital signal.
Sets the value of the digital signal to 1.
Sets the value of the digital signal to 0.
Gets the digital value of the .
This class represent a group signal.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The controller.
The name.
Gets the Max value of the signal.
Obsolete: Use GroupMaxValue instead
Gets the maximum value of the group signal.
An int value that represents the maximum value of the group signal
Gets the Min value for the signal, always 0
for a group signal.
Obsolete: Use GroupMinValue instead
Gets the Min value for the signal, always 0
for a group signal.
Gets / Sets the value of the signal.
Obsolete: Use GroupValue instead
Gets or sets the value of the group signal
Writes a value of the group signal.
New value of the signal.
Writes a value of the group signal.
New value of the signal.
Predefined filters used in search for IO signals.
If two or more filters are combined, the result must meet all the criteria.
Include all signals included except for safety signals.
Include only System signals.
Include only Digital signals.
Include only Analog signals
Include only Group signals.
Include only Input signals.
Include only Output signals.
Include only Signals that belong to a certain unit.
Include only Common signals. If this flag is set, all others are ignored.
This class represents the IOSystem domain of a robot controller.
Returns a signal object.
The name of the signal.
A object.
Gets signals that match a defined filter from the robot controller.
Defines the kind of signals to retrieve.
A collection of objects.
If no signal is retrieved the method still returns a object,
but its Count is 0.
GetSignals accepts a combination of several flags as input parameter.
The retrieved signals meet all of the criteria.
Gets signals that match a defined filter from the robot controller.
Defines the kind of signals to retrieve.
Defines the Unit to retrieve.
A collection of objects.
If no signal is retrieved the method still returns a object,
but its Count is 0.
GetSignals accepts a combination of several flags as input parameter.
The retrieved signals meet all of the criteria.
Returns an IO bus object.
Name of the bus.
A object.
This example gets the bus named "Virtual1" from the robot controller.
using ABB.Robotics;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers.RapidDomain;
Controller c = new Controller();
Bus virtualBus = c.IOSystem.GetBus("Virtual1");
IOBusPhysicalState physState = virtualBus.PhysicalState;
IOBusLogicalState logState = virtualBus.LogicalState;
Gets buses from the robot controller.
A collection of objects.
If no bus is retrieved the method still returns a object,
but its Count is 0.
This example gets all buses of the controller.
using ABB.Robotics;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers.RapidDomain;
Controller c = new Controller();
BusCollection buses = c.IOSystem.GetBuses();
IOBusPhysicalState physState = buses[0].PhysicalState;
IOBusLogicalState logState = buses[0].LogicalState;
Returns an IO unit object.
Name of the unit.
A object.
This example gets the unit named "PANEL".
using ABB.Robotics;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers.RapidDomain;
Controller c = new Controller();
Unit panelUnit = c.IOSystem.GetUnit("PANEL");
string address = panelUnit.Address;
string bus = panelUnit.Bus;
IOUnitLogicalState logState = panelUnit.LogicalState;
IOUnitPhysicalState physState = panelUnit.PhysicalState;
string type = panelUnit.Type;
Gets all IO units from the robot controller.
A collection of objects.
If no unit is retrieved the method still returns a object,
but its Count is 0.
This example gets the unit named "PANEL".
using ABB.Robotics;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers;
using ABB.Robotics.Controllers.RapidDomain;
Controller c = new Controller();
UnitCollection units = _controller.IOSystem.GetUnits();
string address = units[0].Address;
string bus = units[0].Bus;
IOUnitLogicalState ulogState = units[0].LogicalState;
IOUnitPhysicalState uphysState = units[0].PhysicalState;
string type = units[0].Type;
Predefined types of IO signals
Analog and input
Analog and output
Digital and input
Digital and output
Group and input
Group and output
Unknown type
This class represents an IO signal.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The controller.
The name.
Flag to indicate a digital signal.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The controller.
The name.
Gets or sets the value of the signal.
Define if simulate setting of physical input-signals shall be used for the virtual controller.
If InputAsPhysical is true is the signal's configured access level not checked.
Supported from RW5.13
Define if changes to the signal value shall be logged in the controller event log.
Supported from RW 6.06.
sets the internal signal object
Gets the of the signal.
Gets the maximum value of the signal.
Gets the minimum value of the signal.
Gets the name of the unit the signal is mapped to.
Gets the of the signal.
Subscribes to signal changes.
Unsubscribes to signal changes.
Occurs when the value or the state of the signal has changed.
A collection of signal objects.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the at the specified index.
Signal object.
Adds the specified value.
The value.
Index of value.
Gets the index of the signal.
The value.
Index of signal if exists; otherwise -1.
Inserts the signal at specified index.
The index.
The signal.
Removes the specified value.
The value.
Determines whether the collection contains the spcefied value.
The value.
true if the collection contains value; otherwise, false.
this is a utility class that create instances of Signals
depending on the supplied IOSignalType enum
Creates a signal object depending on the supplied type.
Type of signal to create.
Internal signal object.
Name of signal.
the signal object
Creates a IOSignalCollection from an internal array of signals.
Array of signals to create an array for.
The signals collection.
Predefined quality status of a .
The quality of the signal value is unknown.
The quality of the value is good.
The signal value is not useful.
Represents the method that will handle the event of a .
Represents the current state of a .
Gets the value of the signal
A value that represents the logical value of the signal.
Gets the simulated status of the signal
true the signal is simulated; false the signal is not simulated.
Gets the valid status of the signal
One of the values.
Equalses the specified state.
The state.
Determines whether the specified is equal to the current .
The to compare with the current .
if the specified is equal to the
current ; otherwise, .
Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable
for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
A hash code for the current .
Operator ==s the specified s1.
The s1.
The s2.
Operator !=s the specified s1.
The s1.
The s2.
Provides data for the event.
Initializes a new instance of the SignalChangedEventArgs class.
Gets the new state of the signal.
Represents the method that will handle the event of a .
Represents the method that will handle the event of a .
Represents the current state of a (physical and logical).
Gets the physical state of the unit.
Gets the logical state of the unit
Represents the current physical state of a .
Gets the physical state of the unit.
Represents the current logical state of a .
Gets the logical state of the unit
Represents the current physical bit information on a .
Gets the state of the unit (physical and logical).
Gets the physical bit information for the output data on the unit.
Gets the physical bit information for the input data on the unit.
Provides data for the event.
Gets the new state of the signal.
Provides data for the event.
Initializes a new instance of the UnitSignalChangedEventArgs class.
Gets the state of the unit.
Gets the out bits of the unit.
Gets the in bits of the unit.
Unit data.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The controller.
The name.
gets the type of the unit
Gets the bus for this unit.
Gets the Address for this unit.
Gets the physical state for this unit.
Gets the logical state for this unit.
Subscribes to unit state changes.
Unsubsribe to unit state changes.
Subscribes to signal changes on an unit.
Unsubsribe to signal changes on an unit.
Occurs when the physical or logical state of the unit has changed, or if a bit (a signal) has changed on the unit.
Occurs when a signal is changed on the unit.
IOUnitBits data.
Gets the physical bit information on a unit. The bits represents the unit map
configuration for the signal. If for example the signal on unit map 7 is set, this
will be shown in data[0] = [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0].
Gets the mask information on a unit. It contains what bits in the "data area" that
are valid. (There are units that has a size which is not a multiple of 8 bits).
If a bit is "1" in the "mask area" the corresponding bit in the "data area" is valid.
A collection of unit objects.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the at the specified index.
Unit object.
Adds the specified value.
The value.
Index of value.
Gets the index of the unit.
The value.
Index of unit if exists; otherwise -1.
Inserts the unit at specified index.
The index.
The unit.
Determines whether the collection contains the specified value.
The value.
true if the collection contains value; otherwise, false.
this is a utility class that create instances of Units
depending on the supplied IOUnitType enum
Creates a unit object depending on the supplied type.
Internal unit object.
Name of unit.
the unit object
Creates a IOUnitCollection from an internal array of units.
Array of units to create an array for.
The units collection.
Creates an index accessor for a linked lists.
ValueType of the linked list.
Initializes a new LinkedListIndex.
The list to index.
Gets the value at the specified index.
The index to access.
The value.
Utility class used to get the value from a linked list
at the specified value.
Gets the value at index.
Type of list.
List to access.
The index to access.
The value.
Contains service information about the main computer of Controller.
Not used for Virtual Controller.
Initializes a new computer service info object.
Gets/Sets the board type.
Gets/Sets the Cpu info.
Gets the single empty instance.
Gets/Sets the size of RAM in Mega Bytes.
Gets/Sets the temperature.
This class defines the interface of a resource that
is controlled through the concept of Mastership.
Call this method to request the mastership of
the resource.
Call this method to ensure the mastership of
the resource.
call this method to release the mastership of
the resource.
gets the current mastership state.
gets the current mastership state.
This event is raised when mastership is changed.
The data from a MastershipChanged event.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the resource.
The resource.
Gets the current status of the mastership in the controller.
Flag to signal if the current user is master or not.
Defines the delegate for the Mastership changed event.
Defines mastership status of a robot controller resource.
Requests mastership of a specified controller
The controller to request mastership for.
An object holding mastership of the controller.
Mastership is already held by a client.
Requests mastership of a specified controller resource
Resource to request mastership for.
An object holding mastership of a specific resource.
Mastership is already held by a client.
Ensure method helps for temporarily obtaining mastership for a Controller
with MastershipPolicy set to Automatic (typically a VC).
Resource to ensure mastership for.
An object holding mastership of a specific resource.
The operating mode is automatically set to Automatic for a VC connection if needed.
Resources that were already held are not released when the returned token is disposed.
If the Controller has MastershipPolicy set to Manual,
or if the requested resources are already held, this method does nothing.
private ctor to avoid object creation
resource to control
Releases the mastership as the object goes through the GC.
True if the object is holding mastership, false if not.
Gets or sets a flag to indicate if the object shall release its mastership
during Dispose or not, this shall ONLY be changed if a operation forces the
controller to a restart; otherwise leave this as is.
Disposes this object.
Releases any held mastership.
Requests new mastership.
Ensures new mastership.
Please use or instead.
Defines the type of an Ipc message.
Defines common results of calls to Ipc methods.
This class is the entry point to the IPC functionality of the robot controller.
IPC can be used with RW 5.10 and later.
Maximum IPC message size (not including header)
Represents an invalid number
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The maximum size of an Ipc message.
Returns the available Ipc queues of the controller.
Can be used with RW 5.10 and later.
Returns the maximum size of an Ipc package.
Creates an Ipc queue.
Name of the queue.
The capacity (max number of messages) of the queue.
Maximum size per message.
The created queue.
Controller c = new Controller();
IpcQueue queue = c.Ipc.CreateQueue("RABQueue", 5, Ipc.MaxMessageSize);
Deletes an Ipc queue.
Queue ID
Controller c = new Controller()
int queueId = c.Ipc.GetQueueId("RABQueue");
if (c.Ipc.Exists(queueId))
Checks if a named Ipc queue exists.
The name of the queue.
True if the named queue exists, otherwise false.
Returns the ID of the specified queue name.
The name of the Ipc queue.
The id of the queue.
Returns the queue name from a specified queue ID.
The ID.
The name or null if ID is missing.
Gets an existing queue.
Name of the queue.
The queue.
Returns an existing queue.
Queue ID.
The queue.
Gets a ref to the ipc adapter.
Gets a list of IPCSlots
This type represents an Ipc queue, which can be used to send data between the controller and its clients.
IPC can be used with RW 5.10 and later.
Messages can be sent to the queue from other clients who knows the queue id. Only the creator of the queue can recieve messages from the queue.
Messages must be sent and recieved from a MTA thread. This means that you shall not send and recieve messages from the UI thread. See for more information.
Returns the name of the Ipc queue.
Returns the ID of the Ipc queue.
Returns the capacity (max number of elements) of the queue.
Returns the size limitation for a message.
Specifies whether the queue is remotely accessible or not.
This method sends a message to a RAPID queue.
The message to send.
IPC can only be used with RW 5.10 and later.
There must be code to receive the message in the RAPID program.
No mastership is required to send a message.
This method must be called from a MTA thread. Create a separate sender thread and use the method Thread.SetApartmentState() to set the apartment state to MTA before starting it.
In this example a message (string;"test") is sent to a RAPID queue.
private void SendData()
Controller c = new Controller();
IpcQueue rapidQueue = c.Ipc.GetQueue("RMQ_T_ROB1");
IpcMessage message = new IpcMessage();
Byte[] data = new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes("string;\"test\"");
This method sends a message to the queue.
This method must be called from a MTA thread. Create a separate sender thread and use the method Thread.SetApartmentState() to set the apartment state to MTA before starting it.
The sender of the message
The type of command
A user defined value
User information
The data that will be sent
if Data is invalid.
Controller c = new Controller();
IpcQueue rapidQueue = c.Ipc.GetQueue("RMQ_T_ROB1");
Byte[] data = new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes("string;\"test\"");
rapidQueue.Send(0, 0, 0, 0, data);
This method sends a message to the queue.
This method must be called from a MTA thread. Create a separate sender thread and use the method Thread.SetApartmentState() to set the apartment state to MTA before starting it.
The sender of the message
The type of command
A user defined value
User information
The data that will be sent
Length of the data that will be sent
if Data is invalid.
Controller c = new Controller();
IpcQueue rapidQueue = c.Ipc.GetQueue("RMQ_T_ROB1");
Byte[] data = new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes("string;\"test\"");
Send string including null character
rapidQueue.Send(0, 0, 0, 0, data, data.Length+1);
This method receives a message from the queue.
A timeout value in milliseconds.
The received message (if any).
The result of the call.
IPC can only be used with RW 5.10 and later.
This method must be called from a MTA thread. Create a separate reciever thread and use the method Thread.SetApartmentState() to set the apartment state to MTA before starting it.
Calls to this method are blocking.
QueueId is invalid.
This example creates a queue and then tries to read a message from it.
Controller c = new Controller();
IpcQueue rabQueue = c.Ipc.CreateQueue("RABQueue", 5, Ipc.MaxMessageSize);
IpcMessage message = new IpcMessage(Ipc.MaxMessageSize);
rabQueue.Receive(1000, message);
// Expecting IPC message data of type string. Convert it for later use.
string messageData = new UTF8Encoding().GetString(message.Data);
Represents a IPC slot
Gets the name of the slot
Gets the slot identifier.
Gets the size of slot queue
Returns the maximum message size accepted by the receiver
Indicates if the slot is accessible
Represents an IPC slot
Name of the slot.
Slot identifier
Size of the queue
Max message size
Remote accessible
Represents an Ipc message.
User defined value.
Type short is only supported by the controller.
User information
The size of the message data
The message type
The destination queue
Data buffer
Creates an Ipc message.
The capacity of the message data
Default constructor - creates a message with maximum capacity.
Sets the data of the message.
The data to set
Copies the data of the message to a byte array
The destination array
Returns a copy of the data of the message.
The data as a byte array
Returns the total data capacity of the message.
Returns a reference to the data of the message
Contains information about the settings on a network adapter.
Default .ctor for external creation.
Initializes a new NetworkSettingsInfo object.
Subnet mask.
True if the settings are configured by dhcp.
Mac address.
Creates a settings object from a list of strings.
0: IP address
1: Subnet mask
2: Gatway
3: Mac address
True if dhcp is enabled.
Gets the IP address.
Set is only available if the instance is not set to read only. Otherwise an is thrown.
Gets the single empty instance.
Gets the gateway settings.
Set is only available if the instance is not set to read only. Otherwise an is thrown.
Flag indicating that Dhcp is used to configure the
network of the controller.
Set is only available if the instance is not set to read only. Otherwise an is thrown.
Gets the Mac address. Note: You can't change the MAC
address of a NIC.
Set is only available if the instance is not set to read only. Otherwise an is thrown.
Gets the subnet mask.
Set is only available if the instance is not set to read only. Otherwise an is thrown.
Checks if the objects are considered equal.
Object to compare to.
True if the object are equal, otherwise false.
Checks if the objects are considered equal.
Object to compare to.
True if the object are equal, otherwise false.
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
is suitable
for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a
hash table.
A hash code for the current .
This generic enables enumeration of LinkedListNodes
from a linked list.
Type to enumerate.
Event args for OperatingModeChanged event.
Creates a OperationModeChanged event args object.
The new mode of the controller when operation mode is Changed
A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
Looks up a localized string similar to Attribute not available on type..
Looks up a localized string similar to Operation not possible during a backup..
Looks up a localized string similar to Backup directory already exists: {0}..
Looks up a localized string similar to Cant compare with type..
Looks up a localized string similar to Bad directory name..
Looks up a localized string similar to EventHandler must not be null..
Looks up a localized string similar to Bad remote file..
Looks up a localized string similar to Must be a subclass of NotifyOperation..
Looks up a localized string similar to Bad path..
Looks up a localized string similar to Parameter is not valid..
Looks up a localized string similar to String: {0} is not correctly formatted..
Looks up a localized string similar to Procentual value '{0}' is not between 0 and 1..
Looks up a localized string similar to Bad remote file..
Looks up a localized string similar to Bad path for module..
Looks up a localized string similar to Bad signal name..
Looks up a localized string similar to Task name is bad..
Looks up a localized string similar to The call was blocked by the current host..
Looks up a localized string similar to Supplied buffer to small..
Looks up a localized string similar to Can only get data for an instance of a type..
Looks up a localized string similar to Host already registered..
Looks up a localized string similar to Can't get RapidDataType for a type, only possible for data..
Looks up a localized string similar to Type not supported for serialization as CfgAttribute..
Looks up a localized string similar to Every cfg type can only have a single managed type. Cfg type: {0}..
Looks up a localized string similar to CfgType with specified name not found..
Looks up a localized string similar to Failed to create controller object..
Looks up a localized string similar to Can't use a disconnected controller object..
Looks up a localized string similar to The requested grant demand was rejected by the controller..
Looks up a localized string similar to Remote directory already exists..
Looks up a localized string similar to EventLog message not found..
Looks up a localized string similar to Failed to create event strategy object..
Looks up a localized string similar to Fill / FillFromString must be called..
Looks up a localized string similar to A host is already registered..
Looks up a localized string similar to Host Version may not be null..
Looks up a localized string similar to Instance is write protected..
Looks up a localized string similar to Argument must be larger then: {0}..
Looks up a localized string similar to Name of host must be; non-null and Length > 0..
Looks up a localized string similar to IAsyncResult not valid..
Looks up a localized string similar to Provided url is malformed or null..
Looks up a localized string similar to Mastership already held..
Looks up a localized string similar to The {0} reference counter is < 0; this indicates that Release( {0} ) was called to many times..
Looks up a localized string similar to More Release calls then Request calls..
Looks up a localized string similar to Mastership not held..
Looks up a localized string similar to Mastership resource is not supported: {0}..
Looks up a localized string similar to Method not implemented on controller..
Looks up a localized string similar to Name or password missing..
Looks up a localized string similar to Current entry not available on enumerator..
Looks up a localized string similar to Supplied argument not a COM error code..
Looks up a localized string similar to This event is no longer supported, use {0} instead..
Looks up a localized string similar to Object already disposed..
Looks up a localized string similar to Can't modify a readonly object..
Looks up a localized string similar to Parameter value conversion is missing..
Looks up a localized string similar to Regular expression can't be empty..
Looks up a localized string similar to Not a valid ignore flag..
Looks up a localized string similar to Not a valid value for a restore operation..
Looks up a localized string similar to Operation not valid during a restore operation..
Looks up a localized string similar to RMMP Release cant be called prior to RMMP request..
Looks up a localized string similar to The RMMP request was not granted within the timeout limit..
Looks up a localized string similar to Can't create signal for type: {0}..
Looks up a localized string similar to Start index must be less then Stop index..
Looks up a localized string similar to String argument must not be null or empty..
Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to find specified system path: {0}..
Looks up a localized string similar to Type: {0} or inherited class isn't [Serializable]..
Looks up a localized string similar to Supplied RAPID data type was to complex to parse. Type: {0}..
Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to create backing store for file cache..
Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to find a controller with system id: {0}..
Looks up a localized string similar to Unknown Category..
Looks up a localized string similar to Unknown search criteria..
Looks up a localized string similar to The controller has no authenticated user, call Logon( ) to authenticate a user..
Looks up a localized string similar to Failed to start controller within specified time..
Looks up a localized string similar to Controller must be in {0} mode prior to this {1}..
Looks up a localized string similar to Can only attach virtual controllers..
Looks up a localized string similar to The controller isn't in a valid mode for a mastership request, mode must be: Auto, Manual or ManualFullSpeed..
Base exception for Rapid operations.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Thrown when a rapid module is missing.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Thrown when a routine is missing.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The name.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the name.
The name.
Gets data for serialization.
Thrown when a rapid symbol is missing.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The name.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the name of the missing symbol.
Thrown when a task is missing.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the name.
The name.
ReadOnlyObject is a special object that may be
Readonly to enable immutable objects even though
properties have set operations.
Will throw an InvalidOperationException if write
is attempted when object is in ReadOnly mode.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
if set to true [is readonly].
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.
true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false.
Sets the Readonly flag.
Demands write access to object.
Callback during serialization when entire graph
is deserialized, now we are allowed to lock the
object IF it was locked during serialization.
Send of callback.
This abstracts a ABB Regular exprssion. Use this instead of strings
to avoid formatting errors.
Creates the regular expression on the supplied string. The string
MUST be the expression from the beginning.
The expression.
Compares two objects and returns true if the
objects are considered equal.
The object to compare with.
True if the objects are considered equal.
Compares two objects and returns true if the
objects are considered equal.
The object to compare with.
True if the objects are considered equal.
Gets the hashcode of the regular expression.
The hash code.
Matches all symbols
New regular expression.
Creates a regular expression that matches any char in the supplied set.
Text to match.
New regular exrepsssion.
Creates a regular expression that matches any char in the supplied set.
Text to match.
True to match any charachter in the text.
New regular exrepsssion.
Creates a regular expression that starts with the supplied text.
Text to match.
New regular exrepsssion.
Creates a regular expression that matches the supplied string exact.
Text to match.
New regular exrepsssion.
"Casts" the expression object to a string object.
The expression to cast.
The string representation of the expression.
Compares two expressions for equlity.
expression 1
expression 2
true if the expressions are equal
Compares two expressions for un-equlity.
expression 1
expression 2
true if the expressions are unequal
Adds two regular expressions into a third expression.
Expression 1.
Expression 2.
The sum of the two expressions.
Returns the string representation of the regular expression.
The regular expression.
Methods that will allow a certain type of users to request a remote login/logout of a TPU user.
When the TPU gets a remote login request it will logoff current user and login as the remote requested user.
Request login as another user.
The TPU will get an event that it shall logoff the current user and login as another user.
Supported on RobotWare 6.07 and later.
Logout current logged on user on the TPU.
Supported on RobotWare 6.07 and later.
TPU, confirm that an logout event has been received. Valid only via the controller TPU port.
Supported on RobotWare 6.07 and later.
Remote login state.
TPU, login with another user
TPU, Logout current user
No login/logout change
TPU has read the login credentials
Remote login state and change count.
Login state.
Change count.
This exception is thrown if a request for masterhip for a specific resource fails because the resource is held by another client
Initializes a new MasterReject instance.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new MasterReject instance.
Implements ISerializable.
Describes a RobotWare version. Two instances are considered equal
if they have the same version and the same option objects. The
name isn't regarded.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name.
Gets the options.
The options.
Gets the version.
The version.
Equalses the specified obj.
The obj.
Merges the functionality of Equals( string ) and Equals( NamedObject ).
Object to compare with.
True if the names are equals.
Gets the hash code of the object based on the name.
Hash code for object.
An option of the controller software.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The description.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The parent.
The description.
Gets the description.
The description.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is sub option.
true if this instance is sub option; otherwise, false.
Gets the parent.
The parent.
Gets the sub options.
The sub options.
Equalses the specified info.
The info.
Determines whether the specified is equal to the current .
The to compare with the current .
if the specified is equal to the
current ; otherwise, .
Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable
for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
A hash code for the current .
Returns a that represents the current .
A that represents the current .
A collection of robot ware info objects.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets a static option collection normally used to avoid null references.
Gets the option object at the specified index.
Determines whether collection contains the specified value.
The value.
true if collection contains the specified value; otherwise, false.
Copies to an array.
The array.
The start index.
Gets the index of the value in the collection.
The value.
The index of the value if exist; otherwise -1.
Holds a collection of RobotWareInfo objects.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the at the specified index.
The value.
Determines whether collection contains the specified value.
The value.
true if collection contains the specified value; otherwise, false.
Get the index of the value in the collection.
The value.
The index of the value, if it exist; otherwise -1.
Copies to an array.
The array.
The start index.
Describes the currently running RobotWare.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The info.
The installed systems.
Gets the currently installed systems of the controller.
This is the base class of all public classes in the api.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name.
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or
resetting unmanaged resources.
Disposes the specified disposing.
if set to true [disposing].
Base class for public classes in the api that
needs a connection to the contorller. Not for
public use.
Internal, not for public use.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The controller.
The name.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The controller.
Returns the controller which this object belongs to
Context of internal controller.
Accessor for controller object.
Gets the url of the controller.
Stream object against a controller.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The controller.
Context of internal controller.
Accessor for controller object.
Gets the url of the controller.
Base class for all info objects.
Initializes a new InfoObject instance.
Event args for StateChanged.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
New state of controller.
Summary description for UasCollectionBase.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
if set to true [is readonly].
When implemented by a class, gets a value indicating whether the is read-only.
A collection of application grant objects.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the at the specified index.
The value at specified index.
Set readonly for the collection and its objects.
Adds an applicationgrant to the collection.
Retrieves the index of a specific applicationgrant.
Returns -1 if the applicationgrant can't be found.
Inserts an application grant into the collection.
Removes an applicationgrant from the collection.
Removes an applicationgrant at a specific index.
Clears the collection.
Checks (by name) if the the collection contains a specific applicationgrant.
A collection of grant objects.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the at the specified index.
The value.
Set readonly for the collection and its objects.
Adds a grant to the collection.
Retrieves the index of a specific grant.
Returns -1 if the grant can't be found.
Inserts a grant into the collection.
Removes a grant from the collection.
Removes a grant at a specific index.
Clears the collection.
Checks (by name) if the the collection contains a specific grant.
Grant configuration object.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the grants.
The grants.
Gets or sets the application grants.
The application grants.
On RobotWare 7.x this will return an empty collection.
Information about an application grant.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The key.
Type of the value.
The start version.
The end version.
The list value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The key.
The valuetype.
The start version.
The end version.
Gets or sets the key.
The key.
Gets or sets the type of the value.
The type of the value.
Gets or sets the value.
The value.
Gets or sets the min value.
The min value.
Gets or sets the max value.
The max value.
Gets or sets the start version.
The start version.
Gets or sets the end version.
The end version.
Gets or sets the list value.
The list value.
Gets or sets the resource ID.
The resource ID.
Gets or sets the help ID.
The help ID.
Gets or sets the unit.
The max value.
Information about a grant object.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name.
The startversion.
The endversion.
Gets or sets the name.
The name.
Gets or sets the start version.
The start version.
Gets or sets the end version.
The end version.
Gets or sets the resource ID.
The resource ID.
Gets or sets the help ID.
The help ID.
A special list of objects.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The value.
Adds a string to the collection.
Retrieves the index of a specific string.
Returns -1 if the string cannot be found.
Inserts a string into the collection.
Removes a string from the collection.
Removes a string at a specific index.
Clears the collection.
Checks (by name) if the the collection contains a specific string.
Set readonly for the collection and its objects.
Special version for Uas.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The major.
The minor.
The revision.
Gets or sets the major.
The major.
Gets or sets the minor.
The minor.
Gets or sets the revision.
The revision.
Summary description for UasStringCollection.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
if set to true [is readonly].
Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only.
This class abstracts the UAS system of the controller
into the CAPI programming model.
Checks if the current user has the supplied grant.
Grant to check for.
True if grant is held by the user.
Checks if the current user has the required grant.
grant to check for.
Value of grant.
true if the user has the grant.
Checks if the current user has the required grant.
grant to check for.
true if the user has the grant.
Checks if the current user has the required grant.
grant to check for.
The value of the grant.
true if the user has the grant.
Demands the Grant. Throws a GrantDemandRejectedException on rejections.
Grant to demand.
Checks if the current user has the required grant.
grant to check for.
The value of the grant.
Checks if the current user has the required grant.
grant to check for.
Checks if the current user has the required grant.
grant to check for.
Value of the grant.
Get the grants of the current user.
Get resource definitions for all available grants.
abstracts a user in the system
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name.
The password.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name.
The password.
The application.
gets / sets the password of the user
gets / sets the application
Gets a flag indicating that the object is
Login as local user. Only valid for VC.
Returns the default user for this application.
Returns the default local user for this application. Only valid for VC.
Demands write access to the object, throws an
invalid operation exception if write access isn't
Delegate for async controller starts.
Gets the state of the virtual controller.
No controller is attached to the object.
Either it isn't started, is stopped or detached.
The controller is starting.
The controller is started.
The Started has been stopped.
Administration class for virtual controller objects.
Creates a virtual controller object.
Path to system directory.
Creates a virtual controller object. This is private and
for internal use only.
Gets the ControllerInfo object for this virtual controller.
Gets a virtual panel for this virtual controller.
Path to the system directory.
Gets the current state of the Virtual Controller object.
Sets the timeout for start operations.
Attaches a virtual controller object to an existing virtual controller.
Controller to attach.
The attached controller.
Attaches a virtual controller object.
System id for controller to attach.
The attached controller.
Begins a async start controller operation. The state will
contain the VirtualController object.
System path.
Start behavior of controller.
Callback to call when operation completes.
The async result for this operation.
Begins a async start controller operation. The state will
contain the VirtualController object.
System path.
Start behavior of controller.
Callback to call when operation completes.
Log options of controller.
The async result for this operation.
Begins a async start controller operation.
Start behavior of controller.
Callback to call when operation completes.
The async result for this operation.
State for this operation. If this is null then the current object will be stored in state.
Log options of controller.
The async result for this operation.
Detaches the current controller from this object. This operation
can not be undone without creating a new object.
Disposes the current VC object, if connect it will disconnect.
Ends the async start operation.
Result from BeginStart operation.
Gets the System id from the path.
Virtual controller directory.
The system id of the system.
Gets the System id from the path.
Virtual controller directory.
The system id of the system.
Starts a new VirtualController.
System path.
The virtual controller object.
Starts a new VirtualController.
System path.
Log options of controller.
The virtual controller object.
Starts a new VirtualController.
System path.
Controlls the start behavior of the controller.
The virtual controller object.
Starts a new VirtualController.
System path.
Controlls the start behavior of the controller.
Log options of controller.
The virtual controller object.
Stops the virtual controller. The controller must be started
before this method can succeed.
handles all specific functions that are specific to
the virtual controller. Through this interface we can
change most "settings" on the panel of the controller.
private ctor to avoid object creation
Makes sure to disconnect any existing subscriptions.
Gets / sets the acknowledge behavior of mode changes.
attaches a panel object to a controller
controller to attach, must be virtual
the panel object
Starts an asynchronous operating-mode change operation.
Mode changes are automatically acknowledged.
New mode of controller.
Callback of completion routine.
User defined state object.
Async result.
Starts an asynchronous state change operation of controller.
New state of controller.
Callback of completion routine.
Async result.
New controller operating mode, no Change modes are valid.
New controller operating mode.
Starts a change operating mode and waits for specifed time
for the operation to complete. Throws a timeout exception if
the new mode isn't reached in the specified time.
Mode changes are automatically acknowledged.
New mode of the Controller.
Max time in milliseconds to reach new mode.
Starts a change operating mode and waits for specifed time
for the operation to complete. Throws a timeout exception if
the new mode isn't reached in the specified time.
Mode changes are automatically acknowledged.
New mode of the Controller.
Max time to reach new mode.
This completes the change operating mode async operation.
Enable or disable the device.
New enable state of the device.
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or
resetting unmanaged resources.
Clean up of current object.
True if called in dispose context.
Signal to the caller of BeginChangeOperatingMode
this exception is thrown if an Attach operation failes.
NOTE: You cannot attach anything but virtual controllers.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Specialization of the Url class to represent a block url.
Only for internal use.
Private constructor to avoid external creation.
Creates a new BlockUrl object from a string.
String to create BlockUrl object from.
A new BlockUrl object.
Creates a new Url object from a complete url and a block url. Use the
intersection index to determine where the intersection will be.
Url to append with block.
Block url to append.
Index within block where the intersection will be.
The new complete url.
Creates a new Url object from a complete url and a block url. Use the
intersection index to determine where the intersection will be.
Url to append with block.
Block url to append.
The new complete url.
The BaseException class is the base class for all exceptions
within the PC SDK.
Overloaded constructor.
Overloaded constructor.
The message of the exception.
Overloaded constructor.
The message of the exception.
Inner exception.
Deserialization constructor.
Gets/Sets the extended error information.
Implements ISerializable interface.
This exception is thrown whenever a timeout is reached.
Creates a timeout exception object.
Creates a timeout exception object.
The message.
Creates a timeout exception object.
The inner exception.
The message.
Deserialization constructor.
This class handles the conversion between RobApi HRESULTS and
.NET PC SDK exceptions. It is a utility class and can not be
Only for internal use.
Generates a public exception that corresponds to the provided error code.
The hresult to create an exception for.
Generates a public exception that corresponds to the provided error code and internal exception.
The hresult to create an exception for.
The original exception
If exception is an , the innermost exception
and its hresult is used as basis for the created exception.
Generates a public exception that corresponds to the provided error code.
The hresult to create an exception for.
Generates a public exception that corresponds to the provided internal exception.
If exception is an , the innermost exception
is used as basis for the created exception.
Generates a public exception that corresponds to the provided error code and internal exception.
The hresult to create an exception for.
The original exception
If exception is an , the innermost exception
and its hresult is used as basis for the created exception.
Creates a new W32 exception with GetLastError() as inparameter
for the constructor.
W32Exception object.
True if the hresult is an failure code.
The hresult to verify.
True if the code is an error code.
True if the hresult is an failure code.
The hresult to verify.
True if the code is an error code.
\Returns true if the hresult is a success code.
The hresult to verify.
True if the code is a success code.
\Returns true if the hresult is a success code.
The hresult to verify.
True if the code is a success code.
This exception is thrown if an operation fails when
the caller doesn't have the required mastership privilege.
Initializes a new MasterReject instance.
Initializes a new MasterReject instance.
The message.
Initializes a new MasterReject instance.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new MasterReject instance.
Implements ISerializable.
This exception is throw in a operation fails due to the
current mode of the controller, ie a user tried to perform
a operation that isn't supported in current mode.
Initializes a new ModeRejectException instance.
Initializes a new ModeRejectException instance.
The Message.
Initializes a new ModeRejectException instance.
The Message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new ModeRejectException instance.
Implements ISerializable.
Base exception type for all exceptions that are raised by the
and that supports lazy loading of the message.
Mostly for internal use, external usage should be limited to
try/catch( ... ) statements.
Initializes a general exception object.
Creates a general exception object.
The message.
Creates a general exception object.
The inner exception.
The Message.
Deserialization constructor.
Get the message.
\Exceptions of this type is thrown by the
if no specialized type is registered for a HRESULT.
Only for internal use.
Creates a GenericController Exception object.
Creates a GenericController Exception object.
The Message.
Creates a GenericController Exception object.
The Message.
The inner exception.
Creates a GenericController Exception object. Deserialization
Holds two performance counters, one process instance
and one global instance.
Creates a new performance counter object.
The counter name.
Increments both counters.
Increments both the process and global counters.
Gets the process value.
(For test)
Gets the global value.
(For test)
This operator shall not be used to any calculations
since it will always return 0.
The counter to increment.
This object.
Decrements the counter by one.
The counter to increment.
This object.
This exception is throw when en operation is rejected by the controller because it is in system failure state.
Initializes a new SysFailRejectException instance.
Initializes a new SysFailRejectException instance.
The Message.
Initializes a new SysFailRejectException instance.
The Message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new SysFailRejectException instance.
Implements ISerializable.
This exception is thrown if an operation fails when
the current user doesn't have the required UAS grant.
Initializes a new UasRejectException instance.
Initializes a new UasRejectException instance.
The message.
Initializes a new UasRejectException instance.
The message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new UasRejectException instance.
Implements ISerializable.
An url is the internal type used to address any resource on
the controller.
Only for internal use.
The separator used within a url.
Only for internal use.
The separator as string.
Only for internal use.
The default resize value.
Only for internal use.
The default padding size.
Only for internal use.
internal .
internal .
internal .
Private constructor to avoid external object construction.
Flag to determine if incomplete
urls are allowed.
The padding of url object.
The url to create object for.
Private constructor to avoid external object construction.
The url.
The padding.
Private constructor used to create a clone.
The object to clone.
Private constructor used to create a copy of the supplied
The object to clone.
The padding.
gets the LastPart of the url
Returns the last part of the Url as a name, ie without the preceding /
the length of the url
Returns the URL relative to the sytem id. I.e "/RAPID" instead of "{systemId}/RAPID"
Appends the content to the url, all items will get an appended slash.
Root url.
Parameter list.
The complete url.
Appends a single string to current url.
Root url.
New part to add, must be prefixed with /
The new url.
Appends a single string to current url.
Root url.
New part to add, must be prefixed with /
True to append slash.
The new url.
Appends a single string to current url.
Root url.
New part to add, must be prefixed with /
New part to add, must be prefixed with /
True to append slash.
The new url.
Appends a single string to current url.
Root url.
New part to add, must be prefixed with /
New part to add, must be prefixed with /
New part to add, must be prefixed with /
True to append slash.
The new url.
Appends a single string to current url.
Root url.
New part to add, must be prefixed with /
New part to add, must be prefixed with /
New part to add, must be prefixed with /
New part to add, must be prefixed with /
True to append slash.
The new url.
Appends two strings into a correct url object.
String one.
String two.
The url from the combined strings.
Creates a new url from a string.
The string.
The url object.
Creates a new empty url object.
The empty url object.
This method extracts the formatted controller Url from any
url string.
Url to extract controller Url from\-
The url of the controller.
Creates a "child" url object.
The parent url object.
The new Url object.
Gets the parent url at specified level.
Level or parent, 1 is immediate parent.
The parent url.
Gets the parent url.
The parent url.
appends a single url part to the current url
url to append
Appends the content of the parts to the root url.
Root of new url.
Part to append or null.
Part to append or null.
Part to append or null.
Part to append or null.
Part to append or null.
True to append /.
New Url object.
Appends parts to current url.
The part to append or null.
The part to append or null.
The part to append or null.
The part to append or null.
Number of parts.
True to append a / infront of all parts.
Gets the last part of the url as string.
The last part of the url.
gets the parent url
Parent level, 1 is immediate.
the parent url
builds a part of the url depending on the stop
and start indicies
index to start at
index to stop at
the partial url built
builds an url to the _url field
checks if the current state of the object is
big enough to allow adding of a part
true if possible
splits the string into parts but leaves the separator
in each subpart
string to split
signals that the method is used to split a string to append
this is the number of elements that are normally padded to
every url to avoid reallocation when the url is grown
all sub parts or the same string if none is found
this method remove any trailing Separatores that
the user might pass, it asserts on any such
occurences to notify the developer of the trailing
Separator charachter
string array to check
the array without trailing Separatores if such is found
this method remove any trailing Separatores that
the user might pass, it asserts on any such
occurences to notify the developer of the trailing
Separator charachter
string array to check
this indicates the last part in the
array, this is used if the array contains less elements
then its capacity
the array without trailing Separatores if such is found
removes any trailing slahes from the supplied url string
url to trim
the string without any trailing Separatores
appends any preceding separators if such is missing
url to verify
a correctly formated url
Grows the specified array with the term.
The array to grow.
The factor used to grow the array
The new array.
grows the specified array with the term?
array to grow
factor used to grow the array with
the new array
this is the internal implementation that returns
the build url of this instance. This method shall
always ne used internal ly to get the _url
compares two instances of the url class
instance one
instance two
true if both objects are considered equal
compares the url object with an string that
holds another url
instance one
instance two
true if equal
calling this method invalidates the current
_url and forces a rebuild of the url at next
Add operator between a url and a string.
The url object.
The string.
The new url with the string appended.
implicit conversions from url to string handled by this
url to convert into a string
the corresponding string
indexer for url to get the corresponding level
in the url
Equality operator between two urls.
The url object.
The string object.
True if the string and url are considered equal.
Inequality operator between a url and a string.
The url object.
The string object.
True if the string and the url isn't considered equal.
Equality operator between two urls.
The url object.
The string object.
True if the string and url are considered equal.
Inequality operator between a url and a string.
The url object.
The string object.
True if the string and the url isn't considered equal.
Equality operator between two urls.
The left hand statement.
The right hand statement.
True if the urls are considered equal.
Inequality operator between two urls.
The left hand statement.
The right hand statement.
True if objects are not equal.
Checks if this instance is equal to the supplied object
instance that is passed to this method.
The object to compare this instance with.
True if the objects are considered equal.
Gets the hash code of the url, this is the same as the hash
code for a string with the same content, ie we use the
GetHashCode() method on the build _url field to get this
The hash code for the url.
\Returns the Url in string form.
The url as string.
\Returns the Url in string form.
The index to start extraction from.
The index to stop extraction from.
The url as string.
\Returns the Url in string form.
The index to start at.
The url as string.
internal .
internal .
Creates a new empty url object.
The padding.
Gets the internal parts of the url as a string array.
The internal parts.
IEnumerable implementation for Url.
The enumerator object.
This attribute is used to mark a type for a required licensed
Only for internal use.
Compares two instances of SplFunctionAttribute, they are
considered equal if name and version are identical.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The function.
The version.
Gets/Sets a flag to indicate if the internal function shall be checked
as "part" of this function.
Gets the comparer object for SplFunctions.
Gets/Sets a flag to indicate if the function shall be checked during runtime
or designtime. Any designtime licenses are also checked at runtime to verify
that they where available on the computer during the build.
Gets the name of the function.
Gets the version of the function.
Holds information for a backup event.
Defines the interface of a data adapter.
Gets the value.
The value as string.
Sets the value.
The value as string.
Log changes to controller. Supported from RW 6.06.
Defines the interface of a Ipc adapter.
Get the max package size that can be used from controller
Get max standard message size from controller.
Gets the name for a queue from the id.
The id.
The name or null.
Gets the id for a queue from the name.
The name.
The id or -1.
Creates a queue on the controller.
The name.
The size of the queue.
The size of the message.
The queue id.
Deletes the queue by it's id.
The queue id.
Receives a byte array from the ipc queue.
The timeout.
The id.
The buffer.
The Size of buffer.
The sender id.
The command.
The message type.
The user defined value.
The user defined data.
Sends a buffer to the ipc queue.
The id.
The destination id.
The buffer.
The command.
The Type of message.
The user defined value.
The user defined data.
Sends a buffer to the ipc queue.
The id.
The destination id.
The buffer.
Length of the buffer.
The command.
The Type of message.
The user defined value.
The user defined data.
Defines the interface of an object browser instance.
Gets all the children from the current node.
The children.
Defines the physical state for a bus.
Defines the logical state for a bus.
A IOBus data object. Contains data for a bus.
Name of bus.
Type of bus.
State of bus.
Defines the physical state for a bus.
Defines the physical state for a bus.
A IOUnitData data object. Contains data for a unit.
Mask of unit.
data of unit.
A Rapid Symbol data object. Contains data for a
Rapid symbol. The content varies heavily on the
Type variable. See SymbolFactory.h for populating code.
Name of symbol.
Type of symbol.
BlockUrl of type, only valid for data (var, pers, const).
Url of current symbol.
Dimensions for data.
The underlying type of a alias.
Properties of symbol.
Task state in selection panel
Base class for all data access objects.
Gets the url for this object.
Base class for devices domain data access objects.
Creates an url from the controller url and the parts
provided as seconds parameter.
Url of controller.
Array of ids.
Set to true for mech unit domain
New url object or controller if ids.Length == 0.
Data access object for bus.
Gets the type of the bus.
Bus instance.
The type of the bus.
Gets the state of the bus.
Bus instance.
The state of the bus.
Data access object for most common IO.
Gets all most common signals.
The most common signals.
Data access object for signal.
Holds the bounds for a unit mapping
Gets the maximum value for a signal.
Signal instance.
The max value of the signal.
Gets the maximum value for a signal.
Signal instance.
The max value of the signal.
Gets the unit map for the signal.
Signal id.
Unit map for signal.
Gets the unit for a signal.
Signal instance.
The unit of the signal.
Data access layer for IOSignals
Gets all IO signals.
Array of signals.
Data access object for unit.
Gets the type of the unit.
Unit instance.
The type of the unit.
Gets the bus of the unit.
Unit instance.
The type of the unit.
Gets the address of the unit.
Unit instance.
The type of the unit.
Data access layer for IOUnits
Gets all IO units.
Array of units.
Data access layer for IOUnits
Gets all IO units.
Array of units.
Data access class for the main computer device.
Initializes a MainComputer device object.
Gets the temperature of the main processor.
Temp of the main cpu.
Gets the type of board.
Type of board as string.
Information about the Cpu.
Cpu info.
Size of ram.
Size of ram.
Data access class for the MechanicalUnit device object.
Initializes a mechanical unit data access object.
Controller with unit.
From RW5.10, Name if mechanical unit, from devices.xml.
Gets the interval between services.
The service interval in years.
Gets the warninglevel for service.
The warning level in percent.
Gets the warninglevel for the gearbox.
Warninglevel for gearbox.
Gets the calender time elapsed since last service.
Hours since last service.
Gets the elapsed production time since last sis reset.
Hours since last SIS reset.
Gets the elapsed production time since last service.
Hours since last service.
Gets the last start of the controller.
Gets the interval between services.
The service interval in hours.
Gets the warning level for production.
The warning level in percent.
Data access object for Rapid.
Data access object for RapidTask.
Data access object for ROBOT type.
Gets the value of the use_robot_type attribute.
Name of instance.
The ROBOT_TYPE name for this robot.
Provides access to the robot serial number
Provides data access to the ROBOT_TYPE in Cfg.
Reads OutputData for the specified bus and unit.
Reads InputData for the specified bus and unit.
Convert Task to IAsyncResult
This class encapsulates the transformatation from a EventLog title
or text containing format information.
Private constructor to avoid external creation.
Parses the current element into a composite string. The
name of the element is ignored.
Reader to parse.
The composite string object.
Get the string representation of this object.
The args.
The string.
Demands that the current node type is element.
The reader.
Dispatches the current reader object to the correct handler.
The StringBuilder instance.
The XmlReader object.
Parses the arg element.
The reader.
The builder.
Starts the recursive parsing.
The Reader object.
The StringBuilder.
Uses the devices.xml file to get the device id from
a localized name, this is normally only used for non
translated nodes, BUT it can be used for these as well.
(if you know the name)
Name of node.
Indicates that we are searching for a property.
Id of node.
Loads a cfg file into the database.
Cfg file path.
The load mode.
If config(.cfg) file is a ctrl: path, MgROBAPI will not load it to controller and loads only local file.
Hence, create a temp file to load it to controller and delete it.
Resets a domain to its initial state. All externally created
instances are removed.
The name of the domain.
Saves database domain to a specified file.
The name of the domain.
Path of the destination file.
The method overwrites the specified file if it exists.
Requires UAS grant UAS_BACKUP.
Searches the reader for the first occurance for a
element with a matching name.
Name of element.
Reader to search.
Gets the devices.xml file from the cache
or the controller, either way we return a reference
to a FileInfo object stored in %temp%.
FileInfo object pointing to devices.xml
Tries to find a the id of a device.
Reader to search.
Device to find.
Id or null if not present.
Tries to find a the id of a property.
Reader to search.
Property to find.
Id or null if not present.
Attempts to find an id of an element within devices.xml.
Element to search.
Element scope.
Reader to search.
The id or null if not present.
Defines the interface of a controller bound object.
This class is the base class of all objects that are
bound to and internal controller instance.
The controller is the main entrypoint into the object
model for the api.
True when executing as an addin within RobotStudio.
True if the controller has unicode support in RAPID modules.
Specifies how mastership should be handled by a GUI client
Checks Availability preconditions for performing an action on the controller.
Required UAS grants (can be null)
Required mastership resources (can be null)
Reason why the action is not permitted, or DisableReason.None if all conditions are met.
Mastership is only checked for a connection with MastershipPolicy.Manual.
Gets the current culture.
The culture for the event log.
Gets the current language of the controller from
the LANGUAGE environment variable, if this isn't present
then the default language is used (english).
The culture for the language.
Gets the value of an environment variable.
The name of the variable.
The value or null.
Gets the value of an environment variable.
The name of the variable.
Throw the exception if an error occured,
otherwise return null.
The value or null.
Gets service information for the main computer.
ServiceInfo object.
Gets the public network settings.
Settings object.
Sets the controller LAN adaptor settings.
Fixed IP or DHCP.
IP to use when is configured.
Subnet mask to use when is configured.
Default gateway to use when is configured. May be left empty.
Restarts the controller.
The start mode.
set to true to wait until the controller is restarted and connected again.
This singleton class manages the connection between internal and
public controller object.
Singleton constructor.
Gets the single controller manager instance.
Gets a flag to indicate if the runtime is unloading or not.
Gets the matching internal controller.
Public controller object.
Defines if the controller is part of the RobotStudio controller pool or PCSDK's own controller pool
The external controller object.
When trying to access RobotStudio's controller pool but the application is not hosted by RobotStudio
Configures the Adapter layer
Disposes unused controller weak ref lists.
Unused means that all of the Controllers which are referenced by the weak ref items in the list
have been garbage collected.
Disposes all controller weak ref lists,
even if items in the list has references to live Controller objects (not garbage collected ed).
Disposes controller weak ref lists.
True to only dispose unused links.
Implements the GetController function.
External controller object
Defines if the controller is part of the RobotStudio controller pool or PCSDK's own controller pool
When trying to access RobotStudio's controller pool but the application is not hosted by RobotStudio
The internal controller object for specified url.
Called during the cleanup cycle.
Currently not in use.
Shuts down the manager and therefore the runtime.
Starts the cleanup cycle.
Stops the cleanup cycle.
Acts as the link between external and internal Controller objects.
Adds a ref to the external object that uses
the internal object.
External object.
The internal controller object.
Removes a ref to the external object that uses
the internal object.
The public controller object
Disposes the current object.
Checks if any of the weak referenced Controllers are alive.
True if the at least one referenced Controllerlink is alive - i.e not garbage collected, otherwise false.
Copies a directory locally on the controller.
Initiates a CopyDirectoryCmd object.
Source path.
Destination path.
True to overwrite existing destination directory.
Executes the command.
File system object.
Copies a file locally on the controller without any interaction
with the local computer; thereby removing the need for double-
buffering and get/put operation pair.
Initializes a new CopyFileCmd object.
Source file.
Destination file.
True to overwrite any existing file.
Copies the file on the controller.
Target filesystem.
Creates a directory on the filesystem of the controller.
Initializes a CreateDirectoryCmd.
Root of new directory.
Gets the directory entry for the created dir,
null if execute failed.
Creates the directory.
FileSystem object.
Manages all devices of the controller
Checks if a specified directory exists or not.
Gets flag indicating existance
Implements the command.
Target file system.
Downloads a directory from the controller to
the local computer.
Executes the command.
Target file system.
Verifies that the destination folder doesn't exists,
and removes it if the overwrite flag is true.
Verifies that the source is valid.
FileBrowser object.
Downloads a file from the controller
to the local filesystem.
Gets the destination file.
copies the file from the controller to the local computer
Target filesystem.
Adds the capability to return a typed enumerator to CollectionBase. CollectionBase was used as the base class for many publicly available collections
where we wanted to add basic Linq support so that customers can use .Where() etc.
Gets the (BACKUP)$ variable.
Gets the (HOME)$ variable.
Gets the (Internal)$ variable.
Gets the path to the language folder.
Gets the (RELEASE)$ variable.
Gets the (SYSPAR)$ variable.
Gets the (SYSTEM)$ variable.
Gets the (TEMP$) variable.
Gets the value of a variable by name.
Name of variable, without ()$
The value if available.
Expands environment variables within a string.
Text with variables to expand.
The expanded string.
Handles connection changed events from the controller.
True if connected.
The id of this EventLogCategory.
Returns the log to which this category belongs
Gets the localized name of the category.
Gets a list of event log messages from the controller starting with the specified sequence number
Retruns the number of messages in the controller event log
Clears all the messages in the log.
Gets the messages for this category.
Linkedlist of messages to update.
A list of new messages.
Parses the specified stream.
The stream.
The domain.
The number.
The descriptor.
Reads the domain element.
The reader.
The desc.
The domain number.
The number of the event.
Reads to message is found.
The reader.
The number.
True if found, otherwise false.
Removes the domain messages.
The domain id.
Removes the range of messages.
The messages.
Trims all excessive messages from the queue.
The subset.
Clears all logs.
Clear all messages from the domain.
Domain id.
Gets all available eventlog categories.
Available categories.
Gets all descriptions for the domain + message combination.
Domain id.
Message number.
Some late initialization.
Gets all messages for a single category.
Category id.
List to update.
The list of new messages.
Compiles a XPathExpression for Categories namespace.
Expression to parse.
Navigator object used to compile.
The expression.
Clears all cached data from this instance.
Creates an XPath from the stream.
Stream containing a xml document.
The XPath navigator.
Creates the domain objects.
Downloads a file from the controller to the local
system, uses the cached version if available.
Path to file.
Local file copy.
Enqueues the list of messages into the interan queue.
Messages to enqueue.
Domain to update.
Iterates through the internal queue and for each iteration
it searches the message collection. If the message from the queue
isn't found in the message list, the message is removed.
Queue to update.
List of messages.
Enqueues all messages from the start index to end of list.
The messages.
The domain.
New messages are pushed here, can be null.
Finds all messages in the domain that isn't found in
the list.
The domain to search.
The list to match against.
All new messages.
Gets the Eventlog adapter.
The domainId.
Adapter object.
Gets the Domain object.
Domain id.
The domain.
If domain isn't found.
Gets the path of the elog_domain.xml file on the controller.
The controller path.
Gets the path of the _elogtext_registry file on the controller.
The path.
Gets the registry instance.
The registry instance.
Copies .xml file containing all domains from the controller to
the local file system, caches it and then load the content into memory.
Merges the two lists into a single.
The statis list.
The dynamic list.
The combined list, stored in the static object.
Gets all dynamic registries from the eventlog registry file.
The event log registry.
The list of dynamic registries.
Gets all static categories from the elog domains xml file.
Checks if the message exists within the queue.
The queue to check.
The message to find.
True if the message existed.
Checks if the message exists in the external list.
List to check.
Message to find.
True if the message is found.
Parses the specified path.
The path.
The domain id.
The message number.
The message descriptor object.
Parses the xml stream into a list of category objects.
Stream to parse.
The parsed categories.
Removes all old messages from the linked list.
Domain with current messsages.
The list to remove messages from.
Updates the internal log cache.
The domainId.
Updates the list to match the internal state for the
supplied domain id.
Domain id.
List to update.
The list of new objects.
This class extends the eventlog message class to fit the
normal structure of api programming.
Gets the action string.
Gets the causes text.
Gets the consequences text.
Gets the message description.
Gets the if of the domain.
Gets/Sets the next event log message in the queue.
Gets the number of the message.
Gets/Sets the previous message.
Gets the sequence number of the message.
Gets the timestamp of the message.
Gets the title of the message.
Gets the type of the message.
Gets the action description text.
The text.
Gets the argument list for this message.
The argument list.
Gets the body of the event log.
Body as Xml.
Gets the causes description text.
The text.
Gets the consequences description.
The text.
Gets the description text.
The text.
Gets the title of message.
The text.
Maps the internal int to a public type.
Public type.
Updates all description fields if needed, otherwise this
method does nothing and returns as fast as possible.
Updates the internal description fields from the dictionary content.
Message descriptor object.
Returns the path to the file if domain + number
matches the current object.
The path if match, otherwise null.
Gets the path to file containing the message text.
Domain id.
Event log number.
The path to the file.
Returns a list containing the paths to all titles.
All titles.
Gets all domain sources.
All domain sources.
Parses a registry instance from the stream.
Registry stream.
Controller culture.
An registry instance.
Adds a registered domain sources in the registry.
Current controller culture.
Current element.
Adds all domains from the navigator object.
XPath navigator.
Adds all title files to the registry.
Navigator object.
Culture of controller; used to create the fullpath.
Combines the arguments into a complete path.
Pre part.
Culture separator.
Post part.
The path.
Creates the domain object.
The culture.
The navigator object.
A domain instance.
Gets the combined path for any prepath + postpath formatted
localization path.
Navigator object.
The combined path.
Maps the attribute to value.
The nav.
The min.
The max.
The domain.
The prepath.
The postpath.
Executes a XPath expression and invokes the callback once
for every match.
The expression to execute.
The navigator.
Current controller culture.
The callback.
Stores downloaded files %temp% to avoid multiple downloads
of immutable files from a controller. The files are stored / System Id.
Initializes the FileCache object.
The controller.
Adds a file to the cache.
Key for file.
FileInfo object
Adds a stream to the cache.
Key for file.
FileStream to add.
Gets a File from cache but creates a copy in temp for exclusive access.
File key.
Info object for file.
Invalidates the content of the cache.
Copies content of source into destionation.
Rewinds the source prior to copy.
Source stream.
Destination stream.
This exception is thrown whenever a FileCache failes. The message
contains the reason in clear text.
Creates a FileCacheException object.
Creates a FileCacheException object.
Message for exception.
Creates a FileCacheException object.
Message for exception.
Inner exception.
Deserailzation constructor.
Checks if a file exists on the controller.
"SmartPointer" for FileInfo objects, using this will
guarantuee that the file will be deleted when dispose is called.
Gets a ref to the FileInfo object.
Gets the filebrowser object, this shall only be used
from any executing command object.
Starts an async directory copy operation.
Directory source.
Directory destination.
True, to overwrite any existing directory.
Callback method.
State object.
Async result object.
Starts an async file copy operation.
Source file.
Destination file.
User defined state.
True to overwrite any existing file.
Async result object.
Starts a new CreateDirectory operation against the contorller.
Path to new directory.
Caller supplied state.
IAsyncResult object.
Starts a new DirectoryExists operation.
Path of directory to check.
Result object.
Starts a recursive download of a directory from the controller.
Source directory on controller.
Destination directory on local computer.
Overwrite flag.
Starts a download operation from the controller.
Destination file.
Flag to indicate overwrites of destination file.
File to download.
Result object.
Starts a file exists operation.
Path to file.
Result object.
Starts a get entry operation.
Path to file.
Directory flag.
Async result.
Starts a list operation.
Result object.
Starts an Remove directory operation.
Path to directory.
Recursion flag.
Starts a remove file operation.
Path to file.
Result object.
Starts a rename operation.
To to file or directory to rename.
New name.
AsyncResult object.
Starts the upload of a complete directory.
Source directory.
Destination directory.
true to overwrite destination.
Starts a upload operation.
Source file.
Destination file.
true, to overwrite controller file.
State object.
Downloads a file from the controller.
Source file on controller.
Destination file on computer.
Downloads a file from the controller.
Source file on controller.
Destination file on computer.
True to overwrite the local file.
Downloads a file from the controller to a temp file.
Source file on controller.
Temp file.
Disposes current object.
Ends a pending directory copy operation.
Result object.
Ends a pending Copy file operation.
Result object.
Ends a pending create directory operation.
Result object.
FileEntry for directory.
Ends the async directory exists operation.
Async result.
True if the file exists, otherwise false.
Ends a directory download operation.
Async result.
Path to downloaded directory.
Ends a download operation.
Local path to downloaded file.
Ends a file exists operation.
Async result.
True if the file exists.
Ends a get entry command.
Async result.
Ends a list directory operation.
List of entries.
Ends a RemoveDirectory operation.
Ends a remove file operation.
Async result.
Ends an async rename operation.
New path.
Ends a upload operation.
Async result.
Path of uploaded file.
Ends a Upload directory operation.
Async result.
Path to remote directory.
Expands a path for all environment variables and ensures it starts with ctrl:
Path to expand.
The expanded path.
Checks if the file exists.
Path to check.
True if the file exists.
Gets an array of available drives.
Array of available drives.
Removes a directory fromt the controller.
Path to directory on controller.
Removes a directory fromt the controller.
Path to directory on controller.
true to remove all directory recursively.
Removes a file from controller.
Path to file on controller.
Uploads a file from the local machine to the controller.
true to overwrite existing.
Blocks until the command has completed.
Command to wait for.
Creates objects and a new array around the storage device info list.
list of devices.
Array of public device objects.
Rethrows any exceptions from the Execute call.
Disposes the FileBrowser object.
Browser object.
Deques a command if available.
Number of commands in queue.
Command or null.
Enques a command to the command queue.
Command to enqueue.
Executes the command.
Command to execute.
Processes the command to force a nice end...
Command to process.
Sets up the command.
Updates the current browser object to reflect
the current user of the controller.
Blocks current thread for a short period
using Monitor to enable resume if a new message arrives.
Timeout for block.
This method is executed by a thread from the threadpool, and it shall
therefore never be called directly from within the code.
Object state.
This class is the base class of all commands
that can be executed against the remote filesystem.
Gets/Sets the callback for this command.
Gets the exception object if the
operation has failed.
Gets/Sets the state for this command.
Implementers must override this method to enable excution
Raises the _callback.
Exception object if operation failed, otherwise null.
Very lightweight waithandle that uses
object and Monitor to implement waithandle behavior.
Used to create a scope for the worker thread, where it can
act as within the context of the caller.
Gets a ControllerFileEntry object for a file entry.
Gets the entry.
Executes the command.
Target filesystem.
An internal IOBus object
Gets the Url of the bus.
Gets the Type of the bus.
Gets the Physical state for this bus.
Gets the Logical state for this bus.
Gets the current unit adapter object.
a collection of IOUnit objects
finds a string by name
name of bus to locate
the bus if exist, otherwise null
a collection of IOSignal objects
finds a string by name
name of signal to locate
the signal if exist, otherwise null
Delegates movement calls to implementing class.
Start index for search. The next call will be supplied index + 1 as start index.
Collection of signals to "search".
The matching signal, if found.
Checks if the signal matches the "search" criteria for the enumerator.
An internal IOSignal object
Gets the Max value of the signal.
Gets the Min value of the signal.
Gets the type of signal.
Gets the url of the signal.
Gets the Unit of the signal.
Compares two signals by name.
Signal to compare with.
True if names are equal.
Gets the current signal adapter object.
The internal IOSystem class
Handles disconnection from the controller.
Connection status.
An internal IOUnit object
Gets the Url of the unit.
Gets the Type of the unit.
Gets the Bus for this unit.
Gets the Address for this unit.
Gets the Physical state for this unit.
Gets the Logical state for this unit.
Gets the current unit adapter object.
A collection of IOUnit objects
Finds a string by name
name of unit to locate
the unit if exist, otherwise null
Performs a ls command on the controller.
Gets the matching entries.
Executes a list command on the controller.
Target filesystem.
This class handles all mastership requests / releases in the system.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The controller.
Checks if current user is master for the mastership resource.
Resource to check.
True if current user is master for the resource.
Handles the host mastership request.
True if the host succeeded to get mastership.
Operation object.
Handles the host release.
True if the host succeeded to release the mastership.
Release operation object.
Releases mastership for the specified resource.
The resource.
Release RMMP
Requests mastership for the specified resource.
The resource.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The manager.
The resource.
Host mastership request succeeded.
Host release succeeded.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is master.
true if this instance is master; otherwise, false.
Gets a flag indicating if the TPU is master or not.
Request mastership.
The current mode.
Releases mastership for this domain.
Ensure mastership.
Demands that the mode is valid for a request.
The mode.
Gets the controller mode.
Gets the domain.
The resource.
Matching domain object.
Gets the host resource fromt the internal type
The resource.
Gets all internal resources from the external flags.
External flags resources.
Gets the controller adapter.
Gets the RMMP retry count.
Checks if the current user has RMMP.
Check if the mode requires rmmp.
The mode.
true if the mode requires rmmp.
Releases the RMMP.
Requests the RMMP from the controller.
We may have lost rmmp due to a revoke on the controller,
is isn't manifested in the HasRmmp() call so therefore we
must verify the mastership status. If the FP has mastership
then our rmmp isn't valid and we have to release and re-request it.
A mechanical unit
True if the current object is the active unit.
Gets the model of the mechincal unit, if not
available an empty string is returned.
Gets the serial number from a robot, or string.Empty
if the mech isn't a robot.
Gets the current target without external axes
Gets the service info object for this mechanical unit.
ServiceInfo object.
Service information for an external axis is not available.
Creates a time object.
DeviceDAL object.
DateTime with last start.
Creates a service interval object from the mech unit DAL object.
Uses current UI culture and No Era to calculate the number of
days / year.
DAL object.
Service interval
Creates a warning level object.
DAL object.
Warning Level
The internal motion system object model.
Gets the active mech unit.
Gets the mechanical units.
Gets / Sets the current speed ratio.
Valid range between 0-100.
Gets the url for the motion system.
Cleanup code.
Sets the active mech unit
Unit to activate.
Connection changed.
Status of connection.
Handles all network scans in the system. Uses a weakreferenced
instance that is created at startup
This class is used when browsing for objects on
the controller. The browser itself acts as the
root node of browser.
this is the a node in the browser tree.
Clears the internal cache.
Preloads the url.
Gets the Childnodes.
Traces the current node and down.
Gets any cached childnodes.
Array of cached nodes.
This class is used as a utility class to split array
strings into their parts
Splits a array string into the specified length.
String to split.
Length of string.
The subcomponents of the array.
Used as second step initialization.
Gets the execution status of controller.
Gets the datafactory object.
Gets the Rapid adapter object.
Gets the UIInstruction object.
Gets / Sets the remaining execution cycles.
Gets the url of Rapid.
Fetches the specified data. The path is as follows:
0 = Task, 1 = Module, 2 = Symbol
Path to symbol.
Types flag.
The value of the symbol.
Fetches the specified data. The path is as follows:
0 = Task, 1 = Module, 2 = Symbol
Path to symbol.
The value of the symbol.
Gets motion task.
Gets task selection state of tskname.
Sets task selection state of tskname.
Gets the TaskPanelItem/Task details which has triggered(among all the tasks) the TaskEnabledChanged event.
Compares the initial and current Enabled changed property of all tasks to find out the TaskEnabledChanged event triggered task.
TaskPanelItem which triggered TaskEnabledChanged event.
Returns all matching symbols from the provided source.
Symbol source.
DataType to search for.
Expression to search for.
All matching symbols.
Handles any connection change events from
the controller.
Connection status.
Starts RAPID program execution.
Regain mode.
Execution mode.
The number of cycles to execute the program.
Check to perform prior to start.
True to indicate that an exception shall
be thrown instead of StartResult.Error result.
Start result.
Stops the execution.
Stop mode.
This event is raised when the task enabled property changes.
Gets the attributes of the module.
WI 11962 PCSDK 5.60: Module.SaveToFile() give .mod file extension for SYSTEM module
The file name extension (should be .mod, .modx, .sys or .sysx).
Gets the parent module object.
This class defines the search algorithm.
Searches for the specied expression using the supplied symbol search
This class searches for symbols in any symbol provider.
Implement this interface on any class that can be
searched for rapid symbols, such as Task and Module.
Gets the internal controller object.
Gets the execution status of the task.
Gets / Sets the remaining execution cycles.
Gets the name of the task.
Gets the Task adapter object.
Gets the symbol source object.
Gets the block url for this task.
Loads a module.
The module path.
The load mode.
True if the load succeeded without any errors, otherwise false.
Loads the rapid program.
The path of the .pgf file.
The load mode.
True if the load succeeded without any build errors, otherwise false.
Starts RAPID program execution.
Regain mode.
Execution mode.
The number of cycles to execute the program.
Check to perform prior to start.
True to indicate that an exception shall
be thrown instead of StartResult.Error result.
Start result.
Stops the execution.
Stop mode.
WI 11962 PCSDK 5.60: Module.SaveToFile() give .mod file extension for SYSTEM module
The file name extension (should be .mod, .modx, .sys or .sysx).
Set the position of the program pointer
Set the position of the program pointer. PDD1184 WI 7802.
The name of the task.
The name of the module in which the routine is defined.
A program position.
Sets program pointer to a specific row in a RAPID module. PDD1184 WI 7802.
The name of the task.
The name of the module in which the routine is defined.
The row number in this module.
Set User PP to selected routine
Name of the selected routine
Clears and removes the current execution level and the next execution level in the hierarchy is restored
Removes a directory from the controller.
Removes the directory if present, otherwise throw
an DirectoryNotFoundException.
Target filesysten.
Removes a file from the controller.
Removes the file from the controller.
Target filesystem.
Renames a file or directory on the controller.
Renames a file or directory on the controller.
Target file system.
Gets the current ware object.
Gets the name of the current system.
Name of current system.
Gets all installed systems.
All installed systems.
Handles connection changes.
Connection status.
Utility class for type access.
Executes an is operation based on type objects.
Type to check.
The type to compare to.
Checks if a type inherits another type.
The type to check.
The base type to check for.
True if check inherits type.
Checks if a type inherits another type.
Type to check.
Type to check for inheritence.
True if T1 inherits T2.
Checks if check implements the @interface.
Type to check.
The inteface to implement.
True if check implements @interface.
Checks if T1 implements the T2 interface.
The type to check.
The interface to check for.
The type.
User Authentication System
Used as second step initialization.
Handles connection changed events for this subsystem.
True if connected, otherwise false.
Logs of the current user, if no user is logged
on it ignores this call.
Only for host logon operations, where the host
already has performed the logon and registration
and therefore has all the needed information.
Id of registered user.
logs off the current user
attempts to logon a user to the system
User to logon.
Logs of the current controller.
Core impl of the logoff operation.
Core impl of logon method.
User to logon.
Core impl of logon method.
User to logon.
Id of user.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Provides the internal UIInstruction interface.
Create UIInstruction object.
Uploads a directory from the local computer to the controller filesystem.
Gets the destination of the command.
Executes the command.
Target file system.
Verifies that the destination folder is in a valid state.
Browser for filesystem.
Verifies that the source folder exists.
Uploads file from local computer to controller.
Gets the destination file.
Copies the file.
Target filesystem.
Add TaskPanelItem to the list
Set default search props as a starting point.
Set default search props as a starting point. And assign the specified properties.
Add UIParam to the UIParamsFactory list.
Unpacks eventInfoExecutionChanged to an integer.
Gets the remaining execution cycles.
Gets the execution status of the RAPID.
Sets the cycleId as execution cycles.
Gets the Record Components of the UserDefined record as mentioned in the url.
Get symbool data for the specified url.
Starts RAPID program execution.
Start result.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain. Requires
grant. Requires Auto mode.
Stops RAPID execution according to the specified mode.
Task activated/deactivated
Get the task selection panel and its items with state.
Set cannot be done from remote clients and is allowed from local clients only.
Set cannot be done from remote clients and is allowed from local clients only.
Set requires controller to be in manual mode.
Writes UIInstruction for the specified stackUrl and data in the List.
Reads UIInstruction arguments based upon UIInstruction and stackUrl + argument names of instruction.
Add InstanceItem to the list
Loads a configuration file into the database.
The path. (On the controller).
The load mode code.
Loads a configuration file into the database.
The path. (On the controller).
The load mode in RobCfgLoadMode format.
Remove all external instances in a domain.
Remove and free all unprotected instances of the specified domain.
Requires UAS grant UAS_CFG_WRITE.
Saves database domain to a specified file.
Path of the destination file.
The method overwrites the specified file if it exists.
Requires UAS grant UAS_BACKUP.
Gets the TypeCode of the attribute.
Flag that signals that the object is readonly or not.
object Id
boolean value
Creates an object with the specified name.
Name of instance.
The new object.
Deletes the given object from the database.
Id of the instance
Sets the value of the attribute.
Id of attribute to set.
Name of attribute to set.
Index of attribute,1-based.
New Value of attribute.
Returns the value of the attribute.
Id of attribute to fetch.
Name of attribute to fetch.
Index of attribute, 1-based.
The value of the attribute.
Gets the CfgInstance Id for the specified name.
Gets all instances for the specified CfgDomainType.
Gets attributes list for the specified CfgDomainType.
Gets the Attribute info for the specified attribute name.
Specifies how mastership should be handled by a GUI client
Acknowledge the controller.
Cancel held privileges or pending request.
This method compresses the given directory and return the path of compressed file.
path of directory to compress
target path of compressed file
target path of compressed file
This method compresses the given directory and return the path of compressed file.
path of directory to compress
target path of compressed file (Temporary location)
To check if the given option is present.
Check if Mastership is already held.
Check if Mastership is already held Local (TPU).
Checks if the current user has RMMP.
Checks for possible mismatches and other problems with a backup.
Path of directory.
What to include from backup.
What errors to ignore.
Internal use only
Internal use only
True if restore will complete successfully.
Creates a queue on the controller.
The name.
The size of the queue.
The size of the message.
The queue id.
Deletes the queue by it's id.
The queue id.
Gets the Backup version info for the specified Controller path.
Gets the current RobIPMethod is DHCP status.
Gets all installed systems from the controller.
Gets the controller LAN adaptor settings.
Sets the controller LAN adaptor settings.
Fixed IP or DHCP.
IP to use when is configured.
Subnet mask to use when is configured.
Default gateway to use when is configured. May be left empty.
Get max standard message size from controller.
Get the max package size that can be used from controller
Gets the id for a queue from the name.
The name.
The id or -1.
Gets the name for a queue from the id.
The id.
The name or null.
Gets the SystemName of the Controller.
Get controller environment variable value.
string name
Gets the name of the controller.
Gets a list of IPCSlots.
Receives a byte array from the ipc queue.
The timeout.
The id.
The buffer.
The Size of buffer.
The sender id.
The command.
The message type.
The user defined value.
The user defined data.
Receives a byte array from the ipc queue.
The timeout.
The id.
The buffer.
The length of buffer.
The sender id.
The command.
The message type.
The user defined value.
The user defined data.
Sends a buffer to the ipc queue.
The id.
The destination id.
The buffer.
The command.
The Type of message.
The user defined value.
The user defined data.
Sends a buffer to the ipc queue.
The id.
The destination id.
The buffer.
Length of the buffer.
The command.
The Type of message.
The user defined value.
The user defined data.
Sends a buffer to the ipc queue.
The id.
The destination id.
The buffer.
Length of the buffer.
The command.
The Type of message.
The user defined value.
The user defined data.
Release Mastership for the specified resource.
Request Mastership for the specified resource.
Ensure Mastership for the specified resource.
Restart the controller with given Restart Mode
Performs a Restore operation of a controller system.
Path to the backup.
Defines what to restore from the backup.
Defines what mismatches between current system and backup to ignore.
Flag to indicate if the backup folder shall be removed.
Internal use only
Internal use only
Requires mastership of Rapid and Configuration domains.
Requires UAS_RESTORE grant.
Requires Auto mode.
Checks Availability preconditions for performing an action on the controller.
Required UAS grants (can be null)
Required mastership resources (can be null)
Reason why the action is not permitted, or DisableReason.None if all conditions are met.
Mastership is only checked for a connection with MastershipPolicy.Manual.
Gets the current state of the controller.
Sets the Controllersate of the Controller.
This method returns System Time
Returning System Time
Gets the current time server in use by the controller.
IP, DNS name or null/empty.
Sets the NTP time server to be used by the controller.
IP or DNS name. Null or empty to clear the current setting.
May only be used on a Real Controller.
Gets the current time zone in use by the controller.
Time zone as specified in the time zone database (also known as Olson database) or null/empty.
Sets the time zone to be used by the controller.
Time zone as specified in the time zone database (also known as Olson database). For example: Europe/Stockholm.
May only be used on a Real Controller.
Set the system time
Time to Set
Gets the Controller Operating Mode.
Request Manual Mode Previliges to modify.
Check if Backup process in progress
boolean value
Refresh a request made by RequestManualModePrivileges.
Initiate the Backup process
location of to take backup
Unpack the details from the event to MastershipInfo to return.
Adds IpcSlotInfo to SlotInfoFactory by unpacking RobIPCSlot.
Gets storage devices for the controller.
Adds RobAutoCondition to the ControllerAutoConditionFactory.
Gets the value of the RapidData for the specified url.
Sets the given value of the RapidData for the specified url.
Opens a stream with the specified name and access.
Closes the stream object.
Reads a sequence of bytes from the stream.
Writes a sequence of bytes to the stream.
Add RobFileInfo to the list.
Creates a directory on the Robot Controller.
Copy Local Directory to Remote Controller
Copies a file locally on the controller, from the source to the destination
Gets a file from the Robot Controller and stores it on the local system.
Verify that directory exists in the robot controller.
Verify that file exists in the robot controller.
Lists all the files and directories in the specified path of the robot controller.
Renames a file or directory on the controller.
Removes the directory from robot controller with specified path.
Stores a file from the local system to the Robot Controller.
Gets the ControllerFileEntry for the specified path.
Gets the IOBusStateInfo for a specified bus.
Get RobIOBusProperties for a specified IOBus.
Translate state from RobIOBusLogicalState and RobIOBusPhysicalState to IOBusLogState and IOBusPhysState respectively.
Gets the IOSignalTypes for the specified signal.
Gets the value of the signal.
Gets the value of the group signal
Sets the value of the digital signal to 0.
Value of the digital signal
Flag if signal is Digital
Flag if physical input-signals shall be used for the virtual controller.
Log changes on controller. Supported from RW 6.06.
Sets the value of the group signal
value of the group signal
Flag if physical input-signals shall be used for the virtual controller.
Log changes on controller. Supported from RW 6.06.
Gets the state info for the Signal.
Generates a pulse on the digital signal.
Duration of pulse
Flag if physical input-signals shall be used for the virtual controller.
Log changes on controller. Supported from RW 6.06.
Inverts the value of the digital signal.
Flag if physical input-signals shall be used for the virtual controller.
Log changes on controller. Supported from RW 6.06.
Intializes the search properties RobIOSignalSearchProperties for SearchIOSignals.
Gets the properties from MgROBAPI and assigns it to the function paramters.
Adds itemRobIOSignalObject Name to IOSignalNameFactory.
Gets all Signals by Category.
Write IO Input Data to the controller.
Gets IOUnitStateInfo for the specified bus and Unit.
Gets RobIOUnitProperties for the specified bus and Unit.
Unpacks to IOUnitStateInfo properties from IOUnitLogState and IOUnitPhysState.
Reads OutputData for the specified bus and unit.
Reads InputData for the specified bus and unit.
Calculate cartesian position for the mechunit.
The tool. The current tool is used if empty string (or null)
The workobject. Used if coord is RobCoordSystem.Wobj, ignored for other values of coord.
The current workobject is used if empty string (or null).
Get the current position for the given tool (TCP) in the given workobject expressed in the given coordinate system.
Only IRB mechunits can return a cartesian position.
Calculate cartesian position for the mechunit.
The tool. The current tool is used if empty string (or null).
The workobject. Used if coord is RobCoordSystem.Wobj, ignored for other values of coord.
The current workobject is used if empty string (or null).
Coordinate system
Get the current position for the given tool (TCP) in the given workobject expressed in the given coordinate system.
Only IRB mechunits can return a cartesian position.
Fine calibrate specified TCP mechanical unit and axis.
The current position of the axis will be the new calibration value.
Axis to calibrate
Set revolution counter on a specified TCP mechanical unit and axis.
Gets MechanicalUnitStatus for the specified MechanicalUnit.
Gets SingleAxis MechanicalUnitStatus for the specified MechanicalUnit.
Gets the mapping the MechanicalUnitStatus for RobMechUnitStatus.
Gets attributes of the module.
Gets MechUnits for older version below RW 5.10.
Adds RobMechUnitNameAndMode to MechUnitFactory.
Gets ControllerInfo for the specified NetScan ID.
Get ControllerInfo for specified NetScan ID and return Level.
Gets ControllerType for the specified NetScan ID.
Gets NetScan ID for the specified url.
To scan the controllers available in the network.
The list of ControllerInfo object
Unpack event args into NetscanChangedInfo.
Subscribe to an event handler based upon the EventID.
Subscribe to an event handler based upon the EventID for the specified priority.
Unsubscribe event handler for the specified token.
Get the Children of the current object (as per the path in url)
Add RobObjectInfo to the list
Adds the RobStorageDevice as StorageDeviceInfo item to the StorageDeviceInfo factory list.
Add RapidSymbolData to the list.
Create RapidSymbolData object from RobSymbol.
Create RapidSymbolData from MgROBAPI RobSymbol object.
Deletes the specified module from the controller.
Gets the execution cycle of a task.
Returns Execution Type as an integer for the specified task.
Gets the current position of the motion pointer.
Program Counter Position object
Gets the current position of the program pointer.
Program Counter Position object
Calls RobLoadModule with equivalent RobRapidLoadMode for the specified TaskLoadModes.
Calls RobLoadProgram with equivalent RobRapidLoadMode for the specified TaskLoadModes.
Resets the program pointer of this task to the main entry point.
Requires mastership of RAPID domain. Requires the "ExecuteRapid"
grant. Requires Auto mode.
Save a module loaded in the task to file.
Saves the current RAPID program.
Sets the cycleId as execution cycles.
Set the position of the program pointer
String Routine URL
Common funtion
Set the position of the program pointer PDD1184 WI 7802.
The name of the task.
The name of the module in which the routine is defined.
A program position.
First set PP to the routine.
Sets program pointer to a specific row in a RAPID module. PDD1184 WI 7802.
The name of the task.
The name of the module in which the routine is defined.
The row number in this module.
Set User PP to selected routine
Name of the selected routine
Clears and removes the current execution level and the next execution level in the hierarchy is restored
Starts RAPID program execution.
Regain mode.
Execution mode.
The number of cycles to execute the program.
Check to perform prior to start.
Start result.
Requires mastership of Rapid domain. Requires
grant. Requires Auto mode.
Stops Task execution according to the specified mode.
Search symbols for the specified details and RapidSymbolSearchProperties.
Search symbols for the specified details.
Deletes the RAPID program of the task from the controller program memory.
Fills Adpater.PCP with ROBPCP details for ProgramPositionEventArgs.
Gets the Execution Type for the specified task.
Loads a RAPID module to the task in the robot controller.
Loads a RAPID program to the controller program memory.
Gets the JointTarget for the specified task as in url.
Gets RobTarget for the specified task, for the tool and workobject.
Gets the execution status of the specified task.
Get the grants of the current user.
Array of grants
Get resource definitions for all available grants.
In XmlReader format returns the UAS config details
Logoff current user logged in from the controller.
Logon to the controller.
Logon to the controller with the specified userName and password.
Register is not required in MgROBAPI. Hence, returning default 0.
Register/Unregister is not required in MgROBAPI.
static method to Initiate set_TlsIndex method
Register/Unregister is not required in MgROBAPI.
Register/Unregister is not required in MgROBAPI. Hence, returning default 0.
Dispose is not required. As no unmanaged resources to release but, for the backward compatibility it cannot be removed.
Starts a new Virtual Controller of the specified path and for the specified startMode.
Stops the Virtual Controller for the specified Guid.
ReleaseOwnership for the Virtual Controller for the specified Guid.
RequestOwnership for the Virtual Controller for the specified Guid.